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we were chosen to be Power Rangers was the greatest day of my life."

"Yeah," said Tommy, "and the day I lost my Green Ranger power was the hardest day of my life. Being a Power Ranger really complicates your life."

Zack miserably walked into the Juice Bar and plops down next to Alexis. "What's wrong, Zack?" asked Jason.

"Well, I decided to pay Angela a visit. She was at the game, so I kinda made my way to her in the aisles. I asked her to go out with me, but, she, uh, said she's seeing someone else."

"It's okay," said Tommy, patting Zack on the shoulder. "There are plenty of fish in the sea."

"Easy for you to say! You HAVE a girlfriend! So, what were you guys talking about?"

"I was just saying how this whole experience feels like a dream," continued Alexis, looking up to the ceiling, "I mean, the coin I had since my tenth birthday, that has been in the Darling family for generations, has more power potential than an atomic bomb."

"Well, being a Power Ranger is more than just about fame and flying. We have a responsibility to the world," said Billy.

"I'm still glad to be part of the team," said Alexis.

"And its great to have you on the team!" said Kimberly, giving her newest teammate a hug.

To Be Continued in...

The Terran Power Rangers/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2:


Excerpt from The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force - The Preliminaries Volume 2: Collision

Jocelyn Armand busily packed her bags for a class trip. She rushed to her dresser to find another pair of denim shorts, when she passed the window of the fifth floor apartment she shared with her friends Rachel and Tamara. Her doe-colored eyes observed the world below her in fascination. Langstrum Alps was one of the biggest cities in America, complete with innumerable malls, movie theatres, dance clubs, restaurants, universities, and millions of inhabitants. But, Langstrum Alps wasn't a typical big city. It was by far the cleanest, safest city in the US. Well, safe from crime, anyway, but there was the occasional alien invasion. Jocelyn climbed out the window and stood on the fire escape for a better view. Her golden brown hair blew in the wind, sweeping in from the mountain range to the east, the Langstrum Alps. They were not really large mountains, but they were substantially high, and the wind coming from the mountains kept the city below cool, even though the California sun could be brutal. Those majestic mountains were the site of Jocelyn's excursion. The Introductory Ecology class was going to spend the weekend hiking and camping, getting to know the splendor of nature. Jocelyn's gaze moved from the mountains to below her, where she saw a short red-head in a green tee-shirt pacing in front of the apartment building. She then saw a new red Porsche parked on the curb beside the building, and a tall, well-built blonde with a California tan get out.

"Uh, oh," said Jocelyn out loud, snapping back to reality, "Matt looks mad, and Keith is ready to pick us up! I'd better get moving!"

Jocelyn climbed back into her room and haphazardly threw the rest of her clothes into her two bags. She stopped by the mirror and quickly tied her hair in a ponytail. She then put a stunning ring on her right ring finger. The band was sterling silver, with a complicated pattern etched gracefully along the whole band. In the front lay a beautiful marquise-cut orange gemstone. This ring was no ordinary ring, and the gem was even more extraordinary. In fact, there are only five other gems like the one Jocelyn wore. It glittered in a magical way. It was the Orange Spectrum Stone, which enabled Jocelyn to draw power from the rainbow and become the Orange Spectrum Enforcer, capable of flight at light speed, projection of orange light beams, and creation of orange force fields.

Jocelyn sighed as her mind once again slipped from reality, this time traveling to the past. Last September, Jocelyn first arrived in Langstrum Alps. She was only sixteen, but because she was utterly brilliant, especially in the physical and computer sciences, she graduated high school at fifteen. So, that fall, Jocelyn first came to UCLA, one of the most prestigious universities on the west coast. She could have gone to MIT if she wanted to, but she lived all her life in a small Langstrum Alps suburb, and she didn't want to be too far from home. Of course, life was difficult for a sixteen year old college freshman. Everyone made fun of her. Fortunately, she enrolled in the school's "Big Brother/Big Sister"

program, which paired an incoming freshman with an older and wiser junior or senior, to show them around and get them used to college. Jocelyn's Big Sister turned out to become her best friend - Rachel Castaneda. Rachel introduced Jocelyn to her friends for years, Keith, Tamara, and Craig. Jocelyn became such good friends with Tamara and Rachel that she even moved in with them in the second semester of her freshman year. Eventually, another timid freshman, Matt, joined the little clique, and now the six of them are the best of friends.

