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was a blessing. I was getting sick of being reamed. I had to think. Things were getting rather thick. I decided to grab a drink at the bar downstairs.

On the way down, the elevator stopped at the sixth floor. My mind was so confused with the Rhorem ire that I mistakenly got out.

At that time, the decision was made to take the stairs to clear my head. It was only six floors down. It would help to cool off. A loud familiar voice was coming from room 620. It was hard not to eavesdrop. I did an about turn and pretended to tie my shoelaces as I listened.

“He is not responding to it I tell you!” One voice said.

“Something has worked; he’s blacked out a couple of times. That has every indication that it is working.” The other one spoke as if he had a slight German accent.

“I don’t think it took!” The familiar voice said. “What will happen if Willhelm orders you to?” Instantly I was all ears!

“We have to try to over-ride his programming to start again. He is very reluctant; there must be a natural block to the synapse. Don’t you worry; I have done this many times in the lab. Just leave things to me Frank.”

I was almost to the point of crashing the door to find out if they were talking about me, when I heard a rustling of the doorknob. Quickly trying the adjoining room handle, I discovered that the door was open. Dashing into the room and by leaving the door ajar, I was able to see into the hallway. If the other person was Frank, I didn’t see him. Unfortunately, he had turned towards the elevator away from my position.

Waiting for a few minutes, I had hoped that I could catch a glimpse of the other person in the room. He had evidently remained in the room. I tried to listen through the adjoining room door but there was silence. Looking around the room, I noticed the key from the last person that occupied this suite. They must have checked out leaving their key on the dresser. I stuck that key into my pocket.

Something was definitely fishy. If what those guys were talking about what I thought they were, I needed more answers. Just the mere fact that they were talking about blackouts made me feel that I was being played for a fool. That is if I was the subject of their conversation, this may be the case. I hope not.

Out of the mood for a drink, I checked the hallway then went back to my room.

THE TIMING Joe Parente

Chapter 8

Judy called the next morning. I was very happy to hear her voice. Before I could tell her about what I had heard from room 620, She reminded me of the doctors appointment. She also mentioned that a call came in from Rhortec’s main office.
A luncheon appointment was made with Jeff for this afternoon. I was surprised that Willhelm Rhorem did not tell me about it. When I asked the details of the appointment, she told me that she didn’t listen in on her brother’s conversation. She laughed and said “At least not this time.” I told her that I missed her and she said the same. It made me feel good. We laughed.

She had another call but before she took it, she made me promise to call after the doctor appointment.

One mile from Baetacom’s office was located Doctor Carlisle’s office. It was a mid –floor suite in a large brownstone building that looked as though it had been newly re-modeled. The top floor housed a working lab and office space. I was impressed by the warm atmosphere and kind receptionist.
“Thank you for seeing me in such short notice Doctor Carlisle.” I shook his hand as he returned a very firm grip. He didn’t look at all like a seventy- year old. “I’m Brad Watson? Judy Foster”—
He interrupted. “I know, I know.” He waved a flat hand. “I’ve known Judy and the whole Foster family for, well before Judy and Jeff were born. She has told me about you and she said to take very good care of you.” A big smile stretched from ear to ear as he guided me into one of his examination rooms.

“Now, Judy has told me about some blackouts you have been experiencing. Can you tell me more about what is happening?” He took out a legal pad and clipboard. “Please don’t leave any thing out.”
I continued to explain the circumstances since arriving in New York. I spoke of the first time the blackouts had started and the second time after leaving the cab.

After the explanation, he arched his eyebrows from the clipboard “How much do you drink, son?”
For some reason, I trusted this doctor because I answered honestly. “To be truthful sir, the first incident was the day after I had been drinking more than I should have. The second time, however, no alcohol was involved. In the past, I have had hangovers but never have I been through this type of thing.”

