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Book online «"Brainless" by Susan M. Bowes (free ebook novel .txt) 📖». Author Susan M. Bowes

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tunnels that connected to several storage rooms. “The team has found an area that is full of H.A.I.B.’s sir. Would you like to investigate?” Harry asked.

“I would,” I replied. I followed my sub-officer down the corridors with Issacs close behind. It seemed we walked for miles when Harry suddenly turned towards a huge storage area. The door was opened. The head H.A.I.B. was waiting at the entrance. I peeked my head in, but couldn’t see a thing. The room was black as pitch. I told Harry to find the lights. When the room was illuminated I saw a least fifty H.A.I.B. units standing in rows. They appeared to be in various stages of construction. There was a large table in one corner. One unit was lying on top of it; its skull opened. I could see from even this distance that the brain had been removed.

Harry and I walked over to the table. There were several scratches on the robot’s synthetic face. He took a scraping of the flesh. I waited while he analyzed the material.

“This unit is the one that killed Harold,” he stated flatly.


We were in the interrogation room. Issacs continued to deny any knowledge of the lab or what his son did there. The captain was in the viewing room. I heard him rap on the mirror. I went to the door. Harry stayed in his seat and continued to stare at Issacs without blinking an eye.

“His lawyer is here,” the captain said.

“I suppose we’ll have to let him walk.”

“We have nothing to hold him on.”

“Issacs has been lying to us all along.”

“Even if he is; so what?”

“He knows more than what he’s owning up to. I can feel it in my bones.”

“I can’t hold him on your suspicions alone.”

“Can we put him under surveillance?”

“Is that really necessary? The mayor will have a fit if he finds out. Your playing with fire on this one Fisher. If you’re wrong you’re not only screwing up your future, but mine as well. Your bones had better be right.”


We were back at Issacs lab. Harry had dismantled the H.A.I.B. and looked puzzled. I asked him what was wrong.

“I can’t understand why the brain was removed. Its odd that both the victim and this unit’s brains are missing. I have to search the laboratory more thoroughly. Perhaps Harold has notes on his experiments. That might explain it.”

“I hope so. We’ve got to get to the bottom of this. My job and possibly your existence depends on it.”

“I am aware of that fact sir.”

I left Harry to his search and walked back to the main house. I got into my car. I didn’t want to wait in the mansion and have to listen to Issacs’ bitching again. I went over every detail trying to figure this bizarre case out. First of all who would want to see Harold dead? Who had reprogrammed a robot to commit the murder? And to what end? Did the kid stumble across something? If so. what could be so important that he had to pay for it with his life? And why was his brain taken? Why was the H.A.I.B. 5’s brain missing as well? For the life of me I couldn’t seem to fit the pieces of this puzzle together. I finally heard Harry’s voice over the radio. “I’ve found Harold’s notes. You’ll be surprised at what I found.”


As I sat at Harold’s desk and read the notes I got more confused by the minute. “What does all this mean?”

“Harold discovered a way to implant emotions into robots.”

“Human emotions?”

“Yes. He invented a unique robotic series. One in which robots experience emotions like humans.”

“I’ll be damned.”

“I couldn’t agree more. It is a remarkable discovery.”

“But what does this have to do with his murder?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll continue this investigation with the utmost interest.”

I called the captain on his private line and informed him of our discovery. This might be a motive for Harold’s murder.


Arthur Issacs was under surveillance for the past twenty four hours. Wherever he went he was under constant scrutiny. While the H.A.I.B. units kept tail on him I went back to “Fantasy” to interview Sally again. She seemed to know Harold better than anyone. Maybe she knew more than what she’d revealed earlier. Perhaps she knew who wanted Harold dead. Sally saw me walk through the door. She jumped down from the stage and rushed up to me. “Have you found Izzy’s killer yet?”

“He was murdered by a robot.”

“A new kind of robot?” she asked with her brows raised.

“Yeah. Why?”

“That bastard! He had his son murdered.”

“What did you say?”

“Issacs was responsible for Izzy’s death.”

“What do you mean?”

“I knew Izzy should have gone out on his own with this idea. I knew that prick of a father would find some way of stealing the spotlight.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Izzy told me he found a way to implant emotions into robots. He was hoping the old man would finally be proud of him. I warned him not to tell his father. I just knew he’d steal Izzy’s idea and take all the credit for it.”

“You’re saying Issacs knew about this discovery?”

“Yeah. The poor sot was so upset when his father dismissed his discovery as unimportant. He said he could’ve done it himself years ago. He told Izzy that it would never sell. Said people would never accept robots with emotions. The old bastard had the kid completely baffled. All he wanted was his father’s respect, but all 1zzy ever got from the old man was a slap across the face.”

