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you break the line at G, you will have a solution for any G square. The Queen's Tour previously given may be similarly broken at three different places, but I seized the opportunity of exhibiting a second tour.

329.—THE STAR PUZZLE.—solution

The illustration explains itself. The stars are all struck out in fourteen straight strokes, starting and ending at a white star.

330.—THE YACHT RACE.—solution

The diagram explains itself. The numbers will show the direction of the lines in their proper order, and it will be seen that the seventh course ends at the flag-buoy, as stipulated.


In this case we go beyond the boundary of the square. Apart from that, the moves are all queen moves. There are three or four ways in which it can be done.

Here is one way of performing the feat:—

It will be seen that the skater strikes out all the stars in one continuous journey of fourteen straight lines, returning to the point from which he started. To follow the skater's course in the diagram it is necessary always to go as far as we can in a straight line before turning.

332.—THE FORTY-NINE STARS.—solution

The illustration shows how all the stars may be struck out in twelve straight strokes, beginning and ending at a black star.

333.—THE QUEEN'S JOURNEY.—solution

The correct solution to this puzzle is shown in the diagram by the dark line. The five moves indicated will take the queen the greatest distance that it is possible for her to go in five moves, within the conditions. The dotted line shows the route that most people suggest, but it is not quite so long as the other. Let us assume that the distance from the centre of any square to the centre of the next in the same horizontal or vertical line is 2 inches, and that the queen travels from the centre of her original square to the centre of the one at which she rests. Then the first route will be found to exceed 67.9 inches, while the dotted route is less than 67.8 inches. The difference is small, but it is sufficient to settle the point as to the longer route. All other routes are shorter still than these two.

334.—ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON.—solution

We select for the solution of this puzzle one of the prettiest designs that can be formed by representing the moves of the knight by lines from square to square. The chequering of the squares is omitted to give greater clearness. St. George thus slays the Dragon in strict accordance with the conditions and in the elegant manner we should expect of him.


There are numerous solutions to this little agricultural problem. The version I give in the next column is rather curious on account of the long parallel straight lines formed by some of the moves.


There are several interesting points involved in this question. In the first place, if we had made no stipulation as to the positions of the two ends of the string, it is quite impossible to form any such string unless we begin and end in the top and bottom row of kennels. We may begin in the top row and end in the bottom (or, of course, the reverse), or we may begin in one of these rows and end in the same. But we can never begin or end in one of the two central rows. Our places of starting and ending, however, were fixed for us. Yet the first half of our route must be confined entirely to those squares that are distinguished in the following diagram by circles, and the second half will therefore be confined to the squares that are not circled. The squares reserved for the two half-strings will be seen to be symmetrical and similar.

The next point is that the first half-string must end in one of the central rows, and the second half-string must begin in one of these rows. This is now obvious, because they have to link together to form the complete string, and every square on an outside row is connected by a knight's move with similar squares only—that is, circled or non-circled as the case may be. The half-strings can, therefore, only be linked in the two central rows.

Now, there are just eight different first half-strings, and consequently also eight second half-strings. We shall see that these combine to form twelve complete strings, which is the total number that exist and the correct solution of our puzzle. I do not propose to give all the routes at length, but I will so far indicate them that if the reader has dropped any he will be able to discover which they are and work them out for himself without any difficulty. The following numbers apply to those in the above diagram.

The eight first half-strings are: 1 to 6 (2 routes); 1 to 8 (1 route); 1 to 10 (3 routes); 1 to 12 (1 route); and 1 to 14 (1 route). The eight second half-strings are: 7 to 20 (1 route); 9 to 20 (1 route); 11 to 20 (3 routes); 13 to 20 (1 route); and 15 to 20 (2 routes). Every different way in which you can link one half-string to another gives a different solution. These linkings will be found to be as follows: 6 to 13 (2 cases); 10 to 13 (3 cases); 8 to 11 (3 cases); 8 to 15 (2 cases); 12 to 9 (1 case); and 14 to 7 (1 case). There are, therefore, twelve different linkings and twelve different answers to the puzzle. The route given in the illustration with the greyhound will be found to consist of one of the three half-strings 1 to 10, linked to the half-string 13 to 20. It should be noted that ten of the solutions are produced by five distinctive routes and their reversals—that is, if you indicate these five routes by lines and then turn the diagrams upside down you will get the five other routes. The remaining two solutions are symmetrical (these are the cases where 12 to 9 and 14 to 7 are the links), and consequently they do not produce new solutions by reversal.

