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Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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Since knowing how their calender works it's been three months and some weeks stranded here. Amazed how time goes so fast when you don't think about it that much. With are brief time knowing each other I liked Hank alot. To the point I chose not only to assume some features of Hank but his son's name. Lucas McDermont is my new alasis from this time forward. As my story shows structure with mind pondering. I collect any materials on Hank's son to rehearse the right things to say if ask any questions relating him to me. Little friends means not too many know his past life. I doubt his drinking buddies even have any idea that good old Hank had any offspring. Company for Hank was only when he wanted them around him. Why he often visit the bar. A feeling of a socialable atmosphere that the establishment offer? Sometimes he didn't enjoy those so-called friends at the bar. He came home intoxicated, slurring his speech about the idiots he was drinking with. People in town treated Hank harshly when they approach him. They buy Hank drinks to point of making him impair for there entertainment. Hank did idiotic things when he got over the top. I think Hank was glad to encounter me. Finally a "person" to open up certain topics he didn't discuss with his buddies at the bar. He lived one more time with actual happiness that was so invisible inside him. Might have been want he was looking for? A friend to spend some time with before his end. Hank would have rot and decayed into nothing before anyone came knocking. Another stroke of luck as they put it which united us together. Because contact was made in just days landing here the population on this world could be in the billions. Some research on census reports could provide some answers? Much lab work to be done on the DNA sequence. Waiting hours, days, or even longer before its complete.
While working on other projects it took weeks to complete the sequence. But the computer's test are finally done. Data reveals the following: skin samples show genetic compatibility, organs and muscle tissue are a eighty-three percent match, DNA bond sequence has zero defects. With the necessary fluids and substance in my stomach. I'm provided with the nutrients to establish the metamorphois process. During the transformation I will be at a time of vulnerability. I lock the door so not to be discover or disturb. This makes the morph go more easily since disturbances can kill me as I'm molting. I carefully lay back in the chair. This chair belong to Hank. The one he had passed out in many times. I still feel the warmth and impressions of his body. A feeling he was just here. I take a needle that is filled with the merged DNA and inject it into my arm. I sense the fluids running through my body all around from head to toe. Slowly making my skin grow thick. Bulging to a extreme breaking point. A shell forms around the skin becoming bittle as the process continues. Cracking of the shell starts to happen and my insides move around to the respected positions. As I'm lying there the shell flakes off piece by piece revealing human skin underneath. My face shows rough human characteristics forming. Muscles in my body and face move freely making the shell break off more. After a couple hours I start to stretch my arms and legs to start some mobility and prepare to bust the shell off my body. Gripping the arms of the chair I stand making my joints break free from the encasement that form around me. I brush wants left of the shell from my body. I move and articulate the alien body I have now form into. Its weird but these humans have folicules of hair on every part of their body. My head, face, arms, and legs is cover with this stuff. I exit the barn when the wind blows a brief air flow wrisking through my folicules, causing sensation. A tingling feeling reveals itself in my facial expressions. With mild excitement I loose my balance. Mind and body have not become fully connected. Misconcept of left and right as I stumble around falling to the ground. My eyes are fuzzing and hearing is muffled. Entering Hank's house the transformation has develop a strong connection with my mind. It seems the metamorphosis has worked. Vision and hearing have intuned together reading out the environment in human interpretation. I see their world differently now since becoming human. Touch of objects around have more feeling as I get detailed information as I palm these items. Getting accustomed to mass and weight through the new body I occupy. Because of the fluids and substance injested I'm now going to experiece human waste discharge. Upstairs to the bathroom I go. Running as I'm unable to hold the excrements and urine building inside me. Barging in the door and closing it behind me feeling the moment of relief as these by-products exit my body. With the experience subsided I continue the investigation of my new body. Playing music, looking at pictures, and consuming the alcohol Hank had store in the cabinet. Music sounds more pleasing as a human being. Picking up the musical instruments composing the piece. These pictures seem more vivid through the eyes of a human. Alcohol is burning as I take another sip. I'm trying to understand the point of these leisure activities. I'm wondering how to get social acceptance? Me personally, especially want I've encounter so far, drinking is way to break the silence. As I'm walking around the house, exercising my new body. I feel in need for a celerbration. So I consume the rest of the bottle. Grabbing another from the cabinet. I open up the bottle of alcohol and consume more of the burning liquid. In a compulsive and drunken state, I keep the bottle to my lips. No longer can my stomach hold any more alcohol. My legs cripple. I pass out falling to the ground.
