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Book online «BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back by Tai Goodman (ebook reader computer TXT) 📖». Author Tai Goodman

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threw the screwdriver at Peter and missed, hitting a board behind him. "ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT!" 

Peter sprinted over to Hans and pinned him to the floor, strangling the breath out of him. Peter slammed Hans' head on the floor in anger, giving him a scowl. His neck started turning red, and the color kept rising until it reached Hans' hairline. "...SCHTOP.... PLEASE!" 

Peter's fingers grasped even harder down on Hans' throat. He leaned in and said, "GIVE ME A DAMN REASON, YOU LITTLE STUPID FUCK!"


"Let 'em go. He's had enough, the little shit." Peter then realized what he was doing. With both of his eyes wide open, his grasp on Hans untigthened as he fell backwards. "Hans... You alright?"

"Ja.... I'm O.K. Please just... No more strangers or Nazis in zhe house, ja?"


Hans reentered the house and closed the door behind him. Natasha came out of the panic room, right as one of Phoenix's vises' handles started rotating. "What happened? Is everyone OK?" 

"Yeah... Hans just got in a brawl with me over bringing fuckface into the garage!" 

Natasha walked over to Kraut and lifted his shirt up. On Kraut's bare chest was a tattoo of a swastika. "You see this? We don't allow swastikas in the house, right? So you get a front row seat to watch me 'edit' it." 

Peter grabbed a bottle of beer and sat down on a stool. "Fuck him up!"

Natasha whipped out the blade on her butterfly-knife held his shirt up a few inches. "This is my masterpiece, don't squirm, please. Let the artist work."

Kraut started squirming back and forth while still chained to the ceiling. Natasha poked the point of her knife at his head. "HEY! I SAID STOP MOVING, YOU FILTHY WORM!"

Kraut stopped moving immediately. Natasha then continued her work, and started to plunge a few centimeters of her knife into the Nazi's chest. Peter was in the background, sitting there in laughter and entertainment. His eyes symmetrically locked with Kraut's for a second. Then Peter broke eye contact. "Nazis aren't human, so what's the point in looking them in the eyes." Natasha cut a round corner and kept cutting. "MMMMMMRGH! MGH!"

Natasha shushed him, leaving a bloody fingerprint on the piece of tape covering his lips. "It'll be over before you know it. And that's NEVER."

Natasha cut up a few inches, and then started cutting another half circle. Then it was finished. She ripped the piece of flesh off of Kraut's chest and handed it to Peter. It was a crossed out Swastika. Kraut's eyes focused onto the big blotch of blood on the left side of his upper-shirt. "This right here is pure art. Thanks!"






Tyler finished the bolt on Peter's eye. "Alright, can you see now?" Tyler questioned him. Peter's right eye still couldn't see anything. 

"Nope. Still dark."

Tyler tightened the bolt on the frame of the robotic eye. "What about... now?"

The magnification lens inside the robotic eye blinked. It blinked twice more. "Whoa.... IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I can see!" Peter cheered, with an ecestatic emotion on his face. "You're a genius Ty. BUT YOU GUYS AREN'T BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WOULD REPEAT THE ENTIRE CHAPTER... ANYWAYS, fast foward to the present!"




Peter patched it onto his jacket and then rolled out a blueprint. "Alright, Tasha, listen up because we only got one shot at this, my friend Phoenix is frozen on a platform that is constantly keeping him cold. We need to shut it down with something. Then we can melt the molten nickel at a temperature where it won't burn him. After that... Umm... I guess we just go after Fegelein." 

Natasha blinked and said, "Okay... So let me repeat all that... You're going after your friend named Fegelein who is-"


"Yeah, Phoenix, and we're.... what?"

Peter sighed. "Alright, well let's fast forward to the next chapter so you guys don't have to listen to a lengthy and overly complicated description of the crap going down."



Chapter XV: The Nuclear Option



Peter walked through the living room and then was stopped by a few fingers. "Peter, you might want to hear this, Fegelein's talking about something... malevolent," Tyler informed him. Peter plopped himself down by the television in an armchair. Tyler rotated a small thin dial on the TV remote and raised the volume to 20. 

