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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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your friends, and find out?"

"No!" Kim said quickly, "I don't want to look like I'm checking up on Tommy. I don't have the right to keep tabs on him or anything. Jesse said he'll be back Sunday. I'll call him Sunday night, and we'll straighten this whole mess out."

"Right," said Renee, "and don't worry about it, Kim. I'm sure it looks worse than it really is."

"I hope you're right," sighed Kim, wiping tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
Chapter Nine

Sunday, February 16, 1997

The past two days were utter torture for Tommy. First, the love of his life dumped him from out of the blue. Then, his best friends tried to help by taking him away on a skiing vacation, even though all Tommy wanted to do was wallow in self pity. While skiing, he had to meet an attractive young woman, who reminded him too much of Kimberly for him to be comfortable with her. Still, he was interested in at least becoming friends with Heather Thompson, but the Machine Empire continued to get in the way, forcing Tommy and his friends to cut the ski vacation short. He had to leave Heather without a decent explanation, and he could tell she was annoyed. Katherine decided to set up a romantic dinner for the two of them that evening at the Juice Bar, and things were going quite nicely. At least, until the Machine Empire struck again, forcing Tommy to leave. When he came back, Heather was gone. Now, Tommy is faced by rejection again, as he sits at a table for two, with two wax candles burning, wiping the smudges off a glass of orange juice. Slow, romantic music is playing in the background, making him feel even more alone. For the second time in half a week, Tommy was left behind by a woman he cared about. He felt horrible.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out, Tommy," said Katherine, who was sitting across from him, "I wanted everything to be perfect."

"Just forget it Kat," Tommy sighed, "What you did was incredible! I'm just really lucky to have a friend like you."

"I just thought it would help take your mind off things if you had someone to in your life."

"I know," Tommy said quietly, "Its just going to take some time is all."

Kat nods, as a new song plays softly on the radio. She closes her eyes, and a dreamy smile crosses her face. "Oh, I love this song," she commented. Tommy looked up at Katherine, and for the first time since they met, he noticed how attractive she was.

"Hey," he said, the first genuine smile crossing his face in days, "what would you say if I asked you to dance?"

Kat opened her eyes, and looked at Tommy in surprise. She saw him smile, and she couldn't help but smile back. "I'd say... promise not to step on my feet, and you've got a deal."

"Alright," he said, standing up and taking her hand. He lead her away from the table, and they slowly swayed to the music, foreheads touching.

Chapter Ten

The past two days were utter torture for Kimberly. After trying to convince herself for hours Friday night that this whole scenario was only a misunderstanding, Kimberly finally managed to fall asleep. But even as she slept, she wasn't at peace. In her dreams, she pictured Tommy hand in hand with Kat, standing on the large stone by the lake in Angel Grove Park. He leaned over and kissed her. That was the very place where Kim had first kissed Tommy, and it was murder for her to see him with another girl at that spot. More than once she woke up that night, tears forming in her eyes. But each time, she forced herself back to sleep, and each time, her dreams were plagued by horrible visions.

Yesterday, Renee had to practically drag Kimberly out of bed. The whole team always gets Saturdays off, so Renee brought Kimberly on a shopping spree. For once, Kimberly wasn't excited about visiting all the various Miami malls. Renee grew very worried, because it was rare that Kimberly wasn't in the mood for shopping. On Sunday, Kimberly refused to go to practice that afternoon, and stayed in her bedroom. Coach Schmidt asked if she was okay, and Renee told him she wasn't feeling well, but she'd be okay. The coach didn't ask anything further, but Trevor wasn't happy with that explanation. Still, he didn't press the matter.

Now, its approaching ten o'clock, and Kimberly is practically counting the seconds. She didn't want to call to early, and thereby seem too anxious to talk to Tommy. She was going to play it cool, and ask Tommy what he'd been up to over the weekend. After all, it was always possible that the Zeo Rangers had to go on a mission to another planet, and Tommy made up the excuse of going skiing simply for his family. Its happened before, when the Power Rangers went to Edenoi. It can happen again.

As soon as the clock struck ten, Kimberly dialed the familiar phone number. She held her breath as it rang.

Chapter Eleven

In the Oliver house, Mrs. Lilliane Oliver was busy washing the dishes after dinner. Tonight, it was only her, her husband, and their son Jesse. Their adopted son Tommy had gone out for dinner with a young lady. Lilliane was so glad Tommy was dating again, she hugged him tightly right before he left, and wished him luck.

She distinctly remembered that past Wednsday, when Tommy came home at about five o'clock in the afternoon. Usually, Tommy didn't come home until seven o'clock or so, since he spends most of the day at the Youth Center, or just hanging out with his friends. But when he came home that day, he looked like death warmed over. His eyes were bloodshot, his tan skin was pale, and his hair was a mess. Lilliane asked him what was the matter, but Tommy couldn't bring himself to speak. He only looked at his mother, his hazel eyes bleeding with despair. He then handed her a crumpled, tear-stained sheet of paper, and slowly ascended the stairs to his bedroom. Lilliane read the letter, and was shocked beyond belief. How could Kimberly do this to him? She tried to go talk to Tommy, but he had locked himself in his bedroom. He didn't come out that night, nor the next morning for school. Lilliane was thankful when Katherine Hillard and Billy Mitchell came by Thursday afternoon, checking if Tommy was okay, and asking her permission to take him on a little vacation that weekend. When he came back Sunday afternoon, he was in better spirits than when he left Friday morning, but she could tell he was still absolutely crushed. At this moment, Lilliane hated Kimberly Hart more than any other person in the world.

Lilliane heard the telephone ring, turned off the faucet, and picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

^Mrs. Oliver?^

came a familiar voice, ^It's Kim. Is Tommy home?^

Why the hell is she

calling here? What does she want to do...rub salt into the wound


"Sorry, Kimberly," she said coldly, "but Tommy is out."


said Kim, obviously nervous, ^Um, do you know when he'll be back?^

"No I don't. He went to dinner this evening."

^Um, if you don't mind me asking, who did he go with?^

"I don't think its any of your business, but it was Katherine's idea. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

With that, Lilliane rudely hung up the phone. At that moment, she heard footsteps in the hallway.

"Hey, Mom," said Tommy, locking the front door behind him. He had his suit jacket flung over his shoulder, and a weak smile on his face.

"Hey Honey," she said, kissing his cheek, "So, how did it go?"

"Not as expected," he admitted, "but not badly. Who was that on the phone?"

"No one dear."

Chapter Twelve

Kimberly was sobbing uncontrollably when Renee arrived that evening. She couldn't even bring herself to sit up. She was lying on her stomach, her salty tears being absorbed by her pillow. Renee didn't need to ask to know what had happened.

"I'm so sorry," she said quietly, laying her hand on Kim's back. Kim sat up, and hugged Renee tightly.

"He... he's out to dinner," Kim sobbed, "with Kat. And it was his mother on the phone, so I know its not a mistake! And she was so rude to me!! Tommy must've told her he doesn't love me anymore. That's the only explanation!!"

"It'll be okay," soothed Renee.


Kim shouted, pulling

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