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Book online «The Terran Rangers/X-Men by Heather Ray (latest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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"Everyone, be extremely careful," said Zack seriously.

"Yeah," said Kim. "His arm cannon packs a punch, and he's super strong."

"Right," said Tommy, "Terran Rangers, its Morphin Time!"

The four Terran Power Rangers stood in a line, and in a fluid single motion, they held their fists out, rose them to the sky, and then swung their arms to their sides.


hollered Tommy.


yelled Jason.


cried Katherine.


screamed Aisha.

Zack and Kimberly, the X-Rangers, prepared to morph by crossing their arms in front of their chests, causing their hands to glow in their respective colors.

"X-Ranger One!" yelled Zack, immediately being clothed in a shimmery silver uniform with a thick black streak down the middle. His arm bands, collar, belt, and shoulder pads were of a highly-reflectant black metal. His helmet was black and silver, and his boots, which reached his knees, were black with bands of silver.

"X-Ranger Two!" cried Kim, transforming into a gold version of Zack's costume.

Alexis, the only remaining Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, pulled out her morpher and held it out in front of her. "Purple Ranger Power!" she called. In a flash of purple light, she was wearing the form-fitting armor of the Purple Ranger, with a golden shield, white boots and elbow gloves, purple and white helmet, and golden wings attached to the ankles of her thigh-high boots.

The seven Power Rangers teleported to the mall, where Holocaust was using his arm cannon to destroy the elevator cable, sending the elevator flying to the first floor, with passengers crying out in terror. Suddenly, the elevator slowed to a halt, and softly landed on the first floor. Holocaust immediately recognized the barely visible silvery energy that encased the elevator, and smiled. He wasn't at all surprised to see the two X-Rangers float gracefully to the ground.

"So, how do the two of you manage to stop me this time, without any X-Men to back you up?"

"They have us to back them up!" came a shout from the escalator. Holocaust spun around to see the Red, Black, Blue, Purple and Green Rangers descend to the ground floor, immediately falling into battle positions.

"So, you're the Zeo Rangers," said Holocaust, powering up his arm cannon discreetly, "I'm not impressed."

"We're the Terran Rangers, braniac!" yelled Aisha, silently summoning her Wind Shield. "You obviously don't know who you're dealing with!"

"Oh, I know more about you than you may think," said Holocaust, firing a hot ray of plasma at the five heroes. Aisha blocked the brunt of the beam with her shield, but the sheer force of the hit knocked her into the fountain across the mall. Kim and Zack immediately leaped into action, tossing various objects at Holocaust with their powers while the other rangers recovered from the blast.

"Kat!" ordered Tommy, "check on Aisha! Lex, Jason, get ready to rock 'n roll."

"You got it, Bro!" said Jason, standing tall. Tommy beckoned to Kim and Zack, pointing upwards. They immediately caught on, and used their respective powers of telekinesis and magnetism to levitate off the ground. Jason, seeing his cue, pounded his fists to the ground, creating a devastating shock wave, directed at Holocaust. Holocaust was thrown off the ground and crashed into an electronics store.

"Oh boy," said Zack, "I feel sorry for the poor sucker who's gotta pick up that bill!"

"I've got him from here!" said Alexis, the golden wings on her boots flapping. She sailed through the air, her Laser Whip sparking with purple energy. She cracked the whip, wrapping it around Holocaust's waist. She then let the whip release its purple laser energy into his body.

"We have to get him outta the mall," called Kimberly, landing beside Tommy, "before he causes even more damage!"

Suddenly, Kimberly gasped and clutched the area of her chest above her heart. Tommy catches her before she collapsed to the ground.

"Kim?!" he yelled, watching as she started to twitch violently. "She's having a seizure!"

"Get her to the CAC!" yelled Jason, mentally calling the Earth Sword. "We'll take care of Holocaust!"

The Red Ranger nodded, gently lifting the unconscious Gold Ranger into his arms. They both left in a streak of red and gold light.

Chapter Six

In the CAC, Billy prepared the medical unit, where Rocky had healed from his injuries from the explosion of the original Command Center the previous year, and where Adam underwent extensive surgery not long after. Billy turned to see the Red and Gold Rangers materializing in the middle of the CAC.

"Bring her here," ordered Billy, beckoning Tommy. Tommy lay Kimberly gently on the cot and gently removed her helmet. Kimberly's face was contorted in pain.

"What's wrong with her?!" asked Tommy impatiently as Billy ran a scanner over her body. "She just had a seizure in the middle of the fight!"

