Read books online » Science » QUANTUM PHYSICS by Jesus Villalobos (top non fiction books of all time txt) 📖

Book online «QUANTUM PHYSICS by Jesus Villalobos (top non fiction books of all time txt) 📖». Author Jesus Villalobos

One scientist stood upon the moon, another stood upon the earth. Two photons of light launched simultaneously, one from earth, one from the moon. Each scientist stood ready to record the path flights of each photon. The photons traveled at the same speed and trajectory.
One computer on the earth monitored the photons, one heading for the moon, and one coming back from the moon. One computer monitored the photons from the moon, one heading for the earth, and one coming to the moon.
The computers would assure accurate records of all four aspects of trajectories, speeds, and times of arrival. This experiment, was an experiment in physics. It was in fact the newest theory on quantum physics.
It gave the scientists the ability to see time in both directions at the same time. This was a milestone in understanding quantum physics. Never before had this capability been in the hands of men. They were not going to miss this oportunity. They were about to discover, the mystery of time itself. They were about to discover, the secret of quantum physics!
The two photons hurtled through space at phenomenal rate. Science had invented a new technology to increase the speed of photons. They were using plasma drives which increased the speed immensly. This also conserved natural resources for earth as well.
Science was moving ahead at a very fast pace. Its achievements, were doubling every two years now. They were about to break the codes for time travel. This is what this experiment was supposed to achieve. This however, was not going to be all they would unravel. They would also find themselves at the crossroads, of living their lives through the eyes of a memory.
Carefully, upon the arrival of the two photons to their respective destinations, the computers cross referenced their data. To evryone's surprise, the two computers each gave only one problematic statement.
Speed became obsolete, as both computers gave the same results. Both computers, maintained that each of the photons never even left their respective places. The photons had landed in the same place where the other photon had taken off from. This was made possible by modern abilities to control trajectory of the photons with pin point accuracy.
The scientists were extremely puzzled as they checked the data. Time and time again, the results came back the same. They decided that the computers had malfuctioned. They would need to run the tests again. They redied the photon machines for a return destination. This time, they would make sure the computers were running at maximum power, and efficiency.
They started the test again, doing exactly as before. The photons performed flawlessly. Once again, they hurtled through space and landed on their opposite launching sites.
The computers were once again commanded to release all information concerning the flights of said photons. Once again however, the computers registered that the photons never left their prospective launching pads.
The scientists were befuddled. What was wrong with the computers? They checked and rechecked. Still the computers seemed to be functioning properly. Why then, were they not recording the flight patterns of the photons?
After many hours of frustrating technical tests, the scientists decided to ask the computer, why it had not recorded any flight information. The answer, astonished the sceintists! The computer told them, that the supposed flights they were suggesting, if in fact they had occurred, were unable to be remembered by the software of the computers.
The computer created a postulate for this. It reasoned, that because it would be monitoring and recording both trajectories at the same time, it would be like seeing something in reverse to the mind of the computer. The computer computed, that it would be impossible for itself to remember forwards! This would be like remembering the future!
Scientists from across the globe began to postulate over this incredible discovery. They spent millions of dollars holding conferences. Finally, after even the most scholarly of scientists theories, fell short of explaining this phenomena, they arranged a contest for anyone who could come up with a plausible answer.
Millions were up for grabs on this one. Finally, after months of ideas were yielding nothing, they found one idea which seemed to be the most logical of all.
The answer came from a modest preacher. He simply quoted the Scripture which states "That which is, has already been, and that which will be, is nothing new." Again he quoted another Scripture; "There is nothing new under the sun."
Scientists everywhere had to yeild to this truth. It answered all their questions. It told them, that indeed, everything which existed, both past present and future, had already happened, and they were only experiencing the memory of a life already lived!
"For we Are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, forever."


Publication Date: 11-04-2009

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