337.—THE FOUR KANGAROOS.—solution

A pretty symmetrical solution to this puzzle is shown in the diagram. Each of the four kangaroos makes his little excursion and returns to his corner, without ever entering a square that has been visited by another kangaroo and without crossing the central line. It will at once occur to the reader, as a possible improvement of the puzzle, to divide the board by a central vertical line and make the condition that this also shall not be crossed. This would mean that each kangaroo had to confine himself to a square 4 by 4, but it would be quite impossible, as I shall explain in the next two puzzles.


In attempting to solve this problem it is first necessary to take the two distinctive compartments of twenty and twelve squares respectively and analyse them with a view to determining where the necessary points of entry and exit lie. In the case of the larger compartment it will be found that to complete a tour of it we must begin and end on two of the outside squares on the long sides. But though you may start at any one of these ten squares, you are restricted as to those at which you can end, or (which is the same thing) you may end at whichever of these you like, provided you begin your tour at certain particular squares. In the case of the smaller compartment you are compelled to begin and end at one of the six squares lying at the two narrow ends of the compartments, but similar restrictions apply as in the other instance. A very little thought will show that in the case of the two small compartments you must begin and finish at the ends that lie together, and it then follows that the tours in the larger compartments must also start and end on the contiguous sides.

In the diagram given of one of the possible solutions it will be seen that there are eight places at which we may start this particular tour; but there is only one route in each case, because we must complete the compartment in which we find ourself before passing into another. In any solution we shall find that the squares distinguished by stars must be entering or exit points, but the law of reversals leaves us the option of making the other connections either at the diamonds or at the circles. In the solution worked out the diamonds are used, but other variations occur in which the circle squares are employed instead. I think these remarks explain all the essential points in the puzzle, which is distinctly instructive and interesting.

339.—THE FOUR KNIGHTS' TOURS.—solution

It will be seen in the illustration how a chessboard may be divided into four parts, each of the same size and shape, so that a complete re-entrant knight's tour may be made on each portion. There is only one possible route for each knight and its reversal.

340.—THE CUBIC KNIGHT'S TOUR.—solution

If the reader should cut out the above diagram, fold it in the form of a cube, and stick it together by the strips left for that purpose at the edges, he would have an interesting little curiosity. Or he can make one on a larger scale for himself. It will be found that if we imagine the cube to have a complete chessboard on each of its sides, we may start with the knight on any one of the 384 squares, and make a complete tour of the cube, always returning to the starting-point. The method of passing from one side of the cube to another is easily understood, but, of course, the difficulty consisted in finding the proper points of entry and exit on each board, the order in which the different boards should be taken, and in getting arrangements that would comply with the required conditions.

341.—THE FOUR FROGS.—solution

The fewest possible moves, counting every move separately, are sixteen. But the puzzle may be solved in seven plays, as follows, if any number of successive moves by one frog count as a single play. All the moves contained within a bracket are a single play; the numbers refer to the toadstools: (1—5), (3—7, 7—1), (8—4, 4—3, 3—7), (6—2, 2—8, 8—4, 4—3), (5—6, 6—2, 2—8), (1—5, 5—6), (7—1).

This is the familiar old puzzle by Guarini, propounded in 1512, and I give it here in order to explain my "buttons and string" method of solving this class of moving-counter problem.

Diagram A shows the old way of presenting Guarini's puzzle, the point being to make the white knights change places with the black ones. In "The Four Frogs" presentation of the idea the possible directions of the moves are indicated by lines, to obviate the necessity of the reader's understanding the nature of the knight's move in chess. But

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