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Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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no medical knowledge of what there doing or they just don't care. I hear rubber hit the runway. Feeling the plane land as it decreases in speed. We make a slight turn and continue in a forward direction. Soon the plane comes to a complete stop. Soldiers inside stand from their original position and the cargo door opens. Soldiers near the door exit and remain on guard. All other remaining soldiers escort me from the plane. Extreme precaution and protection has been made. They must know something? I can't be sure at this moment. I remain calm and relax from before. It has kept me alive up to this point. These men haven't been physical with me. So I don't resist or get physical with them. We exit the plane with the light fixtures in the building forcing me to shield my eyes. But I resist to close them. Trying to memorize the area and people around me. Random chatter from some direction is being heard. These sedatives have my ears buzzing. A ring that is becoming an annoyance since the drugs wore off. Then the soldiers rush me through a door located in the back of the structure. Only indiviual lights are above me. Spaced out feet from each other. Pattern after pattern of the same lights go by. As they wheel me down the tunnel. I think were in a tunnel? It seem forever. But we finally reach the end. These soldiers who have indured the whole trip with me. Remain at the door. Another group of men take me into a caged structure. A lift activates. We slowly retreat down. Another tunnel, carved through rock, is taking me to another part of the facility. I don't remember this part being in my dreams? No warning from the navigator has prepare me for this. These men who are escorting me now. Have different attire on. Not camo, more like overalls or jumpsuits. Clothing more suited for a mechanic. They seem armed or at least most of them. Now the lift stops at the bottom. We exit the lift. I'm pushed down a corrider, through another door. I'm wheeled into the room and the gurney's brakes are engaged. Around me is a medical set-up. Instruments and device lay on the table. Yellow tape marks the position for placement of the gurney. I'm in a room so white. It be impossible to cover every spot. A small, reflective glass window, is the only feature on the wall. Weird as it seems. I'm not afraid. I keep calm and relax. This is entrapment, or a decoy to scare me into exposing my secrets. I act as any human would. Stick to the fact that I have no clue what there going to talk about. I hear something now. Up toward the vent above me. A dampen sound was heard. Like human voices in the next room. This bleary commotion goes on for several minutes until the door opens. I feel this is the time. That either I'm going to live. Or that I'm doing to die. Find out the answers to my questions. Which could be the easy way or the hard way for me.

Chapter 12
"The Secrets Out"

They say before the moment of death your life is played out infront of you. Past to present events that speed pass you like stockcars. A highlight reel revealing your accomplishments and mistakes. Ofcourse its all in theory. Nobody can just come back from the dead to inform you of what they saw. But its a nice thought. If it did actually happen. A last glimpse of love ones you'll leave behind. All reality gone. With the only existence remaining. Your energy or soul. Free to float on another plain of time and space. Able to see and hear others without them knowing your there. In my mind. I imagine Hank is watching over me. At the right moment. He'll step in and help me in getting free. But I know of the human mind. We, I mean they, think that there is an afterlife to their end. Another chapter, a new start. A chance at finding the answers to all the questions that have bother them in life. It seems death is a huge part of human culture. To finally reach the end is a milestone within itself. It is also written that in the end. You get to meet the creator. A god of ultimate power and destruction. A being of such magnitude. That he could disrupt the planet's orbit with the touch of his finger. Now I also have my own civilization. A million times more advance than these humans. But even in our infant stage of society. We to believe in such things. How the cosmic evolution is so unique and similar. Our people had a religion that brain-washed entire regions in the concepts of a god. It wasn't until we stepped into the dark abyss of space. That we came to a new understanding of how the universe works. That our planet was older than originally thought. We realize about the biological influences that really gave us insight about a theory for everything. We wanted to learn about other lifeforms. On other worlds. These humans will also understand the secrets that have been eluded from them. Science takes alot of trial and error to become an actual theory of fact. In due time these humans will turn a new chapter in their lives. Only question that remains. Are these humans going in a direction of technological greatness or failure. If I get rescue. A future for these humans won't become relevant until I return. While in the gurney. Unable to leave this room. I watch as my reality gets twisted into their primitive past. Torture and cruel ways of punishment to those that are innocent. I've read about this in many literature and writings. I can cooperate with my captors. Saving me from pain. But if I reveal too much information. It could put my people in danger. But I have to play by the rules. Either way. These men will get the answers they want.
