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He helped the Rangers when Astronema joined their side, but was turned evil again by Dark Specter, only to be destroyed by Zordon's energy.


This treacherous bounty hunter assisted Astronema in battling the Rangers, but only to serve his own agenda. Andros discovered that it was Darkonda who kidnapped his sister from KO-35 years ago. Darkonda died after attacking Dark Specter, who killed him just before going down himself.


This obnoxious and dim witted goon was transferred by Dark Specter from Divatox's command to work with Astronema, much to her chagrin. He was destroyed by Zordon's wave.

Psycho Rangers

Astronema created the Psycho Rangers, insane machines with insatiable lusts to destroy their heroic counterparts. The Psycho Rangers each read their respective Ranger's mind to be able to read their moves, making them nearly impossible to defeat. Using a special machine, the Psychos were digitzed and stored on data cards, which would later be recovered in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy



The Quantrons are Astronema's robotic soldiers who attack with enormous bladed weapons.


The Quantrons pilot Velocifighters, which can fly through space and shoot energy blasts.

Villains of the Galaxy Rangers

Scorpius' base of operations was the organic vessel known as the Scorpion Stinger. It was capable of firing blasts from its tail. The Scorpion Stinger was destroyed when it crashed onto a moon during battle with the Rangers.


Scorpius came from a rift in space to follow the Power Rangers and steal their Quasar Sabers, and later to obtain the Lights of Orion. He was destroyed in a battle with the Rangers, when he believed they were holding his daughter captive.


Princess Trakeena is Scorpius' malicious and scheming daughter. She loyally serves her father, but would step on any ally to make herself look better. She fled her father's side when he tried to force her into a cocoon. She instead opted for training, and commanded the Scorpion Stinger in the pursuit of vengeance against the Red Ranger. She ended up using the coccoon to merge with Deviot, and later to turn into a monster, and was seemingly destroyed in battle against Red Ranger.

Trakeena resurfaced much later, her face scarred by the battle, and sought to take out her vengeance by destroying Earth. She captured humans and drained their life force, but her plan was ultimately sabotaged by Olympius, turning her into an enormous, gruesome monster, which was destroyed by the Lightspeed and Galaxy Rangers.


Furio could not pull the Quasar Sabers out of the stone for his master, and would stop at nothing to get back at those who snatched them out from right under him. While searching for the Lights of Orion in a cave, he was confronted by Leo, and self-destructed to try and take out the Red Ranger once and for all.

Sting Wingers

These insect-like warriors have sickles for hands, and can fly with wings on their backs. Trakeena's entire supply of Sting Wingers was exhausted when she sent them with bombs strapped on to destroy Terra Venture and the Rangers.


Treacheron is Magna Defender's arch rival, and one of Scorpius' generals. He defeated him and threw him into a chasm 3,000 years ago. Treacheron fights with the sword, and honor, of a samurai. He was destroyed in battle to the death against Leo, in an attempt to regain his honor after being framed as a traitor.


Deviot is a power hungry traitor, who serves only his own needs. He offered his services as Scorpius' general, but used the position to set up Scorpius' death and try to take the power of his cocoon. When Trakeena returned, he served under her, and unsuccessfully tried to get her killed. Deviot gained a new form when he harnessed the power of the Galaxy book, but was defeated by the Rangers. He was later absorbed by Trakeena when the two entered the cocoon, but his evil influence was apparent in this new entity.

When Deviot recited a chant from the Galaxy Book, he was transported along with Terra Venture into the Lost Galaxy, where he hooked up with Captain Mutiny and his crew. The power of the Galaxy Book deformed Deviot, but he regained his looks by draining a monster's power. Upon returning to the Scorpion Stinger, he merged with Trakeena by forcing her with him into the coccoon. His consciousness was lost, but his power and evil influence lived on in the new Trakeena.


Trakeena met Villamax at the Onyx Tavern, when he saved her from being attacked by a few patrons. He then trained her to become a powerful and skilled warrior, worthy of being her father's successor. Villamax is an honorable warrior who keeps his word, and loyally serves and protects his princess. When Trakeena absorbed Deviot, she was changed, and Villamax was destroyed when he defied her.


Kegler is Villamax's old, waddling sidekick. His scatterbrained nature makes him seem unsuspecting, but he gains useful information for Villamax. He was last know to be on the Scorpion Stinger when it crashed on one of Mirinoi's moons. It is unknown if he survived.

Psycho Rangers

Deviot got his hands on the keycards in which the Space Rangers trapped the digitized Psycho Rangers. He materialized the data, and sent the Psycho Rangers down to Terra Venture to capture the Galaxy Rangers. With the help of the Space Rangers, the Galaxy Rangers were able to defeat and destroy the Psycho Rangers.

Captain Mutiny and his crew gathered in a floating castle which could fly through space, and was able to be attached to Titanisaur. The castle was destroyed by Trakeena upon emerging from the lost galaxy.

Captain Mutiny

Captain Mutiny leads a band of pirates in the lost galaxy. They capture any ships that happen to wander in, and enslave all on board. He tricked Commander Stanton into allowing a Grunchor monster into the station. Mutiny was destroyed by Trakeena when he escaped the lost galaxy to conquer normal space.


This barbaric, axe weilding menace is Captain Mutiny's right hand man. He spotted the Rangers as they spied on Mutiny's operations, and sent a monster and a team of Swabbies after them. Barbarax was killed when Mutiny's castle was destroyed by Trakeena.


The Swabbies are Mutiny's soldiers. They resemble Earthen pirates, complete with bandanas and goatees, and carry curved swords. The destruction of Mutiny's castle wiped out his army of Swabbies.


Captain Mutiny brought sorceress Hexuba into his crew, so she could use her magic to destroy the Rangers. Her first spell, a dream spell, didn't work, and her second, which brought back past monsters, also failed. As a last resort, she went down herself, but was destroyed by the Rangers.


The fearsome Titanisaur belonged to Captain Mutiny. He used it as transportation by attaching his castle to its back. Titanisaur could swim underwater and fly through space. He was destroyed by the Power Rangers.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't

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