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Read books online ยป Science Fiction ยป "After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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over the table. Then shows other pictures behind the ones he just showed me. There are new pictures of the man lying on the ground. He is wearing a uniform that I remember. It was the man I killed. The agents had mention it earlier in the interview. About some unsolved murder. But I've been pushing out those human emotions. Those descriptions they laid out infront me. It didn't cause a mental reflex. But soon these pictures start to pull the rememberance of that horrible night. I knew such an event would come back to haunt me. Yet this wasn't murder. I only meant to subdue him. Knock him to ground. I take the picture of the man and his family. Briefly looking at that picture. I take the one with him dead. Dead, lying on the ground. I carefully start to peer deeper into the photograph. A small dose of emotion airses in my facial expressions. I can't hold it any longer. A small, barely visible tear falls from my face. I doubt the agent saw the tear. Still my grief is hard to hide. Longer I hold it and stare into the picture. Foster could tell I feel the pain of killing the man."So were you there the night Mr. Rute was servicing the radio tower. A record of employments states that you worked at the radio station. Also, at the night of Mr. Rute's death. You all of sudden called in sick, disappearing without a trace. Right into thin air". He gets up from his seat and heads to the door. Near the door lies the briefcase. I didn't realize they left it in the room. He retrieves another file. Places it on the table and opens it infront of me."If you look closely at the medical examiner's report it states; no visible marks or abrasions were on the body. No signs of foul play. It also states that the possible death was a heart attack". He comes closer again and places his finger at a section of Mr. Rute's health."Right here. It states that Mr. Rute was in good heatlh. Had montly visitations. Didn't smoke. So heart attack is out of the question". He lifts his finger from the medical report. Both hands are placed in his pants' pocket. Giving me an explanation."Another theory that the medical examiner gave. Was that his heart could of just stopped beating". He looks up at the ceiling. Playing the part of a confused person. "Yet the only way to stop somebodies heart. Is a high electrical current. But he was too far from the tower to be electrocuted. So how did you kill him"? Being in that coma and not using much of my mental attributes. I think it be hard to demonstrate such powers."I can't. It be hard to explain". He goes for the door, opening just slightly enough to slip through. Before he exits the room. I hear these words. "It be for your best interest to find a way of how you did it". He closes the door. Now again I sit and wait. Head down, buried between my legs, falling into deep thought. I try to pass the time. As every minute becomes my last.
I've decided to black out the distraction of time. Its giving me a headache and the numbers in my mind have made me dizzy. So I sit at the table. Locked to the door. I barely make a move. Now the door opens again. I prepare for soldiers to leap in and take me away. Once again its Agent Foster. This time he is in panic. A change of character. No longer is he plain and bland. But a life has emege from the darkness he dawns. Also he has no shades on. In Foster's eyes. I can tell something is about to happen. That he needs to act quickly. My cooperation could mean life or death. For both of us. At this point I haven't reveal myself as being an actual alien. Only my words have gave life to my true identity."So how did you kill Mr. Rute. You need to show me. I'll explain it whats goin on after you perform...whatever you do"? I gather any residue of power that still exist in my body. Being in human form for this long has weaken my powers within. Not using such attributes can numb your abilities. I ask for his assistance in this experiment."Please. Can you place your pen on the table". His words become lost for a moment. Responding with a befog question."Whats that going to prove?" I laugh. But soon I become serious."Just take a seat. Don't move a muscle. I'm going to use some of your energy". I grab his forearm. He can't feel it. But I'm absorbing some of his internal energy to float the pen in the air. Foster grabs my arm now. Not pleased with what is going on. "I feel something. Is that normal"? He shows some retreat. Feeling my current transfer through his body. A shock of light fills the room. Once the light fades. A bright shield of energy has the pen trapped. Floating in the air. I move the pen around the room. I can only keep it going for several minutes. Until the pen finally falls back on the table. His hair is little fazzled. Only a scared look remains on his face. A snapshot of the event that took place. He comes out of it. Straightens his suit and combs back his hair."That was impressive. I'm glad we got that out of the way". He stands up. Opens the door. He pops his head out. After checking the hallway. He comes back into the room."I have to tell you something. My superior, Agent Green. Knows your an alien. He just hasn't told the commanders that operate this facility. They think that your a Russian spy. Agent Green wants you dead". I knew from the start. Number two had foe on his face the whole time. This Agent Foster seems more interested into the alien that exist underneath this human disguise. I listen to his instructions after the warning."Tell more on record about your whole story. I have the audio rolling. We got only a short amount of time. So be quick". During his verbal instructions. He was rigging up a mic to clarify the interview. I get close to the microphone. To make sure my words are well recorded."How do I begin. It was long ago. Almost thirteen years". I chatter away. Straight from the start. I don't know why I did it? A preservation of my encounter here on Earth. I guess? Some intel that could put my people into danger. I also told him the people here on Earth. How Hank took me in. A time when I was in alien form. From there. I express in full description of my first sexual experience. How I drink and socialize in the bars. Working, doing odd jobs. I even went to my heart. The one that pumps more erractically when I say her name. One heart that beats for Mary. A woman who show me the soft, gentle, and kind nature these humans can exhibit. During the story of Mary. I could feel him. Agent Foster somehow mentally transmitted a emotion right to my cortex. I'm frozen infront of him. A brief pause between us. Finally a human conscript. He can help me get rescue.
