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Book online «"Brainless" by Susan M. Bowes (free ebook novel .txt) 📖». Author Susan M. Bowes

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to you as soon as possible.”

“He’d better make it possible soon. I just might have to intrude on his meeting.”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that.”

“Can’t I?” I was about to burst through his door when they finally opened. Ten men strolled out with broad smiles on their faces. The meeting must have gone well, I thought.

Issacs walked out with a tall gentleman. Some rich corporate type. He was deep in conversation with the man and seemed to be extremely happy until he glanced my way. He excused himself and walked up to me. “Detective Fisher. I didn’t expect to see you back so soon. I’m sorry for making you wait, but the meeting went on longer than expected. Do come in.”

“Next time I won’t wait so long,” I grumbled as the businessmen headed towards the elevators.

“It couldn’t be helped,” he stated with an air of indifference.

“Look. If you ever expect me to find your son’s killer you’ll have to be more cooperative.” I was more than a little angry now. Who in the hell did this guy think he was? God?

“I’m sure you’re very busy, but this corporation cannot stop based on your needs.”

“Excuse me sir, but we had better get to the point of our visit,” Harry said as I stood there fuming.

“Very well.” I stomped into the office. I turned and Issacs slowly walked to his desk. Obviously he was agitated at our unexpected call.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit detective?”

I didn’t beat around the bush. “You lied to us about your son,” I bluntly stated.

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“Your son has been physically involved with robotics for many years.”

“Who told you that? My son was never interested in such work. Ask any of the employees. They’ll tell you.”

“We have. They said your son was seldom here.”

“You see,” Issacs sputtered angrily.

“We have evidence that your son worked on robots.”

“Evidence? What kind of evidence?”

“We were told about the prototype your son was working on.”

“What prototype? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You mean to tell me that you didn’t know about the prototype your son was working on in the lab he has in your own home?”

“I don’t know who gave you this information detective. Harold doesn’t have a lab and he wasn’t working on any prototype.”

“I find that hard to believe considering we have forensic evidence to the contrary.”

“What do you mean?”

I looked steadily into the man’s eyes and gave no answer. People generally look away if they’re caught in a lie, but he continued to look me directly in the eyes. Maybe he didn’t know anything about the lab. “I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you. We’ll let you know what we turn up in the investigation.” I rose and walked towards the door.

“How dare you walk out without giving me an answer,” Issacs ranted as we exited.

I didn’t bother looking back. When we got to the elevators I asked Harry if Issacs was lying. He said that he was.


We passed through the huge iron gates and drove down the long driveway towards Issacs’ mansion. It was an aged Victorian structure that had been renovated numerous times. It reminded me of those bleak, brooding castles that seemed to be in all the horror flicks I watched late at night. We pulled up to the entrance and got out of the cruiser. We climbed the marble stairway and I rang the bell. A domestic answered and asked why we were here. Harry pulled out the search warrant. The H.A.I.B. told us to wait in the foyer and went after Sylvia Issacs. After a short wait she entered the hall. “Detective Fisher. How nice to meet you. Have you brought us any news about our son? Did you find his killer?”

“No madam. That’s not why we’re here.”

“Then why are you here?”

I told Harry to give her the search warrant.

“What’s this”

“It’s a search warrant.”

“I know what it is. I want to know why you want to search my home.”

“We believe your husband lied to us about certain facts. We think this search will clear the matter.”

“And exactly what are you looking for?”

“Your son’s lab.”

“What lab?”

“We heard from reliable sources that your son has a robotics laboratory on this site. We’re here to find it.”

“I am afraid you’ve been misinformed. My son has no interest in robots. I’m sure my husband told you this.”

“Your husband did tell us that. We believe he lied.”

“My husband is not a liar. Now, please leave.”

“We have a search warrant and I intend to honor it.”

“I’ll have to call my husband. He will be very distressed.”

“By all means. Call him.” Great, I thought. I didn’t like the man in the least. He gave off airs that he thought he was better than anyone. I had little use for those types.

“May we start the search now sir?” Harry asked.

“Do we have your permission Mrs. Issacs? You are aware that we don’t need it, but I’m just trying to make this situation as pleasant as possible.”

“Oh my. I don’t know. My husband won’t like this at all.”

I wasn’t about to wait for permission from the man. I told Harry to call in the team.

“Oh dear,” Sylvia Issacs mewed. She wrung her hands together and headed for what appeared to be the library. I assumed she’d be on the phone to her husband in a moment.

