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Book online «The Lost Colony by DM Arnold (reading an ebook txt) 📖». Author DM Arnold

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“That was fun,” Laida panted.

“I hope you don't expect me to go out there for the boys' number.” He watched her take deep breaths and discerned dampness at her temples.

“I have to cool off,” she said.

“You're breathing,” Nyk replied. “Are you using up all of your sunlight?”

“Some of it.” She began to regain her breath. “That never would've happened on Varada, either.”

“I'm amazed at how easily you learned those steps.”

“It's easy. I can remember any series of steps.”

“You mean if I were to hold up my hand and make a random series of gestures, you could play them back?”


Nyk held up his hand and made gestures. “Okay, now you.” Laida repeated the motions with her hand. “That's incredible, Laida.”

“It's natural,” she replied.”

“You mean all novonids can do that?”

“To one degree or another. It's a desired trait -- one that Ms Ramina seeks in her breeding stock. It's why hers are in such demand.”

Nyk nodded in comprehension. “It simplifies training.”

“Nykkyo... This is the first time I've truly felt at ease since ... well, since I was abducted.” She rubbed her eyes. “But -- it's getting late. Novonids need our rest, too.”

Nyk gestured to the waiter, who brought a handheld vidisplay. Nyk pressed his wrist to the scanpad, poked the screen and handed it back. The waiter reviewed the screen, nodded and proffered the Floran salute. “Thank you very much.”

He led Laida along the sidewalk to the groundcar kiosk and ordered another car. “It'll take a few moments for the car to arrive,” he explained.

“I had a wonderful time -- thank you so much. If everyone is like those folks in the bar... I think I'll enjoy living here.”

“That was a rather mild crowd,” Nyk replied. “Florans are by nature gentle and accommodating. Most of us are, at least.”

“You've been very sweet to me.”

“I care for you very much, Laida. I understand why Ramina loves you so. Laida, there's something else... Here, on Floran we have a tradition called amften. It's when two people become dear friends and seal the bond by sharing the gift. That's what amften means -- special friends.”

“The gift?”

“Love making.”

“You want to make love with me? I'm flattered, Nykkyo. I really am.” She shook her head. “I can't.”

“Why not?”

“It would violate a very deep and old taboo -- one from the days when my kind first emerged. Varadans find the notion abhorrent.”

“I'm a Floran, Laida. The color of your skin makes no difference to me. It's your persona I admire. It's no one's fault your persona chose your body in which to live.”

She smiled. “Does that sort of talk work reliably for you?”

He returned her smile. “Most of the time. I do care for you very much. I am sincere.”

“I know you are. Nykkyo -- you might not be a Varadan... But, I am. The taboo works the other way, too. Something deep inside me finds the notion of sex between my kind and yours ... revolting.”

“Laida, you are more human than most of the people I deal with day-to-day. Take it as an insult or a compliment -- but it's true.”

“From you I'll accept it as a compliment. Believe me, Nykkyo -- it's nothing personal. Part of me would like to, but this is something I can't get past.”

“Laida, you ARE more human that you or anyone on your world believes. Your people were human, once. The genetic engineers who built your species didn't do so from raw base pairs. No -- they started with a human genome; then, they added this, deleted that and modified the other. The backbone of your genes IS human, Laida.”

“How do you know that? How are you sure?”

“It couldn't be any other way. When you were in our infirmary suffering from sun hunger, our medics took samples. When he was preparing our defense, Morsk had those samples sequenced. My DNA differs from yours by only a fraction of one percent. If his language gambit failed to sway the judges, Morsk was ready to introduce that fact. You ARE mostly human, Laida. Your people were once humans, and those humans were once Florans. There's a chance you and I are related.”

“In that case, it would be incest,” she replied with a smile.

“Not THAT closely related.”

“I'll need to think about all this, Nykkyo. Please don't get the wrong idea. I had a wonderful time with you, and I've never felt included like I did tonight. I feel badly saying no, but ... right now, I'm just not ready.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you're not angry or disappointed with me.”

“I'm not, Laida.”

“Please take me back to the dome.”

Nyk led her to the groundcar and rode in silence toward the northern outskirts of Sudal. He felt Laida's palm against his. He spread and locked his fingers with hers. She squeezed his hand.

“Laida, I love you.”

“I know you do. With your kindness and all you've done for me -- I have no doubt.”

“I love you even if we can never consummate...”

“Never say never, Nykkyo. Instead, let's say not now. Besides -- I'm a virgin. I don't know how to. I have to read up on the practice, first.”

“Well ... why didn't you say so? I have a strict policy. I do not go around defiling virgins. It's a policy I never violate.”

“Never?” she asked.

“Almost never. Laida, words escape me to describe the anger I have for those who formed your kind. And, I'm angry with myself for not seeing it sooner. Andra saw it right away, and so did Morsk.”


“Yes. Kronta told me that, when he interviewed Morsk to take our case he became livid with anger. He agreed on the spot to come out of retirement and help us. Unspeakable evil was done in forming your kind. How many embryos were sacrificed toward that end? What of the failed experiments? What became of them -- not quite human ... monstrosities... What became of them? Who cared for them? ... loved them?” He shook his head. “My blood boils whenever I think of it.”

