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power. They hold that the molecules of a gas fly in straight lines by virtue of their inertia, quite independently of one another, except at times of collision, from which they rebound by virtue of their elasticity; or on an approach to collision, in which latter case, coming within the range of mutual attraction, two molecules may circle about each other, as a comet circles about the sun, then rush apart again, as the comet rushes from the sun.


It is obvious that the length of the mean free path of the molecules of a gas may be increased indefinitely by decreasing the number of the molecules themselves in a circumscribed space. It has been shown by Professors Tait and Dewar that a vacuum may be produced artificially of such a degree of rarefaction that the mean free path of the remaining molecules is measurable in inches. The calculation is based on experiments made with the radiometer of Professor Crookes, an instrument which in itself is held to demonstrate the truth of the kinetic theory of gases. Such an attenuated gas as this is considered by Professor Crookes as constituting a fourth state of matter, which he terms ultra-gaseous.


If, on the other hand, a gas is subjected to pressure, its molecules are crowded closer together, and the length of their mean free path is thus lessened. Ultimately, the pressure being sufficient, the molecules are practically in continuous contact. Meantime the enormously increased number of collisions has set the molecules more and more actively vibrating, and the temperature of the gas has increased, as, indeed, necessarily results in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy. No amount of pressure, therefore, can suffice by itself to reduce the gas to a liquid state. It is believed that even at the centre of the sun, where the pressure is almost inconceivably great, all matter is to be regarded as really gaseous, though the molecules must be so packed together that the consistency is probably more like that of a solid.


If, however, coincidently with the application of pressure, opportunity be given for the excess of heat to be dissipated to a colder surrounding medium, the molecules, giving off their excess of energy, become relatively quiescent, and at a certain stage the gas becomes a liquid. The exact point at which this transformation occurs, however, differs enormously for different substances. In the case of water, for example, it is a temperature more than four hundred degrees above zero, centigrade; while for atmospheric air it is one hundred and ninety-four degrees centigrade below zero, or more than a hundred and fifty degrees below the point at which mercury freezes.


Be it high or low, the temperature above which any substance is always a gas, regardless of pressure, is called the critical temperature, or absolute boiling-point, of that substance. It does not follow, however, that below this point the substance is necessarily a liquid. This is a matter that will be determined by external conditions of pressure. Even far below the critical temperature the molecules have an enormous degree of activity, and tend to fly asunder, maintaining what appears to be a gaseous, but what technically is called a vaporous, condition—the distinction being that pressure alone suffices to reduce the vapor to the liquid state. Thus water may change from the gaseous to the liquid state at four hundred degrees above zero, but under conditions of ordinary atmospheric pressure it does not do so until the temperature is lowered three hundred degrees further. Below four hundred degrees, however, it is technically a vapor, not a gas; but the sole difference, it will be understood, is in the degree of molecular activity.


It thus appeared that the prevalence of water in a vaporous and liquid rather than in a “permanently”

gaseous condition here on the globe is a mere incident of telluric evolution. Equally incidental is the fact that the air we breathe is “permanently” gaseous and not liquid or solid, as it might be were the earth’s surface temperature to be lowered to a degree which, in the larger view, may be regarded as trifling. Between the atmospheric temperature in tropical and in arctic regions there is often a variation of more than one hundred degrees; were the temperature reduced another hundred, the point would be reached at which oxygen gas becomes a vapor, and under increased pressure would be a liquid. Thirty-seven degrees more would bring us to the critical temperature of nitrogen.


Nor is this a mere theoretical assumption; it is a determination of experimental science, quite independent of theory. The physicist in the laboratory has produced artificial conditions of temperature enabling him to change the state of the most persistent gases.

Some fifty years since, when the kinetic theory was in its infancy, Faraday liquefied carbonic-acid gas, among others, and the experiments thus inaugurated have been extended by numerous more recent investigators, notably by Cailletet in Switzerland, by Pictet in France, and by Dr. Thomas. Andrews and Professor James Dewar in England. In the course of these experiments not only has air been liquefied, but hydrogen also, the most subtle of gases; and it has been made more and more apparent that gas and liquid are, as Andrews long ago asserted, “only distant stages of a long series of continuous physical changes.” Of course, if the temperature be lowered still further, the liquid becomes a solid; and this change also has been effected in the case of some of the most “permanent” gases, including air.


The degree of cold—that is, of absence of heat—

thus produced is enormous, relatively to anything of which we have experience in nature here at the earth now, yet the molecules of solidified air, for example, are not absolutely quiescent. In other words, they still have a temperature, though so very low. But it is clearly conceivable that a stage might be reached at which the molecules became absolutely quiescent, as regards either translational or vibratory motion. Such a heatless condition has been approached, but as yet not quite attained, in laboratory experiments. It is called the absolute zero of temperature, and is estimated to be equivalent to two hundred and seventy-three degrees Centigrade below the freezing-point of water, or ordinary zero.


