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and reptiles and many of the fishes. In the great majority of the animals the ripe ovum is rich in yelk and much larger than the other cells. On the other hand, the next cell which we have to consider in the process of conception, the male sperm-cell or spermatozoon, is one of the smallest cells in the animal body.

Conception usually consists in the bringing into contact with the ovum of a slimy fluid secreted by the male, and this may take place either inside or out of the female body. This fluid is called sperm, or the male seed. Sperm, like saliva or blood, is not a simple fluid, but a thick agglomeration of innumerable cells, swimming about in a comparatively small quantity of fluid. It is not the fluid, but the independent male cells that swim in it, that cause conception.

(FIGURE 1.20. Spermia or spermatozoa of various mammals. The pear-shaped flattened nucleus is seen from the front in I and sideways in II. k is the nucleus, m its middle part (protoplasm), s the mobile, serpent-like tail (or whip); M four human spermatozoa, A spermatozoa from the ape; K from the rabbit; H from the mouse; C from the dog; S

from the pig.

FIGURE 1.21. Spermatozoa or spermidia of various animals. (From Lang).

a of a fish, b of a turbellaria worm (with two side-lashes), c to e of a nematode worm (amoeboid spermatozoa), f from a craw fish (star-shaped), g from the salamander (with undulating membrane), h of an annelid (a and h are the usual shape).

FIGURE 1.22. A single human spermatozoon magnified 2000 times; a shows it from the broader and b from the narrower side. k head (with nucleus), m middle-stem, h long-stem, and e tail. (From Retzius.)) The spermatozoa of the great majority of animals have two characteristic features. Firstly, they are extraordinarily small, being usually the smallest cells in the body; and, secondly, they have, as a rule, a peculiarly lively motion, which is known as spermatozoic motion. The shape of the cell has a good deal to do with this motion. In most of the animals, and also in many of the lower plants (but not the higher) each of these spermatozoa has a very small, naked cell-body, enclosing an elongated nucleus, and a long thread hanging from it (Figure 1.20). It was long before we could recognise that these structures are simple cells. They were formerly held to be special organisms, and were called “seed animals”

(spermatozoa, or spermato-zoidia); they are now scientifically known as spermia or spermidia, or as spermatosomata (seed-bodies) or spermatofila (seed threads). It took a good deal of comparative research to convince us that each of these spermatozoa is really a simple cell. They have the same shape as in many other vertebrates and most of the invertebrates. However, in many of the lower animals they have quite a different shape. Thus, for instance, in the craw fish they are large round cells, without any movement, equipped with stiff outgrowths like bristles (Figure 1.21 f). They have also a peculiar form in some of the worms, such as the thread-worms (filaria); in this case they are sometimes amoeboid and like very small ova (Figure 1.21

c to e). But in most of the lower animals (such as the sponges and polyps) they have the same pine-cone shape as in man and the other animals (Figure 1.21 a, h).

When the Dutch naturalist Leeuwenhoek discovered these thread-like lively particles in 1677 in the male sperm, it was generally believed that they were special, independent, tiny animalcules, like the infusoria, and that the whole mature organism existed already, with all its parts, but very small and packed together, in each spermatozoon (see Chapter 1.2). We now know that the mobile spermatozoa are nothing but simple and real cells, of the kind that we call “ciliated” (equipped with lashes, or cilia). In the previous illustrations we have distinguished in the spermatozoon a head, trunk, and tail. The “head” (Figure 1.20 k) is merely the oval nucleus of the cell; the body or middle-part (m) is an accumulation of cell-matter; and the tail (s) is a thread-like prolongation of the same.

Moreover, we now know that these spermatozoa are not at all a peculiar form of cell; precisely similar cells are found in various other parts of the body. If they have many short threads projecting, they are called ciliated; if only one long, whip-shaped process (or, more rarely, two or four), caudate (tailed) cells.

Very careful recent examination of the spermia, under a very high microscopic power (Figure 1.22 a, b), has detected some further details in the finer structure of the ciliated cell, and these are common to man and the anthropoid ape. The head (k) encloses the elliptic nucleus in a thin envelope of cytoplasm; it is a little flattened on one side, and thus looks rather pear-shaped from the front (b). In the central piece (m) we can distinguish a short neck and a longer connective piece (with central body). The tail consists of a long main section (h) and a short, very fine tail (e).

The process of fertilisation by sexual conception consists, therefore, essentially in the coalescence and fusing together of two different cells. The lively spermatozoon travels towards the ovum by its serpentine movements, and bores its way into the female cell (Figure 1.23). The nuclei of both sexual cells, attracted by a certain “affinity,” approach each other and melt into one.

The fertilised cell is quite another thing from the unfertilised cell.

For if we must regard the spermia as real cells no less than the ova, and the process of conception as a coalescence of the two, we must consider the resultant cell as a quite new and independent organism.