A thought develops within my mind. I figure if I answer their questions. In return they might be able to help me? It could be because of the navigators lack of knowledge in the human's language. It probably contribute to his possible death. These humans have interrogation methods that might have killed him. Maybe in their minds the navigator was playing dumb? Not giving these men the right response. Sometimes when under pressure you end up taking things a little overboard. I'm sure his captors didn't mean to harm him. After observing and visualizing the prior events. Included those in this present time. I now understand. My crew and I did enter their world without proper notification. I need to insure these humans that were not a threat. With new concepts about these humans. I'm able to communicate with them. It seems I'll get my chance. As a man comes through the door. These certain individuals are who the navigator warned me about. The men in black suits. Now this man in the black suit grabs a chair posted up against the wall. He sits next to the gurney. For my records. I'll refer to this man as "number one". I await for the man to make the first move. In his hand. He holds a folder containing papers. Papers of what? I can't tell? He ruffles through the folder. He then brings out a stack of papers from the folder. Ten minutes pass before he gets started."My name is Agent Foster. I work for a special agency. Along side the military". This man is not like other humans I've encountered before. His facial features have a bland and pale look to it. A feeling like this man doesn't see the outside very often. Similar to his character. He must have a profession that is dark and mysterious. Dark black shades cover his eyes. Dark suit with dark shoes cover the rest of his body. Only thing that isn't dark on the man. Is the white dress shirt underneath his dark jacket. Hard to get any details inside the man's thoughts. Like his clothing. His mind is dark as well. Once again he speaks to me."Do you have any idea why your here? Because the reason exist in this file". He puts the file on my chest. A somewhat sinister grin appears on his face. At this time. Its the only emotion that leaks from this man's character."In that file. You'll find all the events that lead up to your capture". He grabs the file from my chest. Then reads me the details that are written."It says you claim to be Lucas McDermont. That you reside, for the most part, in a little town located in Alburquerque". He waits, locking his eyes to mine. I can't tell if he is looking at me or not. Like behind those glasses reveals two dark empty spaces. He continues, closing the file."Are these questions that I've ask you true and correct. Also be careful about your answer. Fooling around with my intelligence. Could lead you into more problems". I choke up a little. Nervous about my response. What I should tell this man? Deep within. I have a feeling. That this man might know more than I originally thought. But for some reason. I keep to the cover story. A cover story which has kept me safe. Safe until now. With earnest response. I answer his question."My name is Lucas McDermont. I live in Alburquerque, New Mexico. Theres a little town within the city". After my statement. He rises from his seat. While standing. He returns the chair. Place it back up against the wall. He turns around. Exits out the door. I don't know what I did wrong? But it doesn't look good.
About an hour passes before the door opens again. What looks like the same man. Enters the room. He takes a seat. The one up against the wall. In his hand is a briefcase. He puts the case under the chair. Then he folds his hands. Which he places in his lap. He then leans back into the chair. He continues the interrogation."My name is Agent Green. The other agent from before is my second in command". I knew this wasn't number one. His face looked older. Also this man was having trouble sitting in the chair. I have no attention of putting these men in my mental records. So for this moment this man is "number two". He bends down to retrieve his briefcase. He opens it. Pulls out some documents and folders. He carefully reads over the documents. Marking certain areas on the paper with pen. After that task. He then peeks over his glasses. By pulling on his shades. Something familar reminds me of this man. A deep past memory which is hard to remember. Could he be from the crash site? Those higher commands that I witness from a distance? He speaks again."I'm here to help you. All you have to do is cooperate with us". He gets up from his seat. Number two circles the gurney. A man of envious nature. Mean resentment for the information I know. Which he does not. He continues the questioning. Resting his hands over my shoulders."Now from this point on. We need to have a fair balance between us. No more lies. Just give me the truth". His voice begins to elevate after the last sentence. Once again. It comes lurking back. I tried to resist it before. But human emotion has return. Fear. Afraid of what this man is about to commit. Trembling from his near presence. A physical human tremor shivers through my spine. His affirative attitude highlights his position. He seems to be the head of this operation.
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