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Book online «The Kids Grow Up by Trish Hanan (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Trish Hanan

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and drank his brother’s. Harry laughed and hugged him.
“Good, then you can help me make the liquor and I’ll give you the Liquor Mart,” he told him and Adam grinned and nodded.
“Great, Dad,” he said. Harry smiled and they cleaned up the table and packed everything up to go home. Unlike some people who liked to stay later, he liked to have his kids in bed as soon as possible. They hugged everyone goodbye and left. Jake drove with both hands and watched out for drunks and Harry closed his eyes for a minute.
They got home safely and put everyone to bed and Harry washed the dishes and put everything away and crawled into bed. Jake snuggled up close and closed his eyes. Harry giggled.
“You don’t really think I’m letting you go to sleep without fucking me, do you?” he teased and Jake laughed and rolled over on top of him. He lifted his legs up and positioned himself.
“Fooled you, I’m already lubed up and ready to go,” he said and Harry pinched his nipples.
“You should have been a boy scout, honey,” he teased him and Jake slowly entered that hot tight hole and they both gasped. “Oh, God, Jake, you feel so good,” Harry murmured. Jake smiled and kissed him hard and long.
“Babe, I love you,” he whispered and they made love slowly, holding back as long as they could, teasing, kissing, gasping, gently biting and playing until they couldn’t hold off any longer and they yelled as they found release.
“Happy New Year, honey,” Harry whispered and Jake smiled and they drifted off.

