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Book online 芦Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt by Gaston Maspero (popular books of all time txt) 馃摉禄. Author Gaston Maspero

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tag="{}a">286 (Notes 7, 17, 31). Menka没hor, 224. Menkheperra, 299. Mensh卯yeh, 107. Ment没 (See GODS). Ment没emhat, 314. Merenptah, 235. Merenra, 133, 140. Meresankh没, 144. Mermashi没, 227. Mero毛, 144, 244. Merom, 31. Merr没ka, stela of, 120. Mesheikh, 69, 229. Metals, ancient Egyptian classification of, 304. Migdols, 31-33 (See MAGDIL脹). Milk, offerings of, 95. Min (Khem) (See GODS). Minieh, 148. Mining, 35, 41. Mirrors, 277, 306, 323, 324. Moats of Canaanite cities, 31. Moeris, 38-39 (See AMENEMHAT III.). Moeris, Lake, 38-40. Mohammeriyeh, 144. Mokattam, 136. Mortar, 48, 114. Mos没, 310. Mounds, 1, 5-6. Mummies,-- animals and eggs, 259. beds and canopies for, 292-295. boats for transport of, 301. burial of, 112, 127-128, 153, 154, 167-168, 173. "eternal house" of, 112. furniture for, 284, 292 et seq. (See FURNITURE). jewellery for, 321. (See JEWELLERY). models of, 166. panoply of, 167 (See AMULETS). sledges for, 292. Mummy,-- Aahhotep, 157, 323. Amenhotep I., 157. Menkara, 137. Pinotem III., 332. Sekenenra, 157. Thothmes III., 157. Mummy-cases, 259, 261-262, 284-292. Murrhine, false, 263 (note) Musical instruments, 166. lute, 180, 267, 279. sistrum, 95. tambourine, 95. trumpet, 182. Mycerinus, 286 (See MENKARA). Naga, group from, 244. Na茂, 276. Naos, 61, 108, 312, 326. (See SHRINE). Napata, 144. Naville, M., 36 and note, 52 (note). Necho, 267 and note. Necklace, 249, 276, 322, 325. (See 脹SEKH). Nectenebo, 62. Neferhotep (See TOMB). Nefert, 219-220. Nefertari, 84. Nefert没m (See GODS). Negadeh (See TOMBS). Negroes, 41, 91. Neith (See GODDESSES). Nekheb (See GODDESSES). Nemhotep, dwarf, 225. Nenka (See TOMB). Nephthys (See GODDESSES). Nesikhons没, 264. Net, 95. Netemt, 261. New York Museum, 172. Niche of tombs, origin of, 152 (See DOOR, SERDAB, and STELA). Nile, 34, 38, 39, 45, 48, 252, 254, 273. Niles, the (deities), 91, 92, 228. Nitocris, daughter of Psammetichus I., 237. Nomes, represented, 91-92. Nubia, 28, 47, 66, 82, 259. N没rri (See PYRAMIDS). Oasis, the, 20. Obelisk, 45, 67, 103-106, 313. Ax没m, 106. Begig, 105. Fourth Dynasty, 104. Hatsheps没t, 104, 106, 313 and note. Heliopolis, 104. Luxor, 104. Tanis, 104. Obsidian, 247, 250. Ocean, celestial, 93. Ochre, 203. OEnochoe, glass, 263. Offerings,-- corn, 97. milk, 95. oil, 95. wine, 95, 97. (See FEAST, LIBATIONS, TABLES OF OFFERINGS.) Oil, 95. Ombos, 26, 36, 58, 88, 92, 245, (See KOM OMBO and TEMPLES). On, genius of, 96. Osiris (See GODS). Ostraka, 36. Ostrakon, caricature, 172. Oxen, 123, 128, 153, 175, 182.