Last night I drank too much alcohol. Trying to feel the effects as Hank felt them. One thing is certain you don't wake up in the best of shape. My head is hurting from the heavy drinking. A plastered conditon as they call it. I had stumbled to the ground staying there all night in a passed out state. Gathering myself together I start the beginning of a new day. The effects of the alcohol has blurred my vision and deafen my ears. I sit to regain focus while rubbing my face. It feels like my body is melting away. Knock, Knock, Knock. I hear it at the door. Which explodes me into panic of who it could be. "Hey Hank yer in there, hadn't see ya in the bar in weeks.......HANK!" I remain silent hoping the stranger at the door leaves the porch. I look out the window as the individual makes a puzzled move with his shoulders and then returns to his vehicle. With the stranger driving from the property. I crack the door watching the vehicle retreat in the distance. I'll open the door next time he comes back, giving him some kind of explaination. I have to sit for awhile until this hang over runs its course. It took Hank some time to get over the effects after drinking. Staying in his house all of next day. I know why now? In the kitchen I try to explore the art of cooking. I take the eggs and bacon Hank had prepared me before. Placing the bacon in the fryer I hear the sizzle as the meat cooks on the pan. It takes no time as I flip the pieces over to cook the other side. Still confused on how to cook the egg? I shake the egg, hearing and feeling the vibration of fluid inside. Putting my mind power at work. I crack the egg causing the insides to spill on my clothes. I take another egg and crack it. Using the physical approach, this time over the frying pan. I hear the sounds of the fluid cook once it hits the pan. This egg is actually the unfertilized offspring of a bird or chicken. Hank kept chickens in a constructed house around back. While eating the bacon and eggs it tasted overcooked. I still need more experience on the proper cooking procedures. After the meal I head outside to fix the vehicle's damaged engine. Going to take some work and time. But I got plenty of that. Machines parts I took from the store have the configuration to work in the vehicles engine. With these new parts the engine will have more power than ever before. Alterations to the vehicle makes it more reliable on longer trips. This vehicle is now my transportation to new regions beyond this one. I will use the vehicle to it's full extent until another is available. Has to be other more advance technology out in the other regions? Most of the morning to afternoon I ticker with the engine using every part available to work within the vehicle. I even fix the exterior creating a look more appealing to others. It takes most of the day to finish the repair. With some final touches tommrow I'll have transportation that can get me around this alien world. Looking over my shoulder. Nightfall is near. A idea spawns in my mind.
With the vehicle working by the sound of its engine. I decide to head into town to meet some people. Check if my human appearance fools anybody. As I'm driving down the path I begin to feel my body language fall into its own character. I slowly start to feel myself becoming more human with every move. With the new experience for being human I relax more, losing my tight posture, freely seated behind the wheel. I even drive with one hand as I seen Hank done before. I enter the town and park the vehicle next to the bar. This bar is the only local establishment. So Hank did much of his drinking here if not his home. I open the door. As soon as I walk in I take the nearest seat. A person approaches. "Hey buddy, how you doing. What can I get ya?" He washes the counter infront of me while waiting for my response. "I'll have a whiskey with water please". He takes a glass and fills it with whiskey and stares at me for a moment. "That be one buck buddy!". I'm familar with their currency and take out Hank's wallet. Stealing isn't part of my persona, but needed the money. I lay out the paper currency, watching as bartender takes the purchase for the drink. With one motion I take the shot and feel the whiskey go down my throat. I take a sip of water to dilute the alcohol. Once again that burning sensation starts, this time I prepared for it. I signal to the bartender for another and like that he pours me the drink. I look around at the scene and view the crowd gathering in conversation. Certain groups form around each other with many talking all at once. Noise fills the bar unable to get a focus who is saying what. Then without my knowing a women speaks into my ear. "Hey handsome. You here all alone. It looks like you need a friend". I'm happy to know that my appearance has blend me in perfectly into the social gathering. This women has no idea who really lies behind this face. I respond back. "Just came for a drink or two. Kind of new to town". She starts to feel me with her eyes, scoping me up and down exchanging slight sexual flirtations signals."Well I seen
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