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Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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through the structure and looks around. My well hidden set-up doesn't give optimal view and dismisses it has nothing. He hasn't been in here for some time. Standing near the entrance with no bother to make any investigation. He makes his exit. When viewing the individual anger is detected by his body language. He slams the hatch to his dwelling shutting it with a rough pull. That whole day cycle he never comes out of the structure. Still I have worries about his return. Maybe he actually saw my appearance? He might alert some kind of authority personel to my location. But with not knowing want to expect next, getting rescued has became my top priority. Never came to my attention to beam a distress signal when we starting to have problems on entering the planet. My status for being a elite commander has made errors in my choices. Thinking of my own endeavors with no regard for my crew's safety. All I wanted to accomplish was not to dissapoint my superiors. Find out the existence of intelligent lifeforms and report the findings. Foolish not to abort because of science alone. Yet good results have surface from this incident. Finally found life on the outreaches of the galaxy. I will return and make my fellow Argonians proud on the lifeforms I've discover. On how the dangerous journey uncover a remarkable find for our species. I must remain strong and focus. Need as much intel as possible to further my chances of survival. With the set-up operational, I perform system checks. Also I have some intel to look over. Want to find out more about this masculone.
Next day he tends to more labor duties and feeds his lifeforms. I've examine the reading material and the language is starting to interpret in my mind. These "animals" he feeds are consider to be his livestock and the structures that the masculone and I inhabit are a farm house and barn. So interesting what I've read and the material has been very useful for my records. Even though I want to read more, have to start getting busy on repairs. I use the parts obtained from masculone's house to put toward good use for the comm systems. Signal strength is weak but has improve from before. Just missing some other parts and I'll have this running in no time. Need to explore more territory away from this location. Next time Koiras enters his machine I'll hitch a ride along to see where he goes. If I'm right he'll lead me right to a place of interest. I could secretly explore the new location to find more parts returning when Koiras decides to leave. Notations have been well documented about the masculone's behavior and routines. He has provided me with huge intel. I watch him for a couple day cycles. He just wonders around his property. Doing the usually duties of the day. Some strange sounds that weren't him were playing inside. I could hear Koiras keeping a tune and tone with the sound. Most of the day he keeps to himself inside the house. In the late hours he just remains in complete silence. Besides the primitive lifeforms, he barely makes a whisper. He finally begins to leave the dwelling. Rapidly I maneuver behind the machine to stow-away for the journey ahead. I'm going to a new place with little intel. What I'm looking for might not be there in the first place. Utterly blind for this lunatical endeavor but have to take the risk. We take a dirt path road that many machines have passed through. Which explains its shape. It has wide turns and when the star is falling it looks difficult to navigate. Dirt and rocks are being thrown from the spinning of the wheels. This journey took a bit of time. But we finally arrive to a closed-off section of area that is connected by many structures. Lining up from two sides it resembles a primitive plaza to trade, buy, and sell. He exits the machine after pulling infront of the buildings. I get clear sight to hide near some stacked up crates to make my investigation. Star light falls off the edge and night is approaching for better concealment. He enters a area for possible eneberation purposes and let out the daily stress he endures so often. I start to feel some sort of compassion knowing he is suffering from sicknesss. He hasn't made any attempts to seek medical assistance? Something is plaguing his mind that keeps him from reaching out.
