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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by Heather Ray (early reader chapter books TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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felt too real to be merely a dream. And if it were a dream, the shock would have roused her by now.

She leaned against the railing, reflecting on her dreams. She didn't know exactly where her future was headed, since she had only planned up to the Pan-Global Games, which were in a couple months. Afterwards, she could either return to Angel Grove, remain with Coach Schmidt and begin preparation for the 2000 Olympics, move to Paris with her mother and stepfather, or even move to Seattle with her father and younger brother. Out of all these options, Kimberly had most wanted to simply return to Angel Grove and spend the summer reunited with her true love after the months of their separation. Despite the miles that separated them, her devotion to him hadn't faded in the least. She still loved him just as deeply, if not even more so due to his overwhelming support for her athletic endeavors. No matter what else her future was to hold, she was always certain he'd be part of it.

Now... that wasn't quite as certain.

I'd see him all the time

she reasoned, but I wouldn't be with him! Or my family! I'd have to lie to them all, and force a wedge between us. I guess I could just tell my parents I'm still training with Coach Schmidt or something, and tell him I'm going home. But the only way to separate myself from Tommy is to...

She shuddered unconsciously.

...break up with him. Could I do that? Could I break the heart of the one person I would never hurt?

Kimberly knew what her answer would have to be, but again, it wasn't easy to admit it to herself. She knew she'd do anything for Tommy, but she had to hurt him to help him. It would be the most difficult thing of her entire life.

Slowly, she turned around to face Castimonia. To her surprise, she saw two identical blonde women standing in the room, waiting expectantly for her answer. It didn't take long for the sharp young woman to discern that one was the Castimonia from the future, and the other was the Castimonia of the present. Both were probably present the whole time, with the present Castimonia watching the entire scenario unfold.

Kimberly leaned back against the railing, and did her best to appear confident and assured. "I'll do it," she said firmly, although it was obvious she said it with considerable difficulty, "I'll be the Avatar of Purity."

Both Castimonias beamed with identical smiles of relief as well as gratitude. Kim smiled wanly, and walked back into the room. "So, what happens now?"

The Castimonia on the left stepped forward. "Now, I must return to my own time. My hour is almost up after all. Just remember, Tommy's death occurs around midnight tomorrow night. Here is a recording of exactly what happened."

She gently grasped Kimberly's wrist, and placed a small orb on her palm. Kim gazed at the clear glass orb, its center filled with a strange black mist.

"Take care, Avatar," she said, her form melting into a ripple of energy, "and farewell, my counterpart."

The present Castimonia waved lightly at the disappearance of her future self, and then turned back to Kimberly. "I... I really am sorry this happened--" she started.

"Don't apologize," Kim interrupted, "It's not your fault all this is happening. Now, what do I do to become the Avatar?"

Castimonia reached to the gemstone that decorated her chest, and pulled it off. She held the stone to Kimberly, who gazed at the large pearl brooch in awe.

"This is my pearl, which will bond you with my essence," Castimonia explained, "Once it accepts you, all you need to do is focus your mind through the pearl, and your desire will occur."

Kim nodded, accepting the brooch and pinning it to the side of her nightshirt. "What kind of powers will I have?" she pondered aloud.

"Firstly, you will be able to transform your appearance," Castimonia highlighted, "Just as the Moon has phases, the Servon of the Moon can alter her appearance with but a thought. This ability will be essential in keeping a close eye on Tommy. Also, you will be able to summon up the spirit of the Huntress, giving you the heightened awareness and skill of a superior being. This includes increased agility, strength, speed, cunning, durability, and the like. Also, since you will be my Avatar, you will share a unique bond with my Chosen, just as I do. And since you already have a bond with him, it will be quite interesting to see how the pearl connects you on a mental plane. This will also aid you in protecting him."

Kimberly kept her fingertips on the brooch, tracing the edge of the large pearl absently. This gemstone had cost her a great deal, and now it was in her possession.

"Now, focus on the gem, and let its energy infuse you with the essence of Purity."

Kimberly nodded, gently closing her eyes. Castimonia watched silently as the pearl flashed weakly, until it began to pulse with vibrant energy. Kimberly began to tremble with the exertion, until finally, the light of the pearl steadied into a continuous glow. Then, the glow intensified, bathing Kimberly in a warm sphere of white energy. The energy penetrated every cell of her being, entering her every pore, and invigorating her completely. It baptized her in the most pure of light, ceasing her former existence and initiating her subsequent one. When the light faded, where Kimberly once stood was the Avatar of Purity.

