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minutes. “This is Frank, Brad.”

“Say, Frank, I think that the cab company, the bellman had set up for me, may be connected somehow. Could you find out how?” I was eager.
“Yeah, I already know that answer.” He then questioned. “Why?”

“I was wondering why things happen when I get out of a cab. For example the last time I climbed out of one, things went to, well like I’ve been trying to say, dark.” I went on. “It happened before just as”—

He interupted me. “the cab company that you are speaking about is Heritage Cab Company. The Rhortec firm took them over just before they went bankrupt.”

I was surprised. “You mean that Rhorem owns the taxis too?”

“Oh yes.” He sounded proud. “I sold that one, so I know about it.” He told me to hold as he took another call on an incoming ring that was on call waiting. “Yeah, so yeah, he owns some other stuff too.” He paused. “I didn’t know you wanted to know about it, I guess I could have told you.”

“Frank, if you need me to give you more information it would be helpful to know the score.” I was wondering what else Frank had neglected to tell me. “What else should you tell me Frank, what other companies has he gotten, and”—

Interrupting he spoke quickly. “I’ll go over that with you when I see you it’s just that right now, I have to take this call. I’ll be in touch.” He hung up.

I stared at the telephone in my hand. “I’m getting tired of people hanging up on me.” I said to myself, as I set the telephone on the base. I didn’t think that I was getting the whole story.

THE RECIPE Joe Parente

Chapter 7

During the second shower today, thoughts of a captivating conversation and dinner with the most interesting woman I knew will soon happen. Feeling a little nervous, I was careful not to make a mistake shaving. I wanted to look my best. Wearing the best slacks and shirt with a navy blazer, I found myself in the lobby awaiting a cab.

As I was catching the update news on the bar television from the hallway, I noticed Jules talking with someone that looked familiar. It was a bit of a distance from where I was standing. I couldn’t make out the identity of the animated person to whom Jules was talking. Walking a little closer to them, the person that was pointing his finger at Jules face was Frank. Now why would Frank be here? Something smelled fishy about this whole thing. The taxi arrived. I had to think of this later.

“The Rodolpho restaurant please.” The cab driver was the same guy from yesterday “Say do you remember me?” I asked.

Alphonso turned and instantly remembered and snapped his fingers. “Hey Brad! you gots’ your briefcase?” He smiled.

“Yes, thank you. Do you remember what happened that day?” I scooted close to the front seat.

“Yes, brother, I dropped you off at that hotel.” He pointed at The Walton as he drove away.” You got out and you—you were gone.” He gestured with palms up and apart. “Man, you vanished.”

“You mean that I got out and you didn’t see where I went?” I queried.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Where did you go anyhow brother?” He looked me up and down. “Hey man, you forgot your briefcase. I looked around and damned if I can find you. Like, you disappeared.” He shook his head as if he was lost.
I shifted in the back seat and scooted closer. “Tell me what happened next.”

“You don’t remember?” he frowned.

“I wanted to get your story about things, that’s all.” Please go on.

“Well, after I found your briefcase, and I didn’t look in it, honest; I figered that that thing was sposed to go wich you to the hotel. I takes it in there an’ I givs it to the desk guy. Oh, I remembered your name from that other guy you was with. I kind of over heard you both talkin’.” He was speaking with large honest eyes.

“I want to thank you for delivering it, and I would like to give you this.” I handed him a twenty.

“Well thank you Mister Brad, I always tells myself that it pays to be honest.” He smiled as he looked at himself in the rear view mirror adjusting his cap.

We arrived at Rodolphos. The cabby said that this taxi ride was on the house.

We sat together at the rear of the restaurant; seeing her made everything okay. The restaurant was very ‘Old Italian’, with murals of Venice and Naples. I ordered a bottle of wine. She was very warm to me, as she expressed concern about the scratched bump on my head. I told her about what had happened after leaving her office. She was particularly concerned about the black out. Judy made me promise to talk to a doctor about it.

