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Book online 芦Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt by Gaston Maspero (popular books of all time txt) 馃摉禄. Author Gaston Maspero

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@14400@14400-h@14400-h-5.htm.html#page_145" tag="{}a">145, and Notes, pp, 334-337. Ab没s卯r, 131, 134, 138, 140. Abydos (Hekalli), 144. Dahsh没r, 131, 134, 142. Esneh (Mohammeriyeh), 144. Ethiopia (Mero毛, Napata, N没rri), 144. Fay没m (Hawara and Illah没n), 134, 143. Gizeh, 131, 133-137, 140. Lisht, 134, 142. Manfal没t, 144. Sakkarah, 133, 134, 137, 138-142. Qodsh没, 31. (See KADESH). Quarries, 35, 41-45, 132. Ra (See GODS). Ra Harmakhis (See GODS). Raemka, 220 (See SHEIKH EL BELED). Rahotep, 214, 219. Ram, 88, 89, 199. Rameses I., 78, 158. Rameses II. (Sesostris), 47, 52, 78, 80, 84, 86, 101, 103, 158, 188, 202, 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 287-288, 321, 331. Rameses III., 4, 32-33, 87, 101, 184, 194, 195, 270, 272, 301, 306, 321. Rameses IV., 160. Rameses IX., 331. Ramesseum, the, 36, 37, 47, 57, 60, 62, 72, 92, 100, 103, 159, 187, 234, 265. Ramessides, the, 1, 23, 109, 153, 168, 235, 266, 290, 320. Ramparts, 24, 30, 33, 87. Ranefer, 214, 218. Rats, 171, 259. Red Sea, emerald mines, 41. Redes卯yeh, 229. Reed brush, 171. Reeds, 180, 266. Rekhmara (See TOMB). Renaissance, 175, 235-240, 290. Repouss茅 work (See GOLD, JEWELLERY, SILVER). Reservoir, 38-41, 252 (See DAMS, DIKES, IRRIGATION). Rhind, A.H., 293 and note. Rings, 267, 305, 321-322, 331. Roads, 30, 34, 35, 41. Rock-cut temples and tombs (See SPEOS and TOMBS). Roofs, 2, 9, 10, 11, 32, 51, 90. Roug茅, M. le Vicomte de, 109 (note).
Sa, amulet, 237 (note). Sab没ah, Wady (See TEMPLES). Sacrifices, 95, 97. (See FEAST and OFFERINGS). Sails of leather-work, 301. Sais, 26, 266. Sakkarah, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 126, 129, 130 (note), 133, 134, 137, 138, 140, 144, 158, 189, 197, 204, 217, 221, 226, 252, 259, 269, 270, 310, 313. (See PYRAMIDS and TOMBS). S芒n, 1, 26. (See TANIS). Sanctuaries (See SPEOS and TEMPLES). Sanctuary, the essential part of a temple, 66-67. Sandals, 168, 286, 298. Sandstone, 6, 43, 47, 67, 76, 87, 103, 169, 199, 202, 230, 252. Sapping, 23, 25. Sarcophagi, 42, 127, 129, 132, 137, 140, 157, 160. (See MUMMY-CASES). Sarcophagus of,-- Aahhotep II., 288-289. Ahmes I., 287. Ahmesnefertari, 288-289. Amenhotep I., 287. Kh没f没, 136. Kh没f没 Poskh没, 20, 22. Menkara, 128 (note), 137. Rameses II., 287, 288. Seti I., 161, 165 (note). Thothmes II., 287. (See MUMMY-CASES.) Sardanapalus, 314. Sardinia, 248. Saucepan of Rameses III., 306. Saw, 247, 250. Scaling, as a mode of attack, 23, 25. Scarabaei, 248-250. funerary, 168, 265, 325-326. Scarabaeoids, 248. Schist, 265. Schliemann, Dr., 328. Schweinfurth, Dr., 40. Scissors, of bronze, 306. Scorpion, 322, 329. Scribe,-- cross-legged, 214-217. kneeling, 214, 222-223, 239. Sculpture,-- absence of, in chapel of Pyramid of Med没m, 144. absence of, in Temple of Sphinx, 66. Greek influence on, 240-243. Hyksos, school of, 227-228. mastabas, 119 et seq., 130. Memphite school of, 209-225. methods of, 200-202. New Empire school of, 228, 235. provincial schools of, 228. pylons, 186-188. pyramids, 137. Renaissance school of, 235-240. Theban (first) school of, 226. XIII. and XIV. dynasties, 226-227. (See BAS-RELIEF and STATUES.) Seals, 321-322. Seb (See GODS). Seb芒kh diggers, 237 and note. Sebekemsaf, 202, 227. Sebekhotep III., 227. Sekenenra, 157. Sekhet (See GODDESSES). Selle (See ZAR脹). Semneh, 20, 28-29, 50. Sennetm没, mummy-case of wife of, 286. (See TOMB). Sepa, 208. Serdab, 126-127, 129, 139, 152, 166, 167. Serpentine, 169, 195, 236, 247, 252. Serpents, 141, 159, 164, 259, 329. (See APAPI). Sesebeh (See TEMPLES). Sesostris, 5. (See RAMESES II.). Set (See GODS). Seti I., King, 34 (note), 42, 47, 48, 49, 51, 78, 85, 101, 107, 158, 161, 162, 163, 195, 231, 232, 235, 270. Shabaka, 235 (note). Sharonah (See TEMPLES). Sheikh Abd el G没rneh,-- bronzes from, 307. enamels from, 263. Sheikh el Beled, statue of, 214 and note, 220-221, 224, 226 (See RAEMKA). Sheikh Sa卯d, 148. Sheshonk, 33, 235, 270. Shrines, 66, 108 (See NAOS). Sh没 (See GODS). Silsilis, 38, 43-45, 232. Silver,-- bark of, 329-330. chain of, 322. eyes of, 310. hatchets of, 327. nuggets of, 11. poignard hilt of, 328. repouss茅 work of, 316-317. rings of, 321. sources of, 312. statues of, 314-315. vases and vessels of, 316 et seq. wire of, 248. Sinai, 41, 66, 101. Sistrum, 53, 61, 95, 260. Sit没, 252. Situlae, bronze, 307. Si没t, 114, 148, 226, 242. Skemka, 214. Sky, Egyptian idea of, 90. Sledges,-- for transport of stone, 45. funerary, 292, 294. Sneferu, 132, 144, 209. Soane collection, 165 (note). Soil of Egypt, 2, 4, 48. Soleb (See TEMPLES). Sop, genius, 324. Sothis, feast of, 118. Soudan, gold from, 313. Soul, the, (See BA ). Speos, the, 42, 81-85. Ab没 Simbel, 53, 82-84. Kalaat Addah, 81, 82. Silsilis, 82, 232. (See HEMI-SPEOS.) Speos Artemidos (See TEMPLES). Sphinx, the, 64 (note), 65, 206-208. Sphinxes, 325. andro-, 89, 230. avenues of, 67, 88-89, 230. crio-, 88, 89. Hyksos, 227-228. New Empire, 229. Spinners, 124. Spoons, 273, 278-281, 306. Stabling, 13, 35, 87. Staircase,-- fortress, 24. house, 11, 16. temple, 70, 71, 85. temple pylons, 50. Statue of,-- Alexandrian Isis, 241. portrait of Amenhotep I.,
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