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Book online «Colony 8 by Ren Kazuki (classic books for 7th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Ren Kazuki

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plate plopping all sorts of food in one big pile. She’s always odd about food. She can eat anything really.

There was a hissed voice and Tulip returns with his hands behind his back and two large men behind him one bold, buff and black and the other Skinny and white his eyes serious and transfix on mine, but I wouldn’t doubt his skills... I jerk up. Renee turns and stares wide eyed.

“What, what’s going on?” Tulip looks down and shuffles uncomfortably.

The tall black spoke first. “We need to take you back Now” It wasn’t a question. It was a command.

“First.” I say, carefully measuring my voice to a calm commanding like tone. “I’d like you to sit down” JESUS GOD WHY ARE THESE MEN HERE? I motion them to take a seat around the table. “It would be respectful” I nod to Tulip.

They look at each other then back at me.

“After that, I’d like to finish eating and we can talk about this.” It was hard to keep my voice from a high pitched sound to a calm measuring  tone when there are two huge men standing in your hallway!

They stood there awkwardly and finally let go of Tulip.

“Thank you” I felt relief rush in. “Grab a plate. Eat, make yourself at home” They nod, their face still serious. They all grab a seat; I fill my plate and set it down to look at them. “Tell me who you are” I pick up my fork and stab my sausage, forking it into my mouth. They again look at each other and back at me.

“Well?” The tall man goes for a plate until the black one smack his hand in disapproval. I shoot him a glare and He speaks first. “My name is Riley” I turn to the tall skinny one.

“Auden” I nod. “Well then Riley and Auden, who do you guys, work for and what right do you have standing in my house?” My voice became fiercer and I start feeling the power of what they call confidence.

“We work for the Disney” I stare at them in shock. So they are the Choosing? “So you’re the escorts for the Choosing?” They nod.

“I see.” I look down at my food, forking another helping into my mouth before setting it down and patting my mouth with a napkin.

Disney is the name of the government and there are people who work under their control, Disney OWNS everything. Who would have known a cartoon channel on TV would turn into the massive wall of  government. Some say they even own us, which they probably do considering we live like animals except if our district wins I just got lucky, being born in a rich colony that one immunity 6 times in a row since I’ve been born but things aren't as neat it just comes a little bit easier than the other.

Renee who was quiet the whole time scooted out of her chair and got up. All eyes are set on her. She nods her head to Auden and turns to Riley

“Take care of my Sister” his face seems to soften and he crouches down patting her head.

“I’ll do what it takes to keep her alive ” Renee who doesn’t know much of the world smiles and hands him her book the book she never let anyone else touch.

“You give this to my sissy, it will protect her.” He smiles and takes the book with a nod.

“I’ll make sure it will go to her as soon as we arrive.” Then with a look behind her shoulder she looks at me, smiles and leaves the room, hollering over her small petite shoulder.

“Got to wake mommy-“

Renee ended up bumping into a man, who stood in the hallway, he stood in a careless kind of way which made me shiver. He didn’t as much as a glance toward my sister, my sister hurried away. He’s dangerous and extremely beautiful almost unearthly. The type of beauty that is unrealistic. His chin is perfectly chiseled between a strong sharp chin to soft and slender cheekbones giving him a young and bold look unlike her brother who has all sharp features making him look much like a mountain man with a 6 pack.

“Go grab the girl’s things” The man commands, his voice far too familiar. The men turn and walk past the strange man standing in my hallway. The only people left in the room are me, tulip and a man.

“Who are you?” Tulip says, taking me behind him and separating that man from me with his body.

“I am your suitor and instructor for this year's choosing...” He smiles big, walking over to the table and sitting down, helping himself to the food. He even crossed  his legs. His clothes are of high quality a suit to match his personality fierce and dangerous

“Well isn’t that nice…” Tulip mutters under his breath, relaxing.

“Man guys, you cook good food” The man mumbles with a mouth full of food. Eck…maybe he's not that mystical.

“Thanks…what is your name?”

“Atrium” He waves his fork, still stuffing his quit sharp handsome face.

The men return with almost everything that’s in my room. I blink.

Riley looks at me and asks, “You want your bed too?”

“I don’t think so, she won't be needing her bed, there are plenty of beds where we are going” Auden says and Atrium nods finishing half of the food on the table.

He burps and leans back in the chair as if he lives here. Yep  definitely not mystical or other worldly

“So when do you want to head out?” Atrium asks, picking his teeth.