A temperature (or absence of temperature) closely approximating this is believed to obtain in the ethereal ocean of interplanetary and interstellar space, which transmits, but is thought not to absorb, radiant energy.

We here on the earth’s surface are protected from exposure to this cold, which would deprive every organic thing of life almost instantaneously, solely by the thin blanket of atmosphere with which the globe is coated. It would seem as if this atmosphere, exposed to such a temperature at its surface, must there be incessantly liquefied, and thus fall back like rain to be dissolved into gas again while it still is many miles above the earth’s surface. This may be the reason why its scurrying molecules have not long ago wandered off into space and left the world without protection.


But whether or not such liquefaction of the air now occurs in our outer atmosphere, there can be no question as to what must occur in its entire depth were we permanently shut off from the heating influence of the sun, as the astronomers threaten that we may be in a future age. Each molecule, not alone of the atmosphere, but of the entire earth’s substance, is kept aquiver by the energy which it receives, or has received, directly or indirectly, from the sun. Left to itself, each molecule would wear out its energy and fritter it off into the space about it, ultimately running completely down, as surely as any human-made machine whose power is not from time to time restored. If, then, it shall come to pass in some future age that the sun’s rays fail us, the temperature of the globe must gradually sink towards the absolute zero. That is to say, the molecules of gas which now fly about at such inconceivable speed must drop helpless to the earth; liquids must in turn become solids; and solids themselves, their molecular quivers utterly stilled, may perhaps take on properties the nature of which we cannot surmise.


Yet even then, according to the current hypothesis, the heatless molecule will still be a thing instinct with life. Its vortex whirl will still go on, uninfluenced by the dying-out of those subordinate quivers that produced the transitory effect which we call temperature.

For those transitory thrills, though determining the physical state of matter as measured by our crude organs of sense, were no more than non-essential incidents; but the vortex whirl is the essence of matter itself. Some estimates as to the exact character of this intramolecular motion, together with recent theories as to the actual structure of the molecule, will claim our attention in a later volume. We shall also have occasion in another connection to make fuller inquiry as to the phenomena of low temperature.



[1] (p. 10). An Account of Several Extraordinary Meteors or Lights in the Sky, by Dr. Edmund Halley. Phil. Trans. of Royal Society of London, vol. XXIX, pp. 159-162. Read before the Royal Society in the autumn of 1714.

[2] (p. 13). Phil. Trans. of Royal Society of London for 1748, vol. XLV., pp. 8, 9. From A Letter to the Right Honorable George, Earl of Macclesfield, concerning an Apparent Motion observed in some of the Fixed Stars, by James Bradley, D.D., Astronomer Royal and F.R.S.


[1] (p. 25). William Herschel, Phil. Trans. for 1783, vol.


[2] (p. 30). Kant’s Cosmogony, ed. and trans. by W. Hartie, D.D., Glasgow, 900, pp. 74-81.

[3] (p. 39). Exposition du systeme du monde (included in oeuvres Completes), by M. le Marquis de Laplace, vol. VI., p.


[4] (p. 48). From The Scientific Papers of J. Clerk-Maxwell, edited by W. D. Nevin, M.A. (2 vols.), vol. I., pp. 372-374.

This is a reprint of Clerk-Maxwell’s prize paper of 1859.


[1] (p. 81). Baron de Cuvier, Theory of the Earth, New York, 1818, p. 98.

[2] (p. 88). Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology (4 vols.), London,


(p. 92). Ibid., vol. III., pp. 596-598.

[4] (p. 100). Hugh Falconer, in Paleontological Memoirs, vol.

II., p. 596.

[5] (p. 101). Ibid., p. 598.

[6] (p. 102). Ibid., p. 599.

[7] (p. 111). Fossil Horses in America (reprinted from American Naturalist, vol. VIII., May, 1874), by O. C. Marsh, pp.

288, 289.




[1] (p. 123). James Hutton, from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1788, vol. I., p. 214. A paper on the “Theory of the Earth,” read before the Society in 1781.

[2] (p. 128). Ibid., p. 216.

[3] (p. 139). Consideration on Volcanoes, by G. Poulett Scrope, Esq., pp. 228-234.

[4] (p. 153). L. Agassiz, Etudes sur les glaciers, Neufchatel, 1840, p. 240.


[1] (p. 182). Theory of Rain, by James Hutton, in Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1788, vol. 1 , pp.


[2] (p. 191). Essay on Dew, by W. C. Wells, M.D., F.R.S., London, 1818, pp. 124 f.




[1] (p. 215). Essays Political, Economical, and Philosophical, by Benjamin Thompson, Count of Rumford (2 vols.), Vol. II., pp. 470-493, London; T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies, 1797.

[2] (p. 220). Thomas Young, Phil. Trans., 1802, p. 35.

[3] (p. 223). Ibid., p. 36.




[1] (p. 235). Davy’s paper before

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