Her solid silver eyes widened in surprise, and she gazed down at her body in awe. Her pale pink nightshirt had been replaced by the garb of the Huntress, matching that of Castimonia almost exactly. She wore a white dress, the silver hem of the skirt just reaching her upper thigh, with a V neck and wide half-sleeves all hemmed in elegant silver. A silver chain belt hung loosely at her hips, and silver-laced white leather boots adorned her lower legs. On her chest sat the pearl brooch, connecting a royal blue half cape to her shoulder. Silver armbands adorned her forearms as well, and all her visible skin had some kind of silver glitter on it, as if she had used glittery body paint. Her golden brown hair was more radiant than before, highlighted with silver glitter just like her delicate tanned skin, and styled in a pile of elegant ringlets, held firmly in place by sweet-smelling roses of various shades of pink and white.

Kimberly marveled at her attire, and smoothed out her silk mini-dress in amazement. Castimonia smiled at her Avatar, and pointed to the side wall, where a full length mirror was located. Kim nodded, and stepped toward the mirror, where she could see her appearance in totality. She saw her golden brown ringlets, kissed with silver, and shook her head slightly. The ringlets remained perfectly neat, bouncing around her shoulders and returning to their locations. She then admired the roses that held her hair in place, and they seemed to shimmer with some kind of magical energy in and of themselves. Her hands then traced her face, which was also accented with silver eyeshadow, glittery blush, and rose pink lip gloss. Her eyes locked with the reflection of her eyes, and she shuddered slightly at the odd silver coloring of her pupiless orbs.

"I look so different," she muttered to Castimonia hesitantly.

"Indeed you do. Now, you are in the form of the Huntress, which will be your primary transformation. Of course, as time passes you may create other personas for you to become, and that will help you watch the Chosen. The magic of the pearl will also protect your identity. You may look different to yourself, but you still recognize your reflection, correct?"

"Well, I don't look that

different," Kimberly conceded, "I just look more... I don't know... ethereal?"

"The magic will prevent others from recognizing you. So your identity will remain safe, yet you should still avoid contact with Tommy or anyone else. The less they know of you and your mission the better."

Kimberly nodded, a small yawn escaping her lips. Castimonia smiled slightly as her Avatar tried vainly to rub the sleep from her silver eyes.

"I'm certain this entire situation has been quite taxing, and the transformation into my Avatar has only begun. The longer you hold the pearl in your possession, the more powerful you become. I suggest you get

some rest, Kimberly. I have no reason to believe the attempt on Tommy's life will play out differently, so you will not be needed until tomorrow night. Until then, get some rest and adjust to your new powers. This bedchamber is yours. Mine is one floor above, in case you wish to see me. Good night."

"Good night," Kimberly said, watching the elegant Servon leave the chamber. Kimberly touched the brooch again, melting away the transformation and returning her to her pink nightshirt. Also, her skin returned to its normal state, as well as her full hair and fawn eyes. This observance caused a sigh of relief to wash over the slightly frightened Kimberly. Still, she felt the power of the pearl acting on her body, pumping her with magical energies to forever change her from the typical teenager she was into the mighty Avatar she would be. Even after she removed the brooch from her chest, and placed it on the small marble table beside the large circular bed, she felt its affects.

"I really am exhausted," she muttered, her body weakening even more once her transformation from the Huntress reversed, "but I still have to know how it happened."

Weakly, she walked back to where she left the sphere the future Castimonia left her right before her departure. She picked it up from the ground, and gazed into the dark mists curiously. She made her way back to the bed and sat down, continuing to watch in awe as the speed of the swirling mists picked up, creating an image of a crystal clear Angel Grove night.

A sad smile crossed her face when she saw Tommy's handsome, gentle countenance in the crystal orb. Absently, she reached out to touch the orb's surface, knowing full well she would probably never be able to stroke Tommy's smooth face again. Or play with his silky chestnut tendrils. Or relax in his warm, powerful embrace. Or feel his tender lips pressed against her own. Never, ever again would she know such bliss.

Her longing thoughts dissipated when the avalanche began. She gasped audibly, her free hand clutching the edge of the bed linen to relieve the tension as she saw Tommy's windshield crack, and the car skid out of control, launching off the edge of the cliff. She heard the terror in her love's voice, and saw the panic in his deep brown eyes. She resisted the urge to scream in despair at his pain.

She knew then that she had made the right decision. As long as she lived, such a terrible event would never take place.

The exhaustion that plagued her weakened somewhat, and she watched the scene again, her lips trembling with frigid emptiness. Again and again she played it, carefully studying all the signs surrounding the inexplicable accident, trying to discern a cause for it other than some murderous being.

Despite her weakened state, the new Avatar of Purity was awake for several hours, watching the terrible scene unfold over and over again, until she finally fluttered to sleep.

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