Billy held the scanner over Kimberly's heart. His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as that area of her costume began glowing vibrant gold. Both Billy and Tommy watched in mute horror as the yellow Zeo crystal shard passed through Kimberly's body from her heart. It floated to the ground, and Kim's uniform immediately disappeared, leaving the still unconscious girl clad in her mid drift and shorts she was wearing earlier. The boys followed the shard with their eyes, and stepped back in shock when a beam of golden light shot from the crystal to the ceiling of the CAC, forming a portal. Two people, a woman in a yellow and silver uniform, and a young man in an identical blue and silver uniform, fell from the hole. The woman's hair and face were covered in a mask, with a visor covering her eyes. The young man's face and hair were both visible.

White hair?!

thought Tommy, still in shock. What the heck just happened?!

The two visitors stood up and brushed off their spacesuit-type uniforms. The woman picked up the yellow Zeo shard and gazed at it with interest. The young man with the brown and white hair took the crystal from the woman and started to walk towards the medical unit. The Red Ranger stood menacingly in his path.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked threateningly, folding his arms across his chest.

"Not again!" moaned the young man, rolling his eyes. The woman in yellow merely smiled. The Red Ranger didn't move from his position.

"Who are you, and what do you want here?" he repeated.

"Amazing," said the young man. "Not much as changed in twelve years! You are really protective of her, Tommy."

The Red Ranger removed his helmet, and stared at him in surprise. Meanwhile, Billy discreetly scanned the two strangers.

The man is a mutant,

he thought, and the woman has...the yellow Zeo shard

?! Is it possible...?

"I'm Nate Grey, the X-Man," said the young man politely, "and Kim is an old friend of mine. Now, if you'll let me, I'll restore her Zeo shard and wake her up."

Tommy slowly stepped aside, and watched as Nate stood at Kim's bedside. His eyes glowed with telekinetic energy, and the yellow shard floated above Kimberly. In a flash of yellow light, the Zeo shard vanished, and Kimberly's eyes fluttered open.

"Oooh," she moaned, her hand absently covering her heart, "what happened?"

Her eyes focused, and locked with the gaze of a familiar pair of crystal blue eyes. She bolted into a sitting position, her eyes wide with surprise and recognition.

"Nate!" she cried, hugging him tightly. "Oh my gosh, you're alive!! I thought you died in the Age of Apocalypse!! What's going on?" Nate's smile fell instantly.

"Kim, I have some pretty bad news," he started, "and it's gonna take me forever to tell you the whole story --"

Instantly, five beams of colored light appeared in the center of the CAC. The arriving Rangers removed their helmets, not noticing that they had guests.

"Holocaust split!" said Zack angrily. "Just like that! I wonder what he's up to --"

Zack stopped in mid sentence as he saw a familiar man with white and brown hair.

"Nate!" he yelled, running up to him and shaking his hand vigorously, "I should have known you survived that explosion! What's up with Holocaust? And where've you been, anyway?"

Nate related the story about him, Solar, and Trevor Monroe. However, in order to preserve the future, he didn't mention that his travel companion was in fact Kimberly. He introduced Kim as "Annie"

, which was from Kim's middle name Anne.

The elder Kim leaned silently against a console, looking at the teenagers and smiling. She kept talking to a minimum, so the young rangers wouldn't recognize her voice. They're so young,

she mused, so innocent.

She noticed how closely her younger self stood to Tommy. I guess in this timestream, I didn't dump Tommy for Trevor. I wonder how things would have turned out if I didn't send Tommy that letter...

"Trevor Monroe?"

said the young Kimberly with a gasp, "I know him! He works at the gym I trained at in Florida. He's a nice guy, definitely not capable of being Solar."

"Trevor isn't evil," said the elder Kim, jumping into the conversation. "The creature called Onslaught has taken over my husband's body! We have to find a way to destroy Onslaught while not harming Trevor. Once Onslaught is disembodied, we can find a way to destroy him!"

"One thing doesn't quite hold water," said Zack. "How are you able to time travel? When we met in the Age of Apocalypse, you didn't have any kind of Multiversal transit abilities, or you would've sent us home from the start."

"You're right. You see, the M'Kraan Crystal transported me away from my homeworld, and I ended up in Switzerland in this world. Just a few hours ago, Roma teleported me to Otherworld, and explained the situation. She basically asked me to make sure Solar is taken care of, so he can't destroy the Multiverse. She has given me the ability to travel through the Multiverse, guided by the yellow Zeo Crystal shard."

"Well, how are we supposed to separate Trevor from Onslaught?" asked Kat. "And how are we supposed to fight Solar? Any physical attack will only do damage to Trevor."

"I doubt you'll even manage to do much damage to Solar's body," said Nate, rubbing his chin. "When I battled Onslaught, the only thing that managed to destroy his physical form was the unadulterated wrath of the Hulk, the strongest creature on Earth!"

"Well, we took him down before," said Tommy.

"Not exactly," said Nate, "Roma told me about your first battle with Solar. Y'see, Sailor Mars' Fireball causes evil energy to lash back at itself. It created a vast

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