Pah没rnefer, 214. Painting, 192-193, 202-206, 292-293. (See DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE, WALL-SCENES). Pakhet (See GODDESSES). Palestrina, mosaic, 189-192. Palette,-- painter's, 202. scribe's, 128, 166, 170. Palm capital, 58. Palms, for roofing, 2, 11 (See DATE and D脭M PALMS). Papyri, 64 (note), 160, 167, 170, 171, 172-175, 205. (See BOOK). Papyrus, 57, 190, 327. Pavilion,-- of private house, 17. of Medinet Hab没, 32. of Nectenebo, Philae, 62. Pearl, mother-of-, 247. Pearls, 247. Pectoral, 322, 323, 326, 327. Pedishashi, 239, 240. Pegs, 283. Pen, 175, 215. Pepi I., 140, 253, 270. Pepi II., 133, 140, 142. Perfumes, 67, 128, 157, 180. Period,-- Hyksos, 227-228, 307. Persian, 174, 303. Ptolemaic, 56, 58, 61, 66, 69-70, 72, 79, 90, 93, 98. 175, 208, 241-243, 249, 290, 303, 315, 332. Roman, 58, 66, 90, 98, 173, 208, 243-245. Theban, second, 19 and note. Peristyle, 67, 74, 83, 84, 106 (See PROCESSIONAL HALL). Perspective, 177-192. Pestle and mortar, 170. Petamenoph (See TOMB). Petrie, W.M.F., 7, 10, 12, 45, 64-65, 104, 113, 131, 197, 200, 202, 249, 267, 282, 291, 334 et seq. Pharaoh, 66, 67, 95-97, 98, 101-103. Philae (See TEMPLES). Phoenicians, 248, 263, 303, 320. Piankhi I., 34. Piankhi II., 235 (note). Pibesa, 237. Pigments, 202-203. Pillars, 52, 53-55, 65, 68, 116, 149, 151. Pincushion, 277. Pinotem II., 299. Pinotem III., 299, 332. Pisebkhan没, 228. Pithom, I, 36 and note. Plate, 315-320 (See GOLD and SILVER). Pliny, 303. Poh没nika (See TOMB). Poignards, 327, 328. Point, 47 (note), 6, 195, 197, 201, 247, 250. Polymita, 303. Ponds, 8, 15, 186. Porch, 13 (See PORTICO). Porphyry, 42, 247. Portcullis, in pyramids, 136, Notes 26, 27, 137, 139. Portico, 13, 16, 51, 54, 57, 60, 67, 116, 149, 150, 152, 206. Portrait, panel-painting, 291-292. (See BAS-RELIEF, MUMMY-CASES, and STATUES). Posno collection, 308. Pottery, 166, 254-259. (See GLAZED WARE and VASES). Priests (See PHARAOH and others). Prisse, M., 193. Processional Hall (promenoir), 53, 58 and note, 60, 77 (See PERISTYLE). Pronaos, 70, 74-75. Psammetichus I., 236. Psammetichus, scribe, 237 and note. Psar, 322, 331. Ptah (See GODS). Ptahhotep (See TOMB). Ptahmes, 208. P没nt, Land of, 109 and note. Pylons, 13, 16, 49, 50, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 100-101, 186-188, 189 232. Pyramid of,-- Amenemhat III. (Hawara), 143. Ati, 142. Khafra (Second Pyramid of Gizeh), 133, 134, 137. Kh没f没 (Great Pyramid of Gizeh), 133, 134- 137. Menkara (Third Pyramid of Gizeh), 134, 137, Merenra, 133, 140. Pepi I., 140. Pepi II., 133, 140, 142. Sakkarah, Step, or Great, 138-139, Note 32. Snefer没 (Med没m), 132, 143, 144. Teti, 140. 脹nas, 133, 138, 139-140. 脹sertesen I., 143. 脹sertesen II. (Illah没n), 143. Pyramidion, 105, 147. Pyramid-mastaba tombs, 145-148, Pyramids, 131-
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