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become the lovingand obedient child we had designed you to be. But your continued acts of rebellion can no longer be left unanswered.” He beckoned to the lord Dregar. “It is our command that you be given to the lord Dregar, as his prisoner, until we find a mate for you who will teach you obedience.” Zenyssa shook her head in disbelief. She could not believe that this was happening. Her own father was giving her to this creature? She saw the smile on Zoran’s faceand knew he was enjoying her shock. She felt her anger mountingand sent the lord Dregar flying. Then she faced her father, her eyes blazing as he rose to his feet; the smile still on his face. He sent his mind slamming into hersand she threw up barriers as the power struck. She was shaking as she felt him attacking her barriers, but she refused to let up. She did not see the lord Dregar get to his feet, watching her in awe as the fires raged in her eyes. She was a goddess, his mind sang. He had to save her! So he moved up behind Zoranand drove his dagger into the man’s back. “What are you doing?” Zoran screamed as he turned on the assassin. “This is not how it was to end!” “You should have stayed dead, Father,” Zen said softly as she sent her mind slamming into his. She did to him what he had done to her; locking away all control of his abilities from his recall. He fell to his knees as the pain from the attack struck him then. “We should all have stayed dead.” “Sister,” Leonin’s mind slammed into hers. “Cease this at once!” Zen stiffenedand turned to see Aiden coming into the throne room, Liet at his side. He took her hands in hisand looked down into her eyes. “We are here now, little one.And we have much to give this world of ours. Do not punish them, as well as our sire.” He turned to their father. “Aiden Jenos surrendered his claim to this body to me, Father,” he said as he approached. “It was a sacrifice I did not ask for. His is the last death that shall be laid at your feet.” He turned to the lord Dregar. “Bring lord Bastian back to us, lord Dregar.” “At once, prince Leonin.” “What are you doing, Leo?” Zen asked as she saw her brother healing their father. “He can not be allowed to live…” “He is being sent to a place he will never leave, little sister,” Leonin told her. The doors openedand a black-skinned manand woman came inside. They bowed to Zenand Leoninand put shackles on Zoran’s wrists. “I believe this proves you were wrong, Xenos. Don’t introduce him to our world again, or my sisterand I will know who to seek out.” “We have no reason to set him loose again, prince Leonin,” Xenos replied. “This creature will be placed where he can never find release. He will spend eternity pondering the errors he has committed.” His expression went a trifle cold. “We will be watchingand praying that his evil was not inherited by his children.” “The priestess, Liet,” Leonin said as he nodded towards Liet, “wishes to go with him as his tender. You will make this so?” “We will make this so,” Bella bowed her headand held her hand out to Liet. “Though we had thought…” She saw Leonin’s jaw clenchand quieted. “Pity.” Zen watched the strangers take her fatherand Liet awayand wondered who they were. Then she wondered at what her brother had said; that these people were the ones who had released Zoran into the world. Just so they could see what he would do? She had never felt such anger in her life. How many people had been damaged so that this pair could sit backand watch. She felt Leonin’s mind calming hersand she turned to go to his side. She saw what he was intendingand she nodded her agreement. It was time they found a way to put their world on the right path. “I believe the only area still in question,” Leonin said as they heard a flapping of wings outside in the courtyard, “is the leadership of the Celestial Temple, little sister.” He laid the back of his hand against her cheek in a loving gesture. “Shall we invite them to justify their existence?” “Have we the right, brother?” Zen asked him seriously, even as she moved to the other throneand sat down. “Perhaps we should retreatand let them find their own way?” “We did that, my sister,” Leonin reminded her, “and they moved against you.” He showed her what Aiden had given him. “There are those among them who are men of honor. We shall merely help them find their way to the reins of power.” He smiled as he saw who was entering the throne room. “After we celebrate a bonding?” Zen was on her feetand running towards Bastian. He held his arms openand held her to him, his expression daring Leonin to do anything to deny his claim. Leonin smiledand bowed his head to the man. “Lord Bastian,” he said as he remained on the throne, “our sire was correct in only one act; choosing you as our sister’s mate. If it is still her wish,and yours, to be joined; we will do nothing to prevent it.” “Your sister?” Bastian looked at the man he had believed was Aiden Jenosand then at Zen. “But I thought…” “Aiden relinquished his claim to life,” Zen broke in sadly, “so that my brother could return to this world. This,” she nodded to Leonin, “is my brother, the prince Leonin Deis.” “This is your seat, lord Bastian,” Leonin said as he got up off the throne. “I repair to my place at Ynast’ur.” He kissed Zen on the foreheadand laid his hand on Bastian’s shoulder. “There I will plan our next attack on those who would chain our world.” He