He was making notes. “Now you know as well as I do that excess alcohol will cloud your judgment and possibly cause hallucinations. I feel, however, that in this case there is something else going on.” He set his clipboard down. “I want to get some vitals from you, and then I want to run a series of x-rays to get a better idea of things. What do you say?”

“That’s fine,” I said.
After taking blood pressure measurements and pulse, He asked, “have you ever had an MRI?”
“I have heard of them but had never had one,” I answered.
The doctor pointed his pencil at me. “I would like to do a CAT scan to see if we can get a good picture of what is going on. We can then see what other tests are needed.” He turned his back to glance out the window, then faced me. “If we don’t find an answer then we can go further. The reason why I had asked you about an MRI is that we could compare an earlier scan with a current one.

“No I’ve never had one.” I was intrigued. “What is a CAT scan?”

“It is computer axial tomography, or simply put, cross sectional images that are generated by computer from a series of x-ray scans of the particular area of the body.”

I thought to my-self, ok? I didn’t know what type of question to ask, except for one. “Can you do that here?”

“Yes, we can.” He gestured towards the upper floor. “The best part is that I can get you out of here in under an hour. That is, if this is the only test that is needed.” He was very assuring. “Now don’t worry Brad, I’ll get to the bottom of this, or Judy will have my head.’ Again, that same broad smile appeared.

An hour and a half went by as I waited in a room. Doctor Carlisle entered.” Brad could come in here please?” he motioned towards a white lighted wall that held an ex-ray. “Have you ever been shot with a pellet gun?”

“I was startled. “No, never, why?”

“There is something that is lodged by the area of the brain that controls the ophthalmic nerve. It is the size of two grains of rice.” Pointing with his pencil, he showed the area. “I was thinking that you may have been shot with a pellet gun since the shape is this elongated form, just a moment.” He opened a drawer and took out a strong magnifying glass. Examining the object a little closer, he took in a breath of air.

“Wait a minute Brad, this is curious, this is not a pellet. This looks like some sort of, a uh, well it looks like some sort of computer chip!”

“A what?” I was stunned. Where the hell did that come from? I grabbed the magnifier and stared at this—THING. “I don’t know how that got in there!”

“It’s not very deep. I think that I can get that out with a small slit here.” He indicated the simple procedure with a pointer. “All you’ll have is a small bandage there.” He pointed.

“Hell yes! Take that thing out!” That thing doesn’t belong there, that I know, and it could be the answer to my recent headaches. “Can you do this now?”

“Yes I want to. I’ll also send it in to be analyzed. Some one has installed this chip for some reason. I have an idea this is the answer to all your problems.”

“There is no proof right now but it could also have something to do with the company I work for. Things have developed to make me wonder.” So help me, I’ll find out.”

In ten minutes, Doctor Carlisle had completed the task with little or no pain. The clear pellet definitely looked man made with some sort of micro wiring connected to the smallest junction box or something.
It needed further study to determine what it was. One thing was for sure; I was pissed! Who ever did this thing to me was going to pay. I simply had to resolve this and the place to start was the hotel.
I couldn’t remember how or when it could have happened. The only thing that I could think of was if I had been slipped a drug and then taken advantage of.

The doctor and I had agreed not to tell Judy the whole story until results of the chip came back from the lab.

“Hi sweetie, I missed you. Thank you for getting the appointment to see Doctor Carlisle. He helped me with most of what happened.”

Loving the way she answered the telephone, she asked, “what were the reasons for your blackouts?”

I carefully picked my words. “The ‘Doc’ is running some tests. After he ran a CAT scan, he may have found the reason for the problem. He is a good doctor; I can see that he is a worthy professional. He knows his stuff.”

She sounded relieved. “That sounds great Brad. When can I see you?”

“That’s one reason why I called, Judy, Could you meet me at Luigi’s bar on the corner where the Walton Hotel is? I’ll send for a cab to pick you up, let’s say, at five?”

She quickly answered. “Absolutely yes!”
“Say, have you heard how the meeting
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