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Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (best novels to read in english txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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But I know she's not there anymore. She's a Power Ranger, and Power Rangers don't sit and stare at computer screens when there's an emergency.

Setting my jaw I rise from my seat.
Chapter Fifty-Two


The floor is shaking beneath my feet as I run, and the lights are blinking above my head, but all I can do is grin like an idiot. I can't believe he's actually coming!

He loves me enough to join me, to take on the challenge and responsibility of protecting Terra Venture. He really wants to share my life, despite the risks I've taken.

I brush the tears from my eyes, trying to clear my vision and my mind as I run through a hall in the Megaship to where the Jet Jammers are docked.

Focus, Karone. You have a job to do. "Leo, can you hear me?"

Just like all other devices, my communicator isn't working right either. I could barely make out anything when I received his message before.

At least now I can decipher most of what Leo has to say. "G…Mounta…ome pronto! We'll meet you there!"

I notice the lights stabilize around me. Whatever interfered with electronic devices seems to have passed.

A chill creeps up my spine as I pause in the middle of the hallway. An interference that shorts out mechanical devices? "Leo, did something happen to the Galaxy Book?"

"I just got a call from Kai. Deviot is on Terra Venture, and the Book is in danger."

Chapter Fifty-Three


This isn't happening…this isn't happening


No…I can't let this happen! I force myself to stand up, ignoring the burning in my side, the ache in my legs.

Deviot's laughter echoes as he tears the metal case open. "Finally, the Galaxy Book is mine!"

The Guardian drags himself onto unsteady legs, blue blood dripping onto the dirt at his feet.

And I stare incredulously as he runs at Deviot, swinging his sword wildly.

Deviot's laughter only deepens as his wrist cannon charges. This time, I can't move fast enough, though I try anyway.

The blast hits the Guardian square in the chest, leaving a charred blue-black mess. The Guardian chokes, stumbles, and falls on his back.


I'm too shocked to process it, so I only run to where he falls, staring helplessly at his twitching body. There's nothing I can do for that wound, and coupled with his trouble breathing…

"What do I do?" I ask desperately.

"You…must Guard the Book now."

And in one moment of clarity, I finally understand. The meaning of all those vague comments is blindingly clear. "You… you knew this was going to happen?" I shout incredulously. "You knew you were going to die??"

Between ragged breaths he manages to rasp, "…everything… is written…"

His trembling hand reaches up, and touches the space of my helmet over my forehead. I stare at his face, confused, until I feel a strange heat above my eyes. My pulse quickens, my eyes burn, my stomach flips over…

"Wait," I gasp, my throat tight. Whatever he's doing to me, it's overwhelming…

"Destiny…waits…for no one," is his soft spoken answer.

Then, the strange sensations fade. My vision clears, and with dawning realization I see that his body is disintegrating right before my eyes, transforming into blue energy.

"Guardian!" I shout, panic rising into my voice. "Wait! I don't understand! What happens next? What do I do?"

The blue light floats into the air, disappearing into the clear sky of the Mountain Dome, as his voice echoes, "You must Guard the Book now…"

I stare into the sky, my whole body shaking.

"Kai! What's going on?"

"Are you okay?"

Leo? Maya? I turn around to see my teammates run toward me, ready for action. How long have they been here?

I shake off my disorientation, settling my gaze on Deviot. He's opened the Galaxy Book, and is now thumbing through its pages.

My heart leaps to my throat. It's all my fault that he got his tin-plated fingers on that Book. Whatever catastrophe he unleashes is my fault!

Or…maybe it's part of my destiny?

Dammit… I'd better not think about all this now.

"The Guardian is dead," I tell them pointblank. They can get the details later. "Deviot has the Galaxy Book."

I then take a few steps toward the robot, pointing my Saber at him. "You've gone too far, Deviot."

He chuckles, skimming down a page. "Have I? I've only just begun!"

A strange wind builds as Deviot begins to recite: "Keonta. Karova. Melanta. Hakova."

Wait, I've heard this before. In the Science Division, when that energy pulse disabled Terra Venture. This is the Keonta Spell!

"No! Stop!


I run to interrupt him, but blue lightning erupts from the book, streaking along the ground and in the air. I'm forced to keep a distance, watching in horror as Deviot completes the spell that the unwary scientist began.

"A thousand nightmares shall soon come true. Space will twist; then rip in two."

The sky darkens, thick clouds forming like a sudden summer thunderstorm.

"Reality ends, time is tossed. As galaxies found, become galaxies lost!"

In numb horror I watch the Galaxy Book rise from Deviot's open hands. Smoke pours from its pages as the lightning intensifies, wrapping the monster in a cocoon of power that transforms him before our eyes.

"Your destiny is destruction, Rangers!" he growls in a deep, grinding voice.

I can only step back, swallowing my nausea as the weight of my failure settles on my shoulders.

Character Thesaurus

Space Rangers

The four remaining powerless Turbo Rangers traveled to outer space to prevent Dark Specter from draining Zordon's powers. On their way to Eltar, they met Andros, a Red Ranger from a distant space colony, who took them in as his crew and gave them powers as Space Rangers.

The Rangers traveled in the Astro Megaship, which had living quarters, a training area, jump tubes, a synthetron, and was armed with megalasers. The Megaship was destroyed in battle against Trakeena in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy


Andros - Red Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Red Space Ranger

Spiral Saber, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Battilizer, Red Battilizer Armor, Red Galaxy Glider


Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord, Mega VI

Andros is the stubborn, brooding leader of the Rangers. Upon meeting them, he was unwilling to accept their help, but after a little convincing he let them join him on the Megaship as Power Rangers. Andros is from the planet KO-35, a human colonization which was evacuated. He is serious and decisive, and did not rest until he found his long lost sister Karone, who was revealed to be Astronema. He appealed to the good in her, and successfully brought her over to the side of good. His weapon is the Spiral Sabre, and he piloted Mega V1, the robot. Using the Battlizer, he could control the Delta Megazord, and summon armor and a wings.

After years of inactivity, Andros returned as the Red Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Andros was once again called into action to help the legendary Ranger Tommy gather intelligence on the Machine Empire's plans to unearth Serpentera and destroy Earth. Using his new space ship, the Astro Megaship mark 2, he teamed up with 9 other Red Rangers and traveled to the moon to stop the Machine Empire.

TJ - Blue Space Ranger

Full Name:

Theodore J. Jarvis Johnson
Ranger Designation:

Blue Space Ranger

Astro Axe, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V3

T.J. is the courageous and fearless second in command. After the Turbo Rangers lost their powers, he successfully led the team into space, where they found Andros and the Megaship. While fighting Darkonda, TJ took a serious blow to head, and lost his memory. By remembering his friends and what they meant to him, he was able to regain his memory just in time to help Andros and save his captive friends. His weapon is the Astro Axe, and he pilots Mega V3, the missile.

After years of inactivity, TJ returned as the Blue Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

When Machine Empire forces unearthed Serpentera to destroy Earth, TJ regained his Turbo powers to team up with 9 other Red Rangers and

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