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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Lord Zedd is sitting at the helm, watching carefully as the first few ships take off. His visor glows in triumph as more and more drone ships take off from the lunar surface. Finally, a rather large ship takes off, and then, his communications system beeps, indicating an incoming message. He turned on the screen, and saw the emperor of the Machines, on the bridge of the flagship.

"Well, Mondo," Zedd laughed, "you are even more coordinated than I thought! It only took you...55 minutes to pack your bags!"

^Shut up and return Sprockett to me,^

Mondo snapped, ^If you harmed one bolt on his head I swear --^

"Relax, Tin-man, he's fine. See?"

Zedd beckoned behind him, towards the young prince. Sprockett was restrained with heavy iron chains.

"How do you want him delivered?" Zedd continued, "Shall I teleport him to your ship?"


Mondo said quickly, ^teleport him to the lunar surface, and I shall teleport him from there. I do not trust you.^

"Nor should you," Zedd said, pointing his staff at Sprockett. Bright beams of light coallesced around him, and he vanished. "There. Nice doing business with you."

King Mondo suddenly started laughing, as Sprockett appeared behind him on the bridge of his ship, ^Now, taste the full might of the Machine Empire!^

The drone ships that had pulled off the lunar surface descended, and opened fire on Serpentera. Zedd quickly hurried to the weapons stations, and returned fire. He watched as the flagship pulled away from the battle, leaving the drones to destroy Serpentera.

"Five. Four. Three Two. One," Zedd said quietly, and watched in his viewscreen. Suddenly, the flagship erupted in a flash of bright white light, reducing the mighty vessel to ashes. Only seconds later, the drone ships began firing randomly, and crashed into each other. Zedd laughed as he watched the entire event on the viewscreen.

"As I predicted," Zedd declared, "without the Flagship, the drones can't even navigate! The strings of the mindless puppets have been cut! That's the end of the Machine Empire..."

Zedd continued to laugh in triumph, until the very last drone ship was destroyed. He then steered Serpentera towards the Moon Palace, and teleported himself back to his throne room. He sat down on his throne, and sighed in contentment.

"How I've missed my palace," he said, "Its far better than living with that infernal Mastervile! And its by far more comfortable than the bridge of Serpentera. Now, all I have to do is prepare to destroy the rangers, and collect my Queen."

Chapter Twenty-Three

On a distant planet, deep beneath the dreary waters, is a bronze submarine. On the bridge of that submarine, the doors open, and the crew aboard salute the captain-- the villainous space pirate Divatox.

"Idiots!" screams the lady pirate, marching onto the bridge, and fiercely slapping the two Piranatrons who stood at attention. "You're worthless!" After they fell to the ground, she turned around, and glared at the navigator of the ship, a tall, white creature.

"And you!" she roared, approaching him.

"Who?" he asked, "Me?"

"You lost Lerigot," she muttered, putting her hands on her hips and breathing heavily, "You let him get away!"

"I told you those bug-brains didn't have a clue," Elgar retorted, pointing to the Piranatrons.

"Shut up Elgar!" she commanded, "Those are your


That makes this all your


"Come on, don't punish me!" Elgar pleaded, "I'm your favorite nephew!"

Divatox turned from the pale creature, and rubbed her gloved forearm, grinning wickedly. Elgar wiped the sweat off his brow, and turned back to the two Piranatrons.

"Hey!" he called, "You two losers! I nearly got fried for your screw-up! You're just lucky Aunt Divatox likes me!"

A sharp blade appeared on Divatox's arm, and she quickly spun around, slicing Elgar's hand off with one swing.

"Not again!" Elgar moaned, watching the sparks fly from his wrist. Rygog caught the hand.

"Never send a moron to do a mutant's job," muttered the tall navy blue creature.

"If you're so great, why don't you do the job, Rygog?" asked Elgar fiercely, "That little runt Lerigot is still out there with the key to the island of Muiranthias!"

"I'd be happy to lend a hand," chuckled Rygog, giving back Elgar his hand. Elgar reattached it to his arm.

"Quiet, both of you!" Divatox roared, touching her forehead, "You're giving me such a migraine..."

Divatox walked over to a small box, and took out a bottle of perfume. "I have a plan," she said, applying the perfume to her neck, "Once we take away the one thing he values most in the world, Lerigot will come to us willingly."

"I've found Lerigot!" cried Rygog, turning away from a computer, "He's on Earth!"

"He must be looking for Zordon," said Divatox.

"Earth? That lint-trap!" cried Elgar, swinging his sword around, "Forget it! Let's go back to looting and pillaging! That's what I like to --"

"Never!!" Divatox cried, taking Elgar's sword and slapping him in the face, "Lerigot holds the only key to bring forth Maligore, the great Flame of Destruction and _my_ husband to be. Once we're wed I'll have enough to power to collect all the riches in the universe. Thinking about it just give me goosebumps."

"Kinda gives me gas," Elgar commented.

"Elgar, you'll have to capture two humans of purity and strength. They'll be my dowry to Maligore. Activate the barrier shields and set a course for Earth!"

Chapter Twenty-Four

Tuesday, June 23, 1997

At the docks at the shore in Angel Grove, Kimberly Hart and Jason Scott Lee busily strap on scuba gear. Jason looks up at the early morning sun, and shakes his head. "Why exactly are we doing this?" he asks, turning to Kimberly. She smiled up at him as she zipped up her wetsuit.

"Because, its one of those passtimes the five of us used to do. You know, back before we were Power Rangers. And even a little bit after. I haven't been scuba-diving in a while, and I'm willing to bet you haven't either."

"You'd win that bet," Jason admitted, "but why do I have the feeling you're trying to delay the inevitable?"

"In what sense?" Kim asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Well, as soon as we arrive at Angel Grove Airport, you insist we go to the beach, to see the sun rise. Then, you suddenly decide we absolutely _must_ go scuba-diving! We haven't even called my parents, to let them know I've arrived, or stopped by your hotel to check in! We didn't even go to the Youth Center. It seems to me like you're trying hard not to let anyone know we're in town. As if you're trying to... avoid someone."

"The Youth Center will still be there when we get back," Kim said with a smile, "We can go get breakfast there if you'd like. Now, let's go!"

The two teens boarded a rented motor boat, and rode out into the water.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Meanwhile, deeper into the bay, Divatox's space-submarine floats, while the crew busily searches the planet for Lerigot.

"What do you mean you can't find Lerigot?!" Divatox roared, her voice shaking the entire ship, "And are these

my two humans of purity and strength?!" she asked, pointing to Bulk and Skull, who were kidnapped when the submarine first arrived on Earth the previous night. Both young police officers are standing in a completely oblivious stupor, staring off into the distance.

"Yeah," said Elgar proudly, "I even scrambled their brains so they'd be easier to deal with. What do you think?"

"Are you out of your mind

?!" Divatox moaned, pinching her nose, "The idea was to woo

Maligore, not make him lose his lunch!"

With that, Divatox slapped Elgar over and over again, causing Rygog to laugh at his plight.

"I am giving you one more chance to find two humans for Maligore. Don't blow it."

With that, Divatox marched over to her periscope.

"Yes," Elgar said, saluting the captain. Once she was out of earshot, Elgar turned to his Piranatrons, and slapped them. "Go find me some humans, you two losers!"

Chapter Twenty-Six
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