With the night acting as concealment I move swiftly from corner to corner looking for anything of importance. Finally something catches my view. Its a primitive hard-tech supply depot. I enter when a sound overhead (bells) gives alarm, so I rush to a shelf containing machine parts. With careful watch I wait for a sentry of some kind. A masculone comes to investigate. He opens the hatchway and looks left to right for the perputrator who disturb the alarm. He turns looking around inside trying to figure out the cause for the ring . He checks the alarm above the door making sure its working properly, flicking the device which makes the sound again. Keeping my feet silent I step slightly on the floor. Moving backwards facing the man. While he was investigating the disturbance I wander down the isles grabbing all kinds of parts, placing them into my pack. Taking everything I can carry. Time is pressing at this point so examination of the parts has to wait. With my utility pack almost full, I leave room for other items. If Koiras has writing materials, he had to have gotten them from here. His material is valued, just need alot more selection to choose from. Organization is not appreciated with the masculone I dwell next to. Reading the glossary index I found earlier prove to be of most help. Their language is beginning to be more fluent with my mind and can now understand the context I've encounter from Koiras. Their language has changed from time to time never permeantely settling in there culture. They seem to create words from nothing. Finish with the necessary obtained parts, I sneek outside. With swift haste I wrap around the corner and enter a place containing many reading literture. When looking around I find what I'm looking for. Huge amounts of information flood my view. Excitement is arousing fixation to filter everything all at once. A massive rush of information engulfs my mind causing me to be mentally stimulated. I settle the current mood and continue research of the structure to find a straight point of focus. I see material relating to the intelligent lifeforms. While reading I come across some definitions on their species. "Humans" is the classical term used for these lifeforms, so humans they should be called. They are bi-pedel organisms, reasonalble large mind, and have complex religious cultures. They seem to be very separated from each other. Many regions beyond this one crossing many seas to get to. Their colors and behavior within their socieities makes them all unique but same species with different goals. Worshippers of many cultures pray to invisible entinities from above and below. They have traditions all accustomed to their boundries. So much history in so little time. These humans have envolve dramically in a short period. I take the following material, as it could provide more insight into their world. I can get a better detail of leadership and hierarchy within their society. A better knowing of higher power means who to discuss a alliance with. It seems many cultures in the species could be offended by our mass arrival in generations to come. I truely hope this species has the endurance to survive for our future meeting? Briefly looking at the material my species might have to wait until a contact could be establish. At this time are culture and technological advancement might make us a threat to their well-being.
(Beep, Beep, Beep) It's my wristband indicator alerting me to depart for the transport back to my quarters or the barn. I head outside staring at the location were the machine was stationed. I find that the masculone has left me behind. I misjudge his move, hoping he would have remain as timed desired. He must have fill his pleasure early and return back to his "house" as I've learned to call it. My feeling is warry as I miss my chance for a easy depart and now have to walk a distance back to the barn. Being in this situation I could read the material while returning down the path. Picking up possible specimens for further data. As I'm walking down the path, carefully trailing the masculone's machine tracks, I witness a remarkable creature slithering on the ground. A reptialian of some sort.......A SNAKE! Thats what I absorb from the material in the store. This snake seems odd but a familar creature I've encounter on many worlds. But approariate examination tells me it's from this planet. It takes some convincing to put it in the tube but I manage to slide the organism in for cataloging. Some worlds have massive desert regions with little to no life present. This world seems to provide these deserts the necessities to support organisms within this dry environment. This life, from simple to complex, has been able to evolve beyond most worlds I've explored. My people back home will be much intrigued by what I've found and reseached. Humans could form us a huge bridge of unity beyond the confines of our galaxy. These human's solar system rest on the sprial arms of the galaxy. Nearly touching the emptiness of space, but providing the stepping stone into a new galactic region. I continue along the path finally reaching the safe proximity of the compound or farm. I see Koiras has left his light beams on again. I've been tempted for some time now, it's well over seven semanas and I want to operate the masculone's machine. As you heard before, input is very valued and for explorers like us very risking. We must make calculated decisions on such a venture. Every step we take could be our last one. With hesitation I wait for a moment. Still undecided at this time?
After thirty passes I slowly walk to the machine. Its internal combusion processer is activated and his engage keys are still in the machine. My body is shaking from the shock of operating something so primitive. No research on the proper piloting skills to operate this machine? In other worlds, some technology is slightly similar to the next. Most civilizations we encounter live in respected distances to each other. So alot of different intelligent civilizations have already mastered space travel. But these humans are far from it. With decision in mind, I step into the machine and get seated. I'm preparing for a test around the perimeter. Koiras is too enerberated to sense his machine is going for a trial course in attempts to understand it. These simple gauges reveal fuel reserve, temperature readings, and velocity. Brake and accelarator pedals are similar and its machinism are a little alien. But I think the figuration of this machine can be learned fast. I look for a engagement lever for moving forward. I damble with the controls for a minute. A lever in the middle of the machine, next to steering instrument, propels me forward. I brake and accelerate until I gain knowledge of the operation. Soon the machine and I are moving as one. With a relax grip on the steering instrument I let the wheels guide the path. I loosen my grip on the steering, so the instrument flows freely, when making a turn. But I'm still in control. The machine begins to move faster as I push the pedal for more power. I plan
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