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Book online «Secret War: Warhammer 40,000 by Ben Agar (reading eggs books TXT) 📖». Author Ben Agar

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could stop it, but how?

"Now we had access to an Astropath," said Wesley. "I've tried to send Torathe messages, trying to tell him to stop, but I've got no reply. Nothing."

"I will make sure to get in touch with my boss," said Arlathan, the first thing he'd uttered since I'd entered. "We will know when someone exits the warp into the system.

"Where was Devan Torathe when you'd last communicated with him?" asked Glaitis.

"That would've been eight months ago now," said Wesley. "He was on Malfi, investigating into the local elite. They were supposedly in the business of trading daemonic artefacts.

I frowned; I'd done a few jobs on Malfi and knew that such corrupt activity wasn't beneath them. I wondered how extensive the pogrom was that Torathe had led against Malfi aristocracy. Not that'd make much of a difference; they'd be back on it not long afterwards, anyway.

"He could be anywhere now," said Wesley.

Glaitis sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

Arlathan stepped forward. "I've told my boss what's gone on," he said. "Our remaining men and the PDF are blocking any and all traffic to and from planetside. Any ships that try to leave without the proper authorisation will be shot down. Especially those claiming Inquisitorial identification. Edracian's as good as trapped."

Brutis shook his head. "I doubt he's truly trapped. I bet he'd find a way. I could."

"Hmm," I said, with my finger and thumb musing on my chin. "That begs another question, why hasn't Edracian left already?"

"Who says he hasn't yet?" said Brutis.

I just shrugged and pursed my lips.

"So why don't we just evacuate?" suggested Olinthre. "Escape while we have the chance; if Edracian's no longer planetside, why should we stay?"

I frowned; as much as that sounded like cowardice, it was just logical. If we died with Omnartus, there would be no one left with the knowledge to stop any of his further missions, but the problem was he was still planetside. I knew, or at least was damn sure of it. I still couldn't understand it, especially now. Why hadn't he left? Why?

"Because he might not have," said Wesley. "And as long as there is one small chance we have him trapped, one small chance we can stop him for good, we've got to take it."

"Surely we should send someone away, just in case," I said and looked to Brutis. "Surely it should be someone with the highest authority who can do the most if the rest of us fail."

Brutis grimaced, "I am not running. I am also partly responsible for this mess and would rather see this mission to its end."

I clenched my teeth; I could tell Brutis Bones would've had a stubborn streak. In all honesty, I couldn't blame him; I'd feel the same way if I was him.

Then I realised something, and my attention switched to Glaitis. Only six months ago, I might've thought; differently, I wouldn't have been nearly as sympathetic, perhaps even contemptuous it was his sense of duty to see this through.

But in this case, I was pretty sure he was wrong; in this, he should leave. Let us handle this.

Yet I knew Edracian was still here, so perhaps he really shouldn't.

I sighed to myself and placed the palm of my hand over my face.

Suddenly, I remembered something, something which shocked me.

"Even if we kill Edracian here, it doesn't mean that this is all over," I said suddenly.

"Explain, Apprentice," said Glaitis impatiently.

"When I reached the conduit, I was forced to fight medicae Feuilt," I explained. "Edracian had sent him to guard it alone."

"Yes," said Olinthre. "We found his corpse in the church not far from where you lay unconscious. Did he tell you something?"

I nodded. "He told me that...that."

I trailed off, frowned and dropped my attention to the floor.

"He told you what?" said Brutis.

"He told me that, he told me that Elandria's," I paused and cleared my throat, noticing that Castella, Darrance and even Hayden all averted their attention. "That Elandria was taken off-world, into the warp. I know not where."

"Did he tell you whether or not that Edracian went with this...Elandria?" said Wesley.

"No, he neglected to say that," I said. "But what I mean is that perhaps, perhaps even if Edracian isn't off-world. Perhaps even if we do manage to stop him, he has someone. Something somewhere else is out there that's going to take his place. If he's gone, he still needs to be chased. If he isn't, someone still needs to track down this other something."

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" said the Olinthre-thing. "Why would Edracian want a rotting frigging corpse...?"

It was interrupted by my fist smashing into its face. I'd moved well over six metres in a split second, and It was sent sprawling hard against the wall, then crashing face-first hard to the floor.

"He didn't tell me," I said as I turned away and placed my hands behind my back. "He didn't know."

I smiled and glanced at Glaitis, seeing her sneer at me, which made me grin.

"Emperor!" said Wesley; it took him a good few seconds to realise what'd just happened. "What the hell?"

I looked then to Brutis, who was just smiling.

Both Darrance and Castella walked over and helped it to its feet, but it could barely stand.

"Please, Brutis Bones," I said. "You must leave as soon as you can."

"You do love your showboating, apprentice," growled Glaitis.

"I aim to please," I said.

"No, you aim to misbehave," she replied.

"Same difference," I said with a shrug.

"How can you be so damn coy," said Wesley, "after finding out that?"

I looked at him because it felt frigging good to punch that idiot in the face; finally, I thought but just gave him another shrug.

"What else did this Feuilt tell you?" asked Brutis.

I hmm'd and tapped my chin, pretending to remember but really trying to figure what to say and whatnot.