“What else did he say?”

“Not much. The poor bastard was disillusioned. Thought he was a failure. Wait a minute. I do remember him saying that he and the old man did argue about his discovery. He told his father that it could be the breakthrough that he was searching so desperately for. “Future Robotics” was starting to fail. Some corporate type was hovering around trying to take the company. Izzy said that this could solve all his father’s money problems.”

“The company was in financial trouble?”

“Yeah. The kid thought he could rescue the place from a hostile takeover and be a hero to his father. Thought the old man would finally appreciate him. He couldn’t have been more mistaken.”

“Thanks for the info Sally. You’re suspicions might be warranted. I’ll keep you informed.”

“No. Thank you detective. I really cared about Izzy. I want to see his killer fried.”

“So do I Sally. So do I.”


As soon as I got back to headquarters I went in to see the captain. I told him what Sally said and asked for an investigation into the corporation’s financial reports. I found out she was right. “Future Robotics” was in the process of a hostile takeover. The corporate type I’d seen in Issacs’ office that day was trying to take the company away. A man as vain as Issacs would never allow that.

I was now able to develop a theory on this case. The concept of implanting emotions into robots wasn’t a new one, but the idea had always failed in the past. Not only for the prejudiced opinions still held by most of the public, but because of the synoptic circuitry in the H.A.I.B.’s complicated brains. Harold had discovered a method to accomplish this feat without disrupting a robot’s thought patterns. His new prototype would save “Future Robotics” from bankruptcy.

Arthur Issacs would never allow his son take credit for this remarkable discovery. He’d stolen his son’s idea and wanted to convince everyone it was his own. He would become a hero within the corporation and save it from ruin. That’s why he reprogrammed a H.A.I.B. to kill his son. Now all I had to do was prove my theory. That wasn’t going to be easy to do with Issacs’ connections. Especially his friendship with the mayor and governor. My proof had to be ironclad.

I called Harry. He was still at the lab looking for clues. I told him what I’d learned. When I got to Issacs’ residence I immediately went to the facility and sought my sub-officer. He practically ran up to me when I entered the lab. “What’s up? Have you found something?”

“Yes. I tried to contact you, but you’d already left. You didn’t have your receiver on in the squad car. I knew you’d be coming here.”

“What did you find?”

“A containment area that’s locked with a special code. I thought it must contain something of importance. I haven’t broken the code as yet, but I’m confident that I soon will.”

“Good work.” We started down the corridor. When we got to the storage area Harry proceeded to try a combination of numbers. I asked him how long it would take.

“Not too long. I should have the combination shortly.”

I watched in fascination as the robot deftly moved his fingers with lightning speed on the keypad. The lock finally beeped and the door slid open. We walked through and I stopped when I ran into something solid. “Find the lights Harry.” Bright light flooded the room. I found myself standing face to face with a H.A.I.B. I looked past the massive hulk and noticed the room was full of robots.

“May I help you, sir?” the H.A.I.B. asked. I couldn’t help but jump. I didn’t expect the unit to be operational.

Harry asked the robot his identification number and series. It was a series five. He asked if the other units were the same. The robot said they were. He then asked if Harold Issacs had created him. The unit said yes. He raised his brows and asked where his maker was. Harry told him that Harold had been murdered. The robot looked shocked and tears formed in his eyes. The H.A.I.B. then started to sob. I was astonished.

When the unit was finally under control we questioned him about the relationship between Harold and his father. He didn’t tell us anything that we hadn’t already discovered. The two had a very strained relationship. Both father and son were in the lab on the night of the murder.

“What went on between them? Were they arguing?”

“Yes sir.”

“What was said?”

“I don’t know. I was programmed to erase their discussion, but I am sure they were arguing about us.”

“Us, meaning you and the other units in this room?”

“Yes sir.”

“Did their argument intensify? Did it come to blows?”

“No sir.”

“Could you have programmed to erase that memory as well?”

“It is a possibility sir.”

“Is there anything else you can tell us that would help in our investigation?”

“Only that one of us is missing.”

“Is that unusual?”

“Yes sir. The creator always worked on us in a group. He said it was to develop our emotional skills. He was hoping we would develop friendships.”
“Did you?”

“Yes sir. The unit that was removed has become a personal favorite of mine.”


“Yes sir.”

“Is that the reason for his absence? Were you becoming too close?”

“I don’t believe so. Other than dismantling I can’t think of any
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