We finished dishes of the best manicotti and spinach ravioli that either of us had ever tasted. Sipping a wonderful Italian red wine, she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. “Brad thank you for a terrific dinner. It was excellent. Oh, by the way, I set up that appointment with Jeff for you. He was not thrilled about meeting you. He said that you should bring the contract with you so he could tear it up. – I’m sorry to have to tell you that.”

My mind was on other things. “Let me talk to him, I’ll do my best to show the benefits of the program.”
She placed her hand towards me. “I was wondering, well, I was wondering if things do not go well with him, does that mean that you will stop seeing me?”

I immediately got the feeling of her closeness. “Judy, I haven’t felt this way about someone in a long time.” I took her hand. “I know this is sudden but I would like to see a lot more of you. I think there is some magic starting up here, no matter what happens with Jeff.” I smiled as I looked into her eyes.

“I’ll bet that you are just that magician too.” She pulled me over to her and gave me an unexpected kiss on the lips.

We each enjoyed an after-dinner drink; she then drove us to her apartment. I was in heaven. The evening passed in bliss. She was warm, tender and loving.

She slipped on her robe. “Now before you go, I want you to call our family doctor. I am sure he can get you in.” She handed me the telephone number. “You can call from here in the morning.” Judy smiled.

The doctor was able to see me as a favor to Judy. I felt a little jealous until she mentioned his age of seventy.
I was introduced to Jeff that morning at the office. “Thank you for seeing me.” He ignored my outstretched hand.
He turned to glance out the window. “Brad right?” I nodded. “Look Brad, I am afraid that my father made a mistake signing the contract with your company. As you know, I have a vested interested in Baetacom. In fact, the reigns of this company will, in a few years, be turned over to me.”
I took some time to present the program to him but he continued. “I am going to cancel this contract. I just do not see how we could afford you.”

I attempted to be firm. “Jeff, your company can’t afford to not have this program. With every company that we have signed on, our management team has increased the profit structure.”

He thought a second. “Get me a list of all the firms you have helped. I want to check them out. Obviously this contract has been signed without checking you guys out.”

“I will have to get that list from the office.” I was wishing that I had that report. Perhaps a copy of all of Rhortec’s accounts would answer some of the nagging questions that were bothering me. “I’ll check back with you, let’s say, in a couple of days ok?”
He looked straight at me. “I don’t give it much hope.”

Walking past Judy’s desk, I assured her of my loyalty, and told her that I would call her after the doctor’s appointment. I gave her a little kiss on the neck.

From the hotel room, the call was made to Willhelm Rhorem to discuss the meeting with Jeff, “hello, Will.”

“Well what did you find out?” He spat out gruffly.

“It did not go well at all.” I swallowed.


“I talked to him about the whole program, bringing out every conceivable benefit to his firm but he wanted out of the contract. Finally, he agreed to look at a list of the businesses that you have worked with in the past. He required that you also furnish him with contact names. He wants to check with those firms personally.”

He sounded mad. “He required?” I could hear the Old Man’s fist slam onto the desk. “Nobody requires from me! Besides that, I don’t give out lists! All information of the clients that we have done business with is strictly confidential. I thought you could handle this Brad,” he huffed.

I thought about this comment. “How about listing a few of the clients? Maybe that would get him to go along. Some current ones would be good. Like for example, Heritage Cab.”

“How the hell did you know about that?” he steamed.

I didn’t want to tell him about Frank. “From, uh, the cab driver, I think.” What was he trying to hide?
He was aggravated as he spelled out the words.
We-Don’t-Give Out-That- Information, Brad!” He was breathing heavily now. “I know that you found that we took over The Walton Hotel. Now how do you figure this information would help? Smarten-up boy!”

Maybe I just got a little smarter. The Old Man did have something to hide and I’m right in the middle of it. I threw it back at him. “What do you want me to do now?”

He sounded resolved. “It seems that you have done all you can. I’ll take care of it from here. Just sit tight until I find out what to do with you.”

At least he didn’t fire me. I’m not sure that
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