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“Horror movie night is scaring you before we even watch the movie.”

“No, I was concentrating on something and you snuck up behind me, that’s enough to scare anyone,” I explained.

“Oh, spying huh? You spying is not nice,” she shook her pointer finger at me.

“They were talking about the surface,” I said.

“Yeah what about it?” she questioned as we walked towards the horror section.

“Apparently tonight they are opening the door to the latch, and some people are going to check out the surface. They also said that there are people who say there is another facility with other survivors just like us… could you imagine?” I questioned stepping in front of her stopping her from walking.

“You don’t honestly believe that bull do you?” she questioned twirling her curly hair between her fingers.

“I don’t know, but what if they aren’t lying what if it’s true. And… what if my parents are in this other facility, they had to of survived my dad worked for the government and was in the capital when all of this went down. What if he…,”

Bea put both of her hands on my shoulders.

“Raine, I know you are set on this whole your parents being alive thing, but I just don’t want you to be disappointed. I am just trying to look out for my best friend.”

“I know,” I told her. I knew she cared about me and I felt the same for her. She accepted her parent’s death not long after she came here. She took it hard, but now she just pushes the sadness away telling her-self that they are in a better place.

We continued to the horror section, and I promised not to bring up the Earths surface. I bit my tongue and put on my usual happy facade and started our search for the perfect movie. We picked an appropriate topic for our situation, we decided on the last Resident Evil movie that came out before the disaster. Mila Jovich had always been my favorite bad-ass actress ever since Cyrus made me watch the first movie. After we brought it up to Edwin the guy behind the counter, we promised to meet up at 8 o’clock for the movie.

I still had an hour to spare before everyone was coming to my room to watch the movie. I decided to check out the door to the latch since I was already up here. I waited until Bea turned the corner and I knew she was out of sight. I walked around another corner a few feet ahead and staring me from down the hallway was the door that led to the surface. It was a humongous silver metal door with a key pad on the side to punch in a special code. I noticed the door slightly ajar and became curious. Cautiously I looked back and checked the darkened rooms as I carefully made my way to the door. I placed my hand on the door and nearly got a shock from the intensity of the vision.

There were two men; one had a shiny bald head, the other a full head of dark brown hair. They both wore the orange suits that I had remembered from the day they rescued me. The bald guy typed in the numbers 44920 into the key pad. They both stepped into the doorway, the bald guy held the door open while the other put a door stop at the foot of the door.
The vision faded quickly only showing me their entry. I took one more glance behind me to check if anyone was there. The only sound I heard was the hum of the electricity that I always heard when it was quiet. Quietly I snuck into the doorway. Inside were bright lights shining from above, and a large ladder was enclosed by a giant circular metal rail. I tip-toed over to the ladder and my eyes wandered to what was above me. A small amount of light was shining through the latch, it had been open and someone was out there on the earth’s surface. A mumble of voices came from above, my heart raced a million miles a minute as I jetted for the door, and I didn’t stop running until I reached the video library.

When I got back to my room I only had twenty-minutes to shower and get ready for everyone to come over. Our bedrooms here were like small apartments almost, minus the kitchen. The walls of course were metal like everything else, there were no windows and everything was dull and gray. We were given a full size bed, a dresser, and access to our own bathrooms. Mine was on the right side of my room opposite my bed. We were also given TV’s and stereos, they told us that they wanted us to think of this place like home not a prison.