kissed Zen on the cheek. “Sister, I will give you such time as I can.” Bastian watched as the light moved inand enveloped Leonin in its embrace. He had to close his eyesand still it blazed until he had to turn away. When he could finally look back, Leonin was gone, as was the lord Dregar. He looked down into Zen’s eyesand saw their all the emotions he was feeling himself. “You do not have to do this, my lady,” he said as he lost himself in her eyes. “I will not hold you to a choice made by your sire.” “I believe, my lord Bastian,” Zen smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love, “that I made my own choice quite clear.” “Then the announcements will be made,” Bastian smiledand hugged her close. “A bonding ceremony will be held at the end of the month.” He turnedand saw her attendants. “You will take the princess to her chambers now. I have business to attend.” He saw Zen frown. “Our parting will not be over long, my beloved. I promise you.” * Abbott Jenos felt the loss of his son the moment it happened. For the briefest second, Aiden had been standing before him, telling him what he was doingand why. The man had been incensed at the betrayal. His own son had handed over his life to an ancient; the son of the Emperor Zoran, so that heand his power base could be destroyed. He would die before he would allow that to happen.And his only weapon, heand his allies agreed, was the princess Zen. She had the power to wield against her own sibling. Especially after they saw to her augmentation. The announcement of her bonding with the lord Bastian of Norest’un had reached them a week laterand he began setting the trap. He watched now from the Governors Hall in Geem as the lord Bastianand his princess entered the Great Hall. He had gone to his knees, as all had, watching the copper haired princess on the arm of her chosen. He found the eyes of the one who had been selectedand nodded. Zen was out in the gardens of the manor chosen for Bastianand herself two days later with her attendants. She was enjoying the sun as it bathed her in warmthand life. Then she frozeand opened her eyes. Her attendants were lying on their sides. She checked themand assured herself that they were merely sleeping, then rose to her feet. The man came out of the shadows, the weapon in his hand. His face was hidden behind a tracker’s mask, but Zen could see behind it through his mind. He was here for her,and he was not going to allow her to say no. Zen drew up a shield as he firedand the dart fell to the ground, harmless. The one fired by his companion, who was behind her, hit its markand she fell, crying out in anger at her oversight. When she woke up, she found herself strung up in a web of wiring. Zen screamed as she tried to pull freeand fire blazed along her bloodstream. She could feel her mind melting inside of her headand she was writhing as the pain mounted. She could not move as a man entered the roomand removed his clothing. He began to torture her, not speaking a word to explain why this was being done to her. Then he raped her brutally, leaving her shaking in painand horror. “You have done quite well, gentlemen,” Jenos’ smile deepened as he turned from the viewing window. “We shall continue the punishment until her distraught chosen arrives.” Zen shivered as she tried to free herself from the webbing againand her body screamed in agony as it punished her. Her body was welland truly chained, she realized. But was her mind? She tried to call out for help,and her mind burned as the punishment struck. Zen could not move, physically or mentally. She could feel the tears coursing down her cheeks, but she could not move to wipe them away. A door openedand she saw another man approach. He freed her from the webbingand carried her into another room. He laid her on the floorand rolled her overand bound her wrists behind her back. Then he raped her brutally, leaving her shakenand bruised. She could feel her eyes swelling shut from his blows as he bound her anklesand gagged her. He left her alone as she passed out. For the next several days, the tortureand the rapes continued until there was not one area on her body that had not been abused. “Your chosen will know why that was done,” the man hissed into her ear the last day. “He brought this on you, princess.” He clamped his hands around her throatand Zen could feel herself losing consciousness. She could not fight him; every movement only brought on intense pain. She was going to die, without ever being able to tell Bastian that she loved him. She blacked outand her torturer let her go. He left the old storage building along the riverand took up a vantage point. He watched as Bastianand his men arrived. Five minutes later, Bastian came out, carrying Zen in his arms. His expression was everything that the man had hoped it would be. She woke upand found herself trapped by immense pain. Every movement she made caused agony, but she refused to let it stop her as she looked around. She was in her room in the manorand she could not move. Someone had sat her up in bedand was spooning broth into her mouthand helping her to swallow. She heard a door open but could not move her head to see who was coming. She felt his mindand she could feel tears flowing down her cheeks.And then he was sitting beside her, his hand stroking hers, his eyes filled with grief,and guilt. Zen wanted to tell him it was
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