Fegelein was on the screen, speaking to the public. "...Citizens of Zhe United Schtates of America, focus your attention toward me at zhis moment, because I vill not repeat zhis message. Zhis is zhe zecond time I vill say zhis. Zhe Reich und I have made a horrible, but right decision in case of extreme action. Here in zhe Montana palace, ve have a... Erm... A nuclear response. No, ve are not at war vith any countries, as zhe other countries under our control are handling them. But our country, our perfect union... It is struggling to keep on its toes vith governmental pride. Zhere is always VONE terrorist trying to knock off zhe figurehead. Ve have had a long streak vithout tormet after zhe fall of zhe Masked Terror... But now, zhere's a new vone. Vone who has murdered the Kommandant of Neu Orleans and apparently captured zhe Kommandant of Detroit. So, und vhat I'm about to say vill haunt or threaten most of you, and it has a possibility of not happening as long as everybody remains calm and zhe terrorism and revolutions within conclude. IF zhis does not happen, ve vill send out an entire electronic pulse, ranging across zhe United States, to Hawaii, und ve even have vone in Alaska. Zhis pulse vill decay everybody down to subatomic particles, or in other vords, kill you if you are not vearing a suit of protective armor or in zhe emergency shelters placed around zhe United States. Zhe button on my desk, vhich is activated by consent of all of zhe major heads in zhe building, vill be released and vill be able to cause the effect. It vill remain here, in zhis palace, controlled by me. Und you have control over vhether I press it or not. Make your choices visely." 


Peter covered his mouth with the palm of his hand in despair. Then Tyler stood up to make a motivational speech. "Alright, everybody, let's get to work!"
And then he sat back down. Peter clapped once sarcastically. "That sucked fuck. Let me give you a real motivational speech:


Everybody SHUT THE HELL UP! We're supposed to be out there killing BAD motherfuckers! And they want to kill everyone? THAT'S FUCKED UP."


Fegelein then said, "Thank you for your cooperation-"

Peter whipped out his baseball bat and pointed it at the television screen. "I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!"
Tyler held him back, "STOP!"


Tyler looked at the screen for a few more seconds and looked through the channels. "HEY! I TOLD YOU TO TURN THAT OFF, NOT LOOK FOR THE CRAZY RICH WOMEN CHANNEL!"

"No, I'm looking for other intel on Fegelein."

Chapter XVI: Bringing the Plan Together

Peter had a blueprint of the EMP device and the melting device. Natasha walked over to Peter and asked him, "So... where are we going to get the parts for this?"

Peter pointed to a safe in the corner without facing that direction. "Go type in 1913 on that thing over there and open it up," he ordered her to do. Natasha walked over to the safe, and pressed 1-9-1-3 on the touchscreen codepad. The safe unlocked and was opened wide, full of cash. She took a money stack and weighed it in her hands, flipping through all the bills. "Where... did you get all of this? Is this stolen money?"

"Yep. Got the bank stamps on the bands, you see them?"

The blue bands that conjoined the bills had a distinct Neu Orleans stamp on them. Natasha questioned, "So you're not just wanted for murder and breaking and entering and all that... But for theft too?"

"I don't think they knew it was us who robbed it. That's what was left of what we used to kill Dovkin Schriener, Anna Pultzei, and Franz Pultzei. We're all smart in the technical region. It's the future. Everything's electronic, touchscreen, all that jazz because apparently it's a necesity when it's NOT. We get things done faster because of all these things."

Natasha nodded. "I can't remember the time I haven't seen one of those computing devices in a place it doesn't belong."

Peter chuckled and answered, "Dumpsters."

Natasha gave another example, "Chimneys."

She took him by the gloved hand, and Peter's eyes went bloodshot into space. "Whoa. Uhh.. what do I say, WHAT DO I SAY?"


Natasha grasped his hand firmly and she started leaning over to his ear. "Fuseboxes."


She inched toward his side and whispered, "Stores." 

Before Peter gave another example, she shushed him with one finger. Natasha looked at Kraut, who had fell asleep. And then she gazed back into Peter's eyes. He was staring at her beautiful looks and her proximity to him. Very close. Extremely close. Too close for comfort. "What in the fuck is going on..." Natasha laughed once and then whispered into his ear, "Peter... Do you like me?"

"You better say something that isn't 'no.'" Peter nodded and answered, "Yes. Yes I do." Natasha wrapped her hands around him. "Do you like it when I do this?"

Peter nodded, "Mhmm!"

Natasha kissed him on the lips, and while that happened, Peter didn't hold back. He succumbed to Natasha. The two's lips departed from each other, and Peter gave her a look in the eye. Quickly, without thinking, he tried to move all of the stuff off of the workbench. "Peter, let's hurry this up!" she said, antsy. 

Peter quickly calculated the dimensions of the bench and then was interrupted by Natasha kissing him repeatedly. "Hold on a second! There's Phoenix's panic room!" 

Peter turned the vise's handle and revealed the panic room in the floor. "Let's do this." 

The two sprinted down into the panic room.

"What happened while I've been doing all this destruction and mayhem? What's going on while I'm saving the United States and Phoenix Leopard from despair and agony? I'm not the hero and I'm not the villain. I'm technically a vigilante. Vigilantes aren't exactly legal but they're there to clean up the crap people leave for the cops and Nazis to deal with. And to clean up the Nazis themselves. Not all heroes do that though, which makes me, Phoenix, Tyler, Abhy, Hans- well all of us,

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