Quickly I got into the cold porcelain tub to wash up. I shut my blue curtain and tried to get the hottest shower I could without burning myself. Maybe I thought the water would help me get rid of what I had just discovered tonight, but it wasn’t helping. My mind kept wandering to the fact that people were going to the surface and that I could get out of here maybe. I have been longing to find out where my parents were. I had to think of a plan, I knew the code to get into the room; the only thing I would need to know is how to open the latch if it wasn’t open when I got there. I had so much to think about. I really didn’t have much time once Bea barged into the bathroom and stuck her head into the shower, scaring me for the second time today. She yelled at me to finish up because everyone had come already, I really wish I wouldn’t have given her the spare key to my

Chapter 5
Scary Movies & Friends

My group of friends had consisted of Cyrus, Bea, Walter (Walt), and Abigail (Abby or Abs). I had met Walter through Cyrus; the two of them had met a few days prior to the Frankfurter incident, and Abigail we met when we were ten at the video library. Out of everyone Abigail was the shy one, Bea was the resident loud-mouth, I was the normal one I guess, Cyrus always acted more mature, and Walt was the funny side-kick. As far as powers go, Abs can control elements, all of them but only one can become the better one for her to use. Walt can partially see the future. I mean partially because usually when he sees things it’s jumbled up and he can never figure it out. It doesn’t happen often and something has to trigger his brain for it to happen. It’s kind of like how for me it’s only when I touch an object that has a past. I always thought that the five of us made an interesting group.

Everyone sat with their backs up against the wall while sitting on my bed, Cyrus supplied our snacks while Bea and I supplied the movie. Cyrus always made me sit next to him during our movie nights; I didn’t mind it was someone to hide my eyes on if a movie really freaked me out, or a shoulder to cry on if the guys allowed us to watch a girl flick like “The Notebook”.

I usually compared our home to Umbrella Corporation facility in the Resident Evil films. They were deep under ground and had everything they could have on the surface. Half the time as I sat there watching the movie I’d always wonder if zombie-like creatures now roamed the earth. While we all lived on earth thinking about the zombie apocalypse was more like a fantasy, now it all seems too real.

I was always fascinated with these movies, especially with my girl crush on Mila it was one action packed scene after another. Bea, Abs, and I always jumped during the scenes when things jumped out of nowhere, even if we were expecting it. I practically choked on an M&M when Cyrus silently prepared to scare me, and was successful when a zombie jumped out of nowhere on the screen. There were several screams coming from each one of us girls, the guys could never control themselves when we claimed horror night.

Thankfully the movie ended with no casualties, well the movie had those but everyone was safe on my bed; meaning we didn’t kill Walt and Cyrus for freaking us out. The boys had brought a movie too; we usually kept the same genre through the night. Walt held up a copy of SAW a movie I had yet to see. He claimed that we had to stay up and watch all of them since none of us were scheduled for work in the morning.

Besides Cyrus and I, Abs worked at the regular library she loved reading, I bet she has read every book in the entire place, she claims she hasn’t. Walter was the youngest to get a job in maintenance, most of the guys working in that department were eighteen and older, but Walt was smart when it came to fixing things. Lastly Bea she had a job in the “convenience store”, she stocked shelves and help people find the things she needed, she hated it. The only reason they made her work there was because she was such a friendly person and could talk to almost anyone. Once we all turned fourteen we had to get job placements here, they wanted everyone to help out. Right now it pretty much means that everyone has a place here, there is barely anyone under the age of thirteen, with the exception of the few people who hooked up and ended up getting pregnant. Luckily there were Doctors here as well in case of illness or anything. Once again … a little too planned out of a system if you ask me.

Bea liked to ruin our scary movies by yelling at the person on the screen, especially when we watched slasher movies. She hated when the main girl actress would run around with no clothes and her boobs would get in the way of running and it always ended with her dying. Bea would yell like there was no tomorrow, luckily Resident Evil and Saw didn’t have that effect on her. The only effect it did have on her is her obsession with Carey Elwes, I think we had taken Princess Bride out of the video library thousands of times.

Abby usually clung to Walt every time we had horror night, they weren’t an item or anything, although she had been crushing on him for a while she never pursued him. Bea was independent, and I usually clung to Cyrus, but that clinging was in a friendship way, it was far from romantic. Saw was one of those movies from what I had been seeing so far where I actually did have to close my eyes. With body parts being torn and the tortured scream of the victims it drove me crazy.

The Saw marathon continued through the night. This place is nothing like a strict boarding school would be, once we turned thirteen we were really on our own. There were only two

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