“Well…whenever?” Tulip looks down at his food and frowns.

“My food…” he whispers tragically.

“AH great, we will leave Right now.” He gets up striding toward the front door and passes Riley and Auden.

“Come along” he motions with his hands to follow him. I let out a sigh and turn towards Tulip. Tulip looks down.

“Hey, I’ll miss you” I whisper he mumbles something under his breath. Smiling I lean in and kiss him on the forehead, he blushes.

“I will miss you so much” Arms go around me, startled I hesitantly wrap my arms around him slowly embracing him. I’m so proud of you…. I must have been talking out loud because he gazes down at me, with big loving eyes, identical eyes…. Brown big and glowing , thick eyelashed eyes

“What?” I ask He shakes his head. Warm spots hit my shoulder.

“Nothing” he releases me and pushes me away from him giving me no chance to look back.

“Go, give our colony immunity…” Before I could say anything else, Riley and Auden appear in front of me hustling me to go. Looking back and his back facing me, his hands filled with left behind plates. …Typical

Chapter IV


A helicopter stood in my driveway sitting there, like it’s been there its whole medal interior life.

“Ohm, are we riding that?” Looking up Auden smiles big and holds a thumbs up.

I gawk at him for a moment.

“Get in, make yourself comfy.” Atrium says coolly, his arms darting out and pushing me into the helicopter.

“DUDE” He chuckles and climbs in, taking a seat next to me, while Auden and Riley sit in the front. Riley started up the Helicopter, while Auden hollers to us in the back.

“BUCKLE UP” Trying to find my buckle, I let out a frustrated huff. Atriums hands go over mine and guide my hands on to how to buckle the dang thing. I smile giving him a thank you of a nod.

As we took flight into the air, Mother stands there  watching us with weary eyes. I chew on my lip getting a sudden chill of uncertainty and instantly brush it away when I look towards Atrium I smile but it’s suddenly falls away when he looks at me seriously with a frown.

“What...” I begin to say, he shakes his head disappointedly, at him or me? Something shined in his left hand. It looked pointy, I gasp and before I could move there was a prick in my arm and the world begins to tilt. At him...”Why did you do that?” I manage to say.

“So we know you won’t run away, and find out where you are…” His voice fades into white noise and I blink hard, trying to keep conscious but hands go around me and a blindfold is tied to my face, making it so much harder to keep it together.

With my last bit of brain function I mumble, “now you gave me a reason to do just that…” and just like that the lights went out and I was pulled into an unconscious sleep.


I woke up in a gasp, sitting straight up. I grab my chest. Where the hell am I? I look around the room confused. The room was completely white and smells like a hospital room that was recently sterilized I look around to find another bed in the corner of the room with a bathroom and a mini fridge. The room was silent, the buzzing kind of silent. What hap- I REMEMBER! He did this…I look down to find myself in a pair of striped Pajamas, gray and white. “It matches perfectly with the room” I whisper to myself sarcastically before sliding of the bed. The white tiled floor stung my feet with cold. I tiptoe to the bathroom to go pee. The bathroom was like any ordinary bathroom, nothing- opening the curtain there laid the biggest bathtub in the world. Staring in awe, I turn remembering I have to pee.

Seconds later I stand in front of the sink, washing my hands to find myself with no soup. UGH. Looking up I find myself staring at my reflection. What the hell…

Touching my face I feel the smooth skin under my fingers and then I look at my hands. This is not my face…these are not my hands… I begin to panic. Tarring at my clothes, no, these are not my clothes, this is not my face, this is not my body…NONE OF THIS IS REAL, suddenly, my hands no some else’s hands go down on the mirror, cracking it and shattering it under some else’s hands. I scream over and over again, clawing at the body that’s not mine, at the skin that’s to white to mine, at the face that’s too perfect to ever be me. Alarms go off and the men in white come running in.

“SHH calm down Serenity calm!” They keep telling me but I keep screaming, lashing, scratching and hitting. fighting them.

“GIVE ME MY BODY BACK GIVE IT BACK!” The men hold me down, picking me up and strapping me down onto the bed.

“Give it back!” I scream. The men finally stop and they step back. I inhale ready to scream again until I look out the open door, a girl stands there, in normal everyday clothes shaking her head in disapproval and then others stand there gawking. For the first time in my life I feel stripped of my skin and my soul.

“Did you sate her?” A mans voice booms.

“No” One man says, standing straight and saluting the person I can’t see,


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