"Feuilt also claimed that our enemy had allied with the ruinous powers," I said, which made Brutis furrow his brow. "But I'm already assuming you guessed that."

"No," said Brutis, shaking his head. "Even after what occurred, I am assuming nothing. No, it's good to get even some confirmation of Edracian's corruption."

I nodded; perhaps it was high time I try to stop assuming things myself.

"Anything else?" said Glaitis.

I turned to her, eyes narrowed, wondering how much she'd told the others. Did they know that he was once her agent? Did they even know he was a triple agent, working for her, Taryst and Edracian all at once?

Did she know his backstory, even? Of how my father apparently taught him?

"Apprentice!" She snapped. "I asked you a question, do not leave us in waiting!"

I sighed, "he also said something else. He told me that Edracian wasn't what he seemed to be, or something like that."

That was all I was going to tell them; I didn't want to say of his supposed connections to my father. Not yet, anyway.

Glaitis and Brutis shared a glance.

"Any idea what that meant?" asked Brutis.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I said with a shrug, "and all the more reason why someone needs to leave Omnartus."

"I am not leaving Omnartus," said Brutis in a tone that'd brook no argument, and he looked at me under a hooded brow. I knew then that I couldn't push it anymore. He was an Inquisitor. I was just some lowly mercenary; I had no right to try and order him around.

I swallowed, straightened my jacket and quickly shut up.

"Anything else?" said Wesley.

I shook my head. "That's all. He might've said more, but I was too busy getting the crap beaten out of me to hear it."

"Seems to be a distinct theme around here," said Glaitis.

"Which brings forward another question," said Brutis. "I heard of your injuries. How exactly did you recover so fast?"

My eyes widened, and I looked at Glaitis; her expression was unreadable.

"Yes," said Wesley. "I was wondering the exact same thing."

I grinned nervously; the apprehension was horrible; my heart felt like it'd frozen in my chest. How the hell was I going to explain that one away? And what would happen if they found out the truth?

"Surely there are more important things to consider now of all times?" I said.

"Not right now," said Wesley as he got off his seat. "We have no leads to follow on Edracian, nothing now. As agents of the throne, in His holy service. It's our duty to look into things like this. We need to know, how did you recover so fast?"

"I don't know," I said, finding myself utterly incapable of thinking of a good response and glancing again at Glaitis, who still looked at me with that unreadable expression.

I clenched my teeth; help me here, please! I begged silently; then I saw that Castella, Hayden and even Darrance were reaching discretely for their weapons, which made me more scared.

"Now that was a lie," said Wesley. "A blatant one at that, you agree, boss?"

"I'd say that went without saying," said Brutis.

"I don't know," I repeated, taking a step back as instinct made me reach for my sword. "That, I swear."

"If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear," said Brutis. "I see there's a lot of fear in you."

He smiled and moved his bolter but stopped as we heard the sound of a plasma pistol powering up. Castella stood, pointing it straight at his skull as Hayden had his rifle at Wesley and Darrance drew his scimitar, activating it.

"Don't you even dare," said Castella.

Brutis looked at her, utterly unfazed. "I hope you are aware you're pointing that at a member of the Inquisition? Are you?"

"Yep," she said without hesitation. "Now put that bolter down before I put you down."

I looked at her, utterly taken aback, imploring her to stop silently. Then I saw Glaitis and gaped. She looked on with such horror and shock I could not even begin to describe it.

Brutis sighed. "I wasn't going to shoot just him. I am not that puritan. You must be aware that what we just lived through was a daemonic incursion. This Attelus here might be possessed, he came very close to a daemonic artefact, and that may be why he healed so quickly. I am just doing my duty as an Inquisitor; I am protecting all of us. Now please lower the plasma pistol."

I looked at Brutis; in all honesty, that was fair enough, and theoretically, he was right. I was possessed, but not in the way he thought.

"No," said Castella. "He's like a little brother to me; I swear if you even lay a finger on him..."

"Enough!" snarled Glaitis suddenly. "Hayden, Darrance, Castella, stand down, now!"

"Screw you," said Castella sternly, and Darrance and Hayden weren't moving either.

Glaitis abruptly shut up, gaping like she was slapped.

I couldn't believe it. They did this for me, standing up to an Inquisitor putting their lives on the line, but why? I couldn't comprehend it.

I met Castella's eyes, and she gave me a smile with a wink.

My expression back to her was the most scared and uncertain I could give, hoping that'd make her back down.

It didn't.

"You are now making yourselves accomplices in this," said Brutis. "If he is possessed and is unleashed upon the planet. You will be just as responsible as he is."

"Don't care," said Castella. "You should just be more worried about having a bolt of plasma through your skull than anything else."

Suddenly Brutis turned and aimed his bolter at her.

"Not if I shoot you first," he said.

Then Darrance was suddenly there, holding his power sword against Brutis' back.

"Not if I sever your spine first," he said.

"Stop this!" snapped Glaitis; she was screaming now. "Stop this now! I order you!"

They didn't take any notice of her, but I did. Only I could see Glaitis horrid, rage-ridden expression, and I was the only one who saw her draw her power sword.

I was already moving, drawing my sword, winding and weaving through everyone. Making it just in time to block Glaitis' blade as she stabbed it straight at Hayden's back.

Instinctively, In the blink of an eye,

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