The car stopped outside the dome. “Good night, Nykkyo. Thanks for everything. Thank you for caring for me ... for being my friend.”

“Laida -- Tomorrow I return to Earth, and I don't know when I'll be back or see you again. Will you let me sleep with you tonight? I won't force myself on you. I'd never do that to anyone. I just want to hold you in my arms before I leave. Would that be all right?”

She broke into a smile. “Yes -- I think it would be.”

He escorted her inside and followed her to the corner where the screens were set up. He stretched out on a mattress that was lying on the dome floor. Laida lay beside him.

“The stars on this world are so bright,” she said.

“Yes ... I miss them when I'm on earth.” He gazed into her orange eyes and stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “You are a beautiful young woman, Laida.”

“No. I'm not a woman. I'm a female novonid.”

“By Floran law -- here, you are a woman.”

“Wouldn't I be prettier to you with long hair and light skin?”

“Your persona would be just as beautiful in any body. No, Laida -- your features are what make you, you.” She touched his head and pulled her hand back. “It's all right -- go ahead.”

Laida ran her fingers through his hair. “What strange stuff this is...”

“Would it be all right if I kissed you goodnight?” he asked.

“Okay...” He brought his lips to hers. Then, he lay on his back and coaxed her against him. He slipped his arm around her and she snuggled against him. “Mmm... This does feel good.”

“It feels even better after lovemaking...” Her eyes turned to his, she cracked a smile and shook her head. “You can't blame a guy for trying...”

“You don't appreciate how much I overcame agreeing to this. If you and I had been caught like this on Varada -- it would've been certain death for me and a heavy sentence for you.”

“Have you ever slept in someone's arms before?”

“Never. This is the first time.”

“I'm sure it won't be the last.”


“Yes, Laida.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I know you do.” He lay looking up through the dome roof at the stars as he felt her drift to sleep.

Nyk stepped into the kitchen and poured some green tea. He set his cup next to Suki's and pulled up a stool. “Bon'matina.”


“Are you all rested up from your travel?”

“Mmm... I slept like a log. Are YOU all amften-ed up with Laida after last night?”



“No -- she refused me.”

“She refused YOU? What is wrong with the girl?”

“She has her reasons and I agree with them.”

“Now, you're off to Earth?”

“Yes -- Dyppa is picking me up on the relay station and I fly from Milwaukee to LaGuardia. I don't know what I'm going to tell your mom about my absence.”

Suki giggled. “Mom probably thinks you're a CIA operative or something.

Nyk trod down the jetway and into the concourse at LaGuardia. He spotted Seymor waiting outside the security checkpoint. “Welcome home, lad.”

“Seymor -- I figured it out.”

“Figured what out?”

“Why trouble seems so intent on seeking me out. It's not me -- it's Kronta. HE's the one with the dark cloud over his head. The problem is, it never rains on HIM -- only on his associates.”

“What makes you think it's Kronta?”

“I got involved in that Lexal thing with the guns at Kronta's request. It was the same with the Tulsa virus, and now this. Kronta was responsible for my involvement with Suki in the first place -- in an indirect way, at least. Whenever Kronta is involved -- trouble is lurking around the corner. Seymor -- next time Kronta has some assignment for me -- tell him I'm indisposed. Take the assignment yourself if you don't believe me. Just make sure your insurance is paid up.”

“How did the reunion with Sukiko go?” Nyk looked down and shook his head. “I figured you staged that mutiny so you'd have more time there with her.”

“Don't joke about it, Seymor. She was teaching a course on T-Delta the whole time. We barely passed each other in the night.” He paused. “She invited me to be with her on Myataxya, if it's all right with you.”

“When is that?”

“It works out to be sometime in June on the Earth calendar. It's all right, Seymor, if you need me here. I'd just be underfoot there.”

“You must go, Nyk. I can certainly spare you for that.”

“That's if I don't get a Dear John letter before then.”

“Come on, lad -- I'll drive you home.”

Nyk let himself into the front door and tread softly into the house. The sound of a television came from the living room. Yasuko was sitting in a chair, dozing. He switched off the TV. “Yasuko... Yasuko...” He nudged her.

“Oh, Nick -- you're home.”

“Yes -- I'm home. No more assignments for a little while.”

“Where DO you go on these ... assignments, Nick?” He looked at her. “What are you? Some sort of ... secret agent?”

“No, Yasuko.”

“You must be to go off where no one can get hold of you for weeks on end.”

“Okay, Yasuko. I'll tell you the truth. Yes -- I am a secret agent, but not for the CIA or the FBI. I'm from another planet, and I'm here on a covert mission. Don't worry -- our reasons for being here are benign. We mean no harm to Earth or any of its people...”

Yasuko continued to gaze at him with a stone face. “Nick -- your cover is safe with me. If you can't talk about, just tell me so and we'll drop it.”

“I can't talk about it, Yasuko.”

She nodded. “Good night, Nick.” She hoisted herself out of her chair and headed toward her bedroom.

Epilogue -- Honeymoon

Nykkyo sat in the passenger compartment of a livery car as its driver negotiated the streets of the Varadan capital. It stopped outside a one-story structure in the same sector

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