I can feel it now more. Its a feeling of friendship that I formed with Hank and many others. That this man who hides behind suit and shades. Has loved ones as well. Family and friends beyond this place. He seems fascinated. But hurries me to continue."Please explain some of your technology. Give me insights of our future". I babble topics related about their years to come. My time here exploring their world. I yarn out theories and concepts way above their understanding. He draws closer to me. Not in a physical manner. More like a mental movement toward me. Can't explain it? Impossible for a human to process these kind of attributes. Maybe this is a sign of their evolution to come? I have found help in an unlikely source. A person from the beginning that wanted to harm me. Now has form an alliance toward my rescue. At this moment. I take all the help I can get. Keep my friends close. But my enemies closer. Read that in some literature. Year ago I had no idea what that meant. Until now. There is a reason I was lured here. A meaning to it all. Those who kidnapped the navigator were the individuals that would lead me back home. I sense an energy that isn't felt in most humans. He realizes that its important I return back to my people. Information is important in all societies. No matter how advance a civilization has become. It determines the outcome for wars. Improves the modern devices we use today. Gives us the scientific concepts for new ways to live in the future. Information is a way the species envolves. Just to spread the word along to another. It had to be coded or crypted to preserve the information from unwanted eyes. This Agent Foster believes the information I have to offer is vital for their survival. Even without our help. These humans will envolve their own advance technology. But how long will it last or benefit their species? During the interview a blast rattles the room. Underneath us I felt it the most. Sounds of a fire alarm can be heard outside the door. As well as footsteps down the corrider. Loud voices are directed people out the building. With all that is going on. I don't even hear the cries from Agent Foster."GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE"! He grabs my arm. Where he leads me out the room. Once out the door. we stand in the corrider. No light at all. Just the red bleaking emergency lights. Which keeps pace with the alarm. He runs toward a sign marked elevator. We turn right. I don't know too much about these lifts. I guess primitive transportation in elevated up or down levels. On my world. We just call them elevators. As the lift opens. I resist going in. I ask a logical question. "If there is a fire. You think its wise to be using the lift". He enters. Pushing a random sequence of numbers on a keypad. Agent Foster insures me its safe to enter."We got some time before the lift is shut down. Its the quickest way". After several seconds. Lift door closes and takes us down. Down to what? We stand there side by side not saying much of anything. I only can wonder what else is store for me? Another blast is felt, causing the lift to swing from the cable. That blast had bash the lift into the walls. We both are flung against the lift. Soon the cable snaps. We hit the ground hard and fast. All I hear is the cable. As it smashes ontop of the lift. Loud, drowning out the other noises going on around us. We must be on the desired level.
I get up stunned. My vision fogged. Smoke lingers around me. Small fires at each corner of the lift are burning. Extreme heat from the fires forces me out out the lift. Agent Foster is still on the ground. Is he alive? I stumble over to Agent Foster and turn him over. Blood runs from a small abrasion on his forehead. I place fingers on his neck. I detect a pulse and glad he is alive. Now I need someone to lead me from this wreck. I pull his body from the damage lift. Next I lean him against the wall of a narrow hallway. From where Foster is leaning. There is a straight path from
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