It bears in the cell and nuclear matter of the penetrating spermatozoon a part of the father’s body, and in the protoplasm and caryoplasm of the ovum a part of the mother’s body. This is clear from the fact that the child inherits many features from both parents. It inherits from the father by means of the spermatozoon, and from the mother by means of the ovum. The actual blending of the two cells produces a third cell, which is the germ of the child, or the new organism conceived. One may also say of this sexual coalescence that the STEM-CELL IS A SIMPLE HERMAPHRODITE; it unites both sexual substances in itself.

(FIGURE 1.23. The fertilisation of the ovum by the spermatozoon (of a mammal). One of the many thread-like, lively spermidia pierces through a fine pore-canal into the nuclear yelk. The nucleus of the ovum is invisible.

FIGURE 1.24. An impregnated echinoderm ovum, with small homogeneous nucleus (e k). (From Hertwig.))

I think it necessary to emphasise the fundamental importance of this simple, but often unappreciated, feature in order to have a correct and clear idea of conception. With that end, I have given a special name to the new cell from which the child develops, and which is generally loosely called “the fertilised ovum,” or “the first segmentation sphere.” I call it “the stem-cell” (cytula). The name “stem-cell” seems to me the simplest and most suitable, because all the other cells of the body are derived from it, and because it is, in the strictest sense, the stem-father and stem-mother of all the countless generations of cells of which the multicellular organism is to be composed. That complicated molecular movement of the protoplasm which we call “life” is, naturally, something quite different in this stem-cell from what we find in the two parent-cells, from the coalescence of which it has issued. THE LIFE OF THE STEM-CELL OR




The admirable work done by recent observers has shown that the individual development, in man and the other animals, commences with the formation of a simple “stem-cell” of this character, and that this then passes, by repeated segmentation (or cleavage), into a cluster of cells, known as “the segmentation sphere” or “segmentation cells.” The process is most clearly observed in the ova of the echinoderms (star-fishes, sea-urchins, etc.). The investigations of Oscar and Richard Hertwig were chiefly directed to these. The main results may be summed up as follows:—

Conception is preceded by certain preliminary changes, which are very necessary—in fact, usually indispensable—for its occurrence. They are comprised under the general heading of “Changes prior to impregnation.” In these the original nucleus of the ovum, the germinal vesicle, is lost. Part of it is extruded, and part dissolved in the cell contents; only a very small part of it is left to form the basis of a fresh nucleus, the pronucleus femininus. It is the latter alone that combines in conception with the invading nucleus of the fertilising spermatozoon (the pronucleus masculinus).

The impregnation of the ovum commences with a decay of the germinal vesicle, or the original nucleus of the ovum (Figure 1.8). We have seen that this is in most unripe ova a large, transparent, round vesicle. This germinal vesicle contains a viscous fluid (the caryolymph). The firm nuclear frame (caryobasis) is formed of the enveloping membrane and a mesh-work of nuclear threads running across the interior, which is filled with the nuclear sap. In a knot of the network is contained the dark, stiff, opaque nuclear corpuscle or nucleolus. When the impregnation of the ovum sets in, the greater part of the germinal vesicle is dissolved in the cell; the nuclear membrane and mesh-work disappear; the nuclear sap is distributed in the protoplasm; a small portion of the nuclear base is extruded; another small portion is left, and is converted into the secondary nucleus, or the female pronucleus (Figure 1.24 e k).

The small portion of the nuclear base which is extruded from the impregnated ovum is known as the “directive bodies” or “polar cells”; there are many disputes as to their origin and significance, but we are as yet imperfectly acquainted with them. As a rule, they are two small round granules, of the same size and appearance as the remaining pronucleus. They are detached cell-buds; their separation from the large mother-cell takes place in the same way as in ordinary “indirect cell-division.” Hence, the polar cells are probably to be conceived as “abortive ova,” or “rudimentary ova,” which proceed from a simple original ovum by cleavage in the same way that several sperm-cells arise from one “sperm-mother-cell,” in reproduction from sperm. The male sperm-cells in the testicles must undergo similar changes in view of the coming impregnation as the ova in the female ovary. In this maturing of the sperm each of the original seed-cells divides by double segmentation into four daughter-cells, each furnished with a fourth of the original nuclear matter (the hereditary chromatin); and each of these four descendant cells becomes a spermatozoon, ready for impregnation. Thus is prevented the doubling of the chromatin in the coalescence of the two nuclei at conception. As the two polar cells are extruded and lost, and have no further part in the fertilisation of the ovum, we need not discuss them any further. But we must give more attention to the female pronucleus which alone remains after the extrusion of the polar cells and the dissolving of the germinal vesicle (Figure 1.23 e k). This tiny round corpuscle of chromatin now acts as a centre of attraction for the invading spermatozoon in the large ripe ovum, and coalesces with its “head,” the male pronucleus.

The product of this blending, which is the most important part of the act of impregnation, is the stem-nucleus, or the first segmentation nucleus (archicaryon)—that is to say, the nucleus of the new-born embryonic stem-cell or “first segmentation cell.” This stem-cell is the starting point of the subsequent embryonic processes.

Hertwig has shown that the

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