Chapter Five

January they went to the lake and went skiing and the kids all had fun until a blizzard came and covered the mountain and they couldn’t get out of the cabin for days. Harry announced that winter fun was over and took the families to Hawaii for fun in the sun.
“Thank God, you dug the Elizabeth out and took us away from all that snow,” Kathleen gushed as they flew towards the sun. Harry grinned.
“I know, darling, being trapped in a cabin with seven kids all screaming ‘I’m bored’ is enough to drive anyone insane,” he stated and they all laughed and agreed. He landed near the houses and all the kids ran outside screaming and hollering. Fathers walked out more slowly, laughing and talking. The wives and Harry walked down the ramp and met them. Jake pulled Harry into his arms and kissed him.
“I swear if I heard, ‘are we there yet’ one more time, I was going to kill the kid who said it,” he growled and they all laughed. Harry giggled.
“Ah, poor honey,” he sympathized and kissed him. They unloaded and took the animals to the barn and they rounded up the kids to help unpack. Then it was off to the waterfalls to go swimming, the first thing they always did.
“This is so much better than being snowed in,” Emma gushed to her best friend Stephie who grinned.
“Really, Megan was whining so much in the cabin, I wanted to kill the little brat,” she said and they both laughed. All the girls, Emma, Stephie, Cassie, Megan, Shannon, Sharon, May, Patsy, Penny, Irene, Ruth, Colleen, Cheryl, and Naomi all played together and were best friends. The three older girls, Emma, May and Stephie of course because they were twelve thought they were superior to the other girls. Cassie because she was eleven was part of their crowd some of the time and some of the time was part of the ten year-old crowd.
Now that the kids were older Jake and Harry were more free to take moonlight walks at night while they were sleeping and they took full advantage of that and walked barefoot in the surf holding hands and talking, stopping often to kiss.
“There they go again, look at them, always kissing, you would think after all these years they’d get tired of kissing each other,” Violet snapped as she peered out her window. Susie giggled.
“Really, it’s been eighteen or nineteen years, give it a rest already,” she remarked.
“I bet if my breasts were bigger, then Jake would notice me,” Violet said and flopped on the bed. Susie sighed and looked at her friend.
“Why don’t you ask Dr. George if he could do plastic surgery on you to make them bigger,” she told her. Violet sighed.
“I already did and he said he wasn’t qualified to do that, only a plastic surgeon could do that and the hospital isn’t set up to do that kind of thing,” she snapped.
“Well, Harry doesn’t have any titties and Jake seems to like that,” Susie said to comfort her. Violet glared at her friend.
“Men aren’t supposed to have any, women are, stupid,” she snapped. Susie shrugged and got up.
“Well, I’m tired of sitting here listening to you whine about Jake again, I’m going to Billy’s party, are you coming?” she asked. Violet shook her head.
“I’m tired of his stupid parties, all he does is makes the girls go topless so he can play with their breasts,” she whined. Susie giggled.
“Yeah, but he makes the boys go bottomless and that’s fun,” she declared and left the room. Violet made a face and went back to the window. She could see the two men walking in the distance only this time one of them, Harry it looked like was running ahead and Jake was chasing him. She wondered what they were doing and saw Jake catch up and toss Harry over his shoulder and carry him off into some trees and they disappeared from her view.
“Shit,” she muttered and realized that they were probably going to do it under the trees and here she was stuck in this house with nothing to do and no one to make love with her. That just wasn’t fair. She decided to walk down to David and Gloria’s where she knew none of the older men would make fun of her small breasts and they would always welcome her.
“Honey, you make such a dastardly pirate and ravish me so well,” Harry murmured and sighed with contentment as he laid his head on Jake’s strong chest. Jake laughed softly and played with his babe’s hair.
“You’re such a nice little captive, I really thought you were weeping there for a minute, babe, it made me feel like a criminal,” he told him. Harry giggled.
“We should do a movie, old DJ would love that,” he teased and they both laughed.
“I want to get some harem pants for you and play sultan and slave boy, that would be really fun,” Jake gushed and Harry looked up at him.
“Okay, honey, I’d love to be your little slave boy,” he told him and they kissed. Then it got too cold and they quickly got dressed and walked home. Harry giggled.
“Oh, man, I’m going to have sand up the crack of my ass all day tomorrow,” he complained and Jake laughed.
“You say that every time, babe,” he told him. Harry smiled.
“I guess I do because it’s the truth,” he said primly and they both laughed and kissed. They took a shower at home and Jake did a sand inspection and announced he was clean which lead to other things which made them both extremely happy and tired so they curled up and fell asleep. Jackson heard the giggling and thought he had the weirdest parents on the planet. Adam thought so too.
“Man, those two are always doing it; don’t they ever get tired of sex?” Adam asked his brother who shrugged.
“It must be fun because all the adults are always doing it,” he remarked. Adam snickered.
“Do you think Violet and Susie are going to be out tomorrow naked sunbathing?” he asked and Jackson giggled.
“They are every year so probably,” he sneered and they both laughed.
“I don’t like that Violet, she’s always making goo-goo eyes at dad,” Sean said from his bed.
“Yeah, but dad never pays any attention to her, he’s gay and gay men don’t have sex with women,” Jackson told them.
“Roger and Zach have sex with each other and with Wendy too,” Adam said. Jackson snorted.
“Yeah, but they’re bi-sexual not gay,” he informed them. “Our dads are gay so they only have sex with men and they’re not like the other parents who have open marriages; they only have sex with each other.” His brothers nodded.
“I wonder why?” Adam asked. Jackson shrugged.
“I think it’s because Jake is too possessive. Do you see the way he looks at Harry sometimes when other men are around, especially when DJ or Steve put their arms around him? He gets this gleam in his eyes, like ‘that’s my property you’d better get your hands off,’” he said and they all laughed.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve seen that look before at parties when dad’s gotten a hug from DJ or Charlie, Jake gets this killer dog look in his eyes,” Adam said proudly. They all grinned, they liked that. Sean giggled.
“I woke up one night and they were doing it under the kitchen table,” he told them. They all laughed. Ryan rolled over.
“That’s nothing, they do it all over the house when we’re asleep, they play all kinds of crazy sex games all the time, they even do it in the backyard,” he joined the conversation. Jackson laughed.
“They’re crazy sex fiends, face it gentlemen, our parents are sex maniacs,” he declared and they all laughed and went back to bed.
The next morning all the boys were looking at their fathers and giggling and Harry looked at them.
“What is up with you gentlemen this morning, did you take a crazy pill last night?” he teased and they all burst into laughter. Sean rolled his eyes.
“No, but you and dad are sex fiends, Dad,” he told him. Harry giggled.
“What, you’re just figuring that out?” he teased and they all laughed. Emma rolled her eyes.
“Is that all men can think of, sex?” she sneered and they all laughed again. Jake patted her hand.
“That’s right, baby girl, you tell those animals,” he said. Harry rolled his eyes.
“Well, as interesting as this conversation is, I’m the barer of bad news people,” he said and they all groaned.
“What do we have to do?” Adam complained. Harry grinned.
“I got an email and it seems that everyone is almost out of coffee and you know what that means,” he told them and they all brightened up.
“Oh, cool, we get to go to Savannah,” Jackson gushed. Jake laughed.
“Picking coffee beans is fun?” he asked and made a face. Jackson shrugged.
“Not really but we’ll get to see the monkeys and get some oranges too and play in the jungle and that’s fun,” he told him and Jake grinned.
“Well, heck, now I want to go,” he declared and they all laughed.
After breakfast the volunteers lined up and loaded into the passenger carriers and Harry flew them all to Savannah. The ladies rode up in the cockpit with him and the men rode down in the carrier with the kids and they had a ball talking which they never got tired of doing. They landed in the field and weeded first and all the kids got to ride the tractors which they loved doing.
“Christ, don’t they realize

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