Jocelyn continued to reflect on the past, this time to a month ago, when she was watching Matt practice his gymnastics routine. She remembered Rachel solemnly telling her about some kind of alien invasion. Rachel gave Jocelyn the Orange Spectrum Stone, already set on the silver band, and Matt got the green one. Once Craig, Tamara, and Keith were found, they all entered a magical portal, and on the other end of it was a majestic golden castle, sitting on a cloud hovering high over Langstrum Alps. There, a woman with snow-white skin and flowing pink hair greeted them.

She explained that Phaedra, Empress of the Denebian Empire, had decided to conquer Earth and drain in of its vibrant energy. The Denebians were a race of black magicians, and only life-energy can power their evil encantations. Earth was Phaedra's next target, and Spectra, the chosen protectress of this solar system, had to find six humans worthy of wielding the power of light to battle the forces of darkness. Rachel was chosen for her passion to fight the good fight. Keith was chosen for his fighting prowess. Craig was chosen for his strength of mind and body. Tamara was chosen for her kindness. Matt was chosen for his courage. And Jocelyn was chosen for her intelligence. Together, the Spectrum Force stands as Earth's only means of victory against an undeniable evil...

"Jocelyn!" cried a voice, banging on Jocelyn's bedroom door, "JOCE!"

"Oh, coming!" called Jocelyn, once again being forced back into reality. She grabbed her bags and left her room. She then saw her friend Tamara standing by the door, her brown eyes staring at Jocelyn in disapproval.

"Joce, I've been banging at the door for ten minutes," she said, running her hands through her long, ebony hair, "Matt is all packed and ready, and Keith is ready to drive you to the gym. The bus is leaving in ten minutes."

"I'm sorry," mumbled Jocelyn.

Tamara sighed and grabbed one of Jocelyn's bags. The two girls ran to the elevator, and once they reached the first floor, they both sprinted down the hall. Jocelyn couldn't keep up with Tamara, however, because she carried the heavier bag, and her legs are shorter. Panting, she got out the door, and her eyes met Matt's emerald eyes, nearly glowing in anger.

"Jocelyn," said Matt, "I hope you realize the bus leaves in like five minutes."

"Hey, I'm SORRY

!" said Jocelyn feigning anger. She threw her bag at Matt, who caught it with his fast reflexes.

"Okay, kids, let's go," said Keith, getting out the driver's seat. He walked over to Tamara and took Jocelyn's other bag from her. His ocean blue eyes met her chocolate eyes, and she blushed a little.

"Achem," said Matt, already sitting in the car, "could we please LEAVE


Just then, Craig and Rachel, the other two members of the circle of friends, exited the apartment building. Craig was a hugely muscled, 6'4" African American, and Rachel was a tall, exotic looking Cuban with dark eyes and curly, shoulder-length dark hair.

"Wow, you didn't leave yet?" said Rachel, smiling.

"No, Jocelyn just got here," mumbled Matt, "and now we're gonna miss our bus, and we're not gonna go hiking up the mountain!"

Rachel gave Jocelyn a quick hug and waved to Matt in the car. "Have fun, you two!" she called.

"Oh, did you guys remember your rings?" asked Craig. "Just in case something happens up there." Craig was the most protective member of the team.

"How could we forget!" said Matt, finally cracking a smile. "Can we get going now?"

"We're off," said Keith, slicking back his long blonde hair and putting on his Police sunglasses. Jocelyn buckled up, and the car sped away well past the speed limit.

"Keith is such a speed-demon," grumbled Craig, shaking his head.

"I like to think of him as adventurous," said Tamara with a small grin. "That's why I love him so much!"

The three friends went back to their respective apartments, Tamara and Rachel on the fifth floor, and Craig to the room he shares with Matt and Keith on the seventh floor.

Character Thesaurus

So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)

That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!

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