The search team came in and I told Harry to have them search the upstairs first. H.A.I.B.’s could search a premises in a quarter of the time it took humans and searched more thoroughly. The team was done in about fifteen minutes. That was a feat unto itself. The mansion was huge and had two wings. There was at least twenty rooms to check. I told them to search the lower floors and then the basement. Half the team searched the first floor while the rest went into the underbelly of the mansion just as the great man entered his abode screaming at the top of his lungs. “Fisher! Where the hell are you?”

“Right here,” I said calmly as I walked from the basement entrance.

I patiently listened to the man’s ranting as the team continued their search. “How dare you intrude on my household. You have absolutely no right. I want you out of here immediately. You’ll leave or face the consequences of this action.”

“I am here to solve this case. If that means searching the entire grounds I fully intend to go over every inch of your property.” I wasn’t going to let the son of a bitch push me around.

“What in the hell do you expect to find?”

“You know.”

“I already told you my son has no laboratory here. How many times do I have to tell you this?”

“We wouldn’t be here now if you hadn’t lied. My sub-officer has proof that Harold was working on robots. If he wasn’t working at “Future Robotics,” then where was he working?”

“I have no idea.”

“Come on Issacs. I know your son has a lab somewhere on your property.”

“He does not.”

“Maybe you aren’t aware of it. Maybe your wife knows the truth. Why don’t you call her in here so we can discuss it.”

“I most certainly will not.”

“Why not? Are you afraid she hid it from you?”

“She wouldn’t dare.”

“Why? Is she afraid of you?”

“Why should she fear me?”

“Good question. I’ll ask you one more time. Where is Harold’s lab?”

“And I’ll answer you the same way. Harold has no lab.”

“Then he has one somewhere. I have forensic evidence to support this statement,” Harry stated.

Issacs didn’t bother to look at the H.A.I.B. as he spat out, “Have your sub-officer depart these premises detective. I may have to endure your search, but I don’t have to put up with that creation.”

Harry started for door, but I told him to stop. “Harry listens to my orders; not yours.”

“Then I must insist you leave too.”

“No.” I turned away.

“How dare you turn from me! I’ll have your badge for this,” Issacs huffed. Apparently he wasn’t used to such behavior.

I didn’t respond. I walked back to the basement door and started down the steps. I didn’t want to be in the same room with the man.

“I’m going to call the mayor. You’ll be sorry for this,” he yelled after me.

“I’m sure you’re right,” I responded under my breath. I ran into the search team as I stormed down the stairs. They were already coming up. “We’ve concluded our search sir. We’ve found no evidence of a lab,” the head sub-officer reported.

“Have your men search the entire grounds. I want that lab found,” I replied angrily. I could just imagine what the captain would say if I was wrong. I’d be back on the streets patrolling the worst part of the city.

“I’m sorry the search did not produce the results you were looking for,” Harry said as he noticed my frown.

“You’re positive that this kid had metallic substance in his bloodstream?”

“I’m certain.”

“You’d damned well better be sure. My entire career is riding on your word.” I stomped back up the stairs. When I reached the landing I heard Issacs yelling into the phone. He was talking to the mayor. I prayed the info I got from Sally was right. If she was wrong I’d be out of a job and probably sued. With Issacs’ pull I’d be lucky if he didn’t take everything I’d saved over the years. Not that a cop earns much, but by being frugal I’d managed to put a little aside.

As we stood on the landing listening to Issacs’ wild ranting Harry’s radio signal started beeping. He was equipped with an internal receiving unit and I couldn’t hear what was being said. He turned to me with what I can only describe as a beam in his eyes. “I have good news sir. The team that searched the grounds have found an underground facility. Your instincts proved right again.”

“Thank the lord,” I said in relief.

Chapter Four

- Emotions -

“What do you have to say now Issacs?” I asked as we stood inside the laboratory.

“I don’t know what to say. I had no idea this facility was here. Harold must’ve had it constructed when I was out of the country on business.”

“You don’t expect me to believe you weren’t aware of this. It must’ve cost a mint to be constructed.”

He just kept denying any knowledge of the lab. “I had no clue this laboratory was here. I don’t know how Harold had it built without my knowledge. He had a trust fund. That must be why no bills were submitted to me.”

“Would you take a lie detector test and attest to that?”

“I will not. I’m sure the mayor will believe me as well as the governor.”

“I’m sure they would.”

The H.A.I.B. team was searching the entire underground structure. There was a labyrinth of
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