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air to be moister on one side than on the other, it likewise transmits an influence to the upper adjoining part, which bends towards the source of moisture.

When the tip is excited by light (though [page 573]

in the case of radicles this was ascertained in only a single instance) the adjoining part bends from the light; but when excited by gravitation the same part bends towards the centre of gravity. In almost every case we can clearly perceive the final purpose or advantage of the several movements.

Two, or perhaps more, of the exciting causes often act simultaneously on the tip, and one conquers the other, no doubt in accordance with its importance for the life of the plant. The course pursued by the radicle in penetrating the ground must be determined by the tip; hence it has acquired such diverse kinds of sensitiveness. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle thus endowed, and having the power of directing the movements of the adjoining parts, acts like the brain of one of the lower animals; the brain being seated within the anterior end of the body, receiving impressions from the sense-organs, and directing the several movements.


[page 574]








Abies communis, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot, 187

β€” pectinata, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot, 187

β€”, affected by Aecidium elatinum, 188


Abronia umbellata, its single, developed cotyledon, 78

β€”, rudimentary cotyledon, 95

β€”, rupture of the seed coats, 105


Abutilon Darwinii, sleep of leaves and not of cotyledons, 314

β€”, nocturnal movement of leaves, 323


Acacia Farnesiana, state of plant when awake and asleep, 381, 382

β€”, appearance at night, 395

β€”, nyctitropic movements of pinnae, 402

β€”, the axes of the ellipses, 404

β€” lophantha, character of first leaf, 415

β€” retinoides, circumnutation of young phyllode, 236


Acanthosicyos horrida, nocturnal movement of cotyledon 304


Acanthus candelabrum, inequality in the two first leaves, 79

β€”, petioles not arched, 553

β€” latifolius, variability in first leaves 79

β€” mollis, seedling, manner of breaking through the ground, 78, 79

β€”, circumnutation of young leaf, 249, 269

β€” spinosus, 79

β€”, movement of leaves, 249


Adenanthera pavonia, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 374


Aecidium elatinum, effect on the lateral branches of the silver fir, 188


Aesculus hippocastanum, movements of radicle, 28, 29

β€”, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 172-174


Albizzia lophantha, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 383

β€”, of pinnae, 402


Allium cepa, conical protuberance on arched cotyledon, 59

β€”, circumnutation of basal half of arched cotyledon, 60

β€”, mode of breaking through ground, 87

β€”, straightening process, 101

β€” porrum, movements of flower-stems, 226


Alopecurus pratensis, joints affected by apogeotropism, 503


Aloysia citriodora, circumnutation of stem, 210


Amaranthus, sleep of leaves, 387

β€” caudatus, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 307


Amorpha fruticosa, sleep of leaflets, 354


Ampelopsis tricuspidata, hyponastic movement of hooked tips, 272-275


Amphicarpoea monoica, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 365

β€”, effect of sunshine on leaflets, 445

β€”, geotropic movements of, 520

[page 575]




Anoda Wrightii, sleep of cotyledons, 302, 312

β€”, of leaves, 324

β€”, downward movement of cotyledons, 444


Apheliotropism, or negative heliotropism, 5, 419, 432


Apios graveolens, heliotropic movements of hypocotyl, 422-424

β€” tuberosa, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 368


Apium graveolens, sleep of cotyledons, 305

β€”, petroselinum, sleep of cotyledons, 304


Apogeotropic movements effected by joints or pulvini, 502


Apogeotropism, 5, 494; retarded by heliotropism, 501; concluding remarks on, 507


Arachis hypogoea, circumnutation of gynophore, 225

β€”, effects of radiation on leaves, 289, 296

β€”, movements of leaves, 357

β€” rate of movement, 404

β€”, circumnutation of vertically dependent young gynophores, 519

β€”, downward movement of the same, 519


Arching of various organs, importance of, to seedling plants, 87, 88; emergence of hypocotyls or epicotyls in the form of an, 553


Asparagus officinalis, circumnutation of plumules, 60-62.

β€”, effect of lateral light, 484


Asplenium trichomanes, movement in the fruiting fronds, 257, n.


Astragalus uliginosus, movement of leaflets, 355


Avena sativa, movement of cotyledons, 65, 66.

β€”, sensitiveness of tip of radicle to moist air, 183

β€”, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of cotyledon, 421, 422

β€”, sensitiveness of cotyledon to a lateral light, 477

β€”, young sheath-like cotyledons strongly apogeotropic, 499


Avena sativa, movements of oldish cotyledons, 499, 500


Averrhoa bilimbi, leaf asleep, 330

β€”, angular movements when going to sleep, 331-335

β€”, leaflets exposed to bright sunshine, 447


Azalea Indica, circumnutation of stem, 208




Bary, de, on the effect of the Aecidium on the silver fir, 188


Batalin, Prof., on the nyctitropic movements of leaves, 283; on the sleep of leaves of Sida napoea, 322; on Polygonum aviculare, 387; on the effect of sunshine on leaflets of Oxalis acetosella, 447


Bauhinia, nyctitropic movements, 373

β€”, movements of petioles of young seedlings, 401

β€”, appearance of young plants at night, 402


Beta vulgaris, circumnutation of hypocotyl of seedlings, 52

β€”, movements of cotyledons, 52, 53

β€”, effect of light, 124

β€”, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 307

β€”, heliotropic movements of, 420

β€”, transmitted effect of light on hypocotyl, 482

β€”, apogeotropic movement of hypocotyl, 496


Bignonia capreolata, apheliotropic movement of tendrils, 432, 450


BouchοΏ½ on Melaleuca ericaefolia, 383


Brassica napus, circumnutation of flower-stems, 226


Brassica oleracea, circumnutation of seedling, 10

β€”, of radicle, 11

β€”, geotropic movement of radicle, 11

[page 576]


Brassica oleracea, movement of buried and arched hypocotyl, 13, 14, 15

β€”, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledons, 16, 17, 18

β€”, of hypocotyl in darkness, 19

β€”, of a cotyledon with hypocotyl secured to a stick, 19, 20

β€”, rate of movement, 20

β€”, ellipses described by hypocotyls when erect, 105

β€”, movements of cotyledons, 115

β€”, β€” of stem, 202

β€”, β€” of leaves at night, 229, 230

β€”, sleep of cotyledons, 301

β€”, circumnutation of hypocotyl of seedling plant, 425

β€”, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of hypocotyls, 426

β€”, effect of lateral light on hypocotyls, 479-482

β€”, apogeotropic movement of hypocotyls, 500, 501


Brassica rapa, movements of leaves, 230


Brongniart, A., on the sleep of Strephium floribundum, 391


Bruce, Dr., on the sleep of leaves in Averrhoa, 330


Bryophyllum (vel Calanchoe) calycinum, movement of leaves, 237




Camellia Japonica, circumnutation of leaf, 231, 232


Candolle, A. de, on Trapa natans, 95; on sensitiveness of cotyledons, 127


Canna Warscewiczii, circumnutation of plumules, 58, 59

β€”, of leaf, 252


Cannabis sativa, movements of leaves, 250

β€”, nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 307

Cannabis sativa, sinking of the young leaves at night, 444


Cassia, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 369


Cassia Barclayana, nocturnal movement of leaves, 372

β€”, slight movement of leaflets, 401

β€” calliantha, uninjured by exposure at night, 289, n.

β€”, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 371

β€” circumnutating movement of leaves, 372

β€” corymbosa, cotyledons sensitive to contact, 126

β€”, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 369

β€” floribunda, use of sleep movements, 289

β€”, effect of radiation on the leaves at night, 294

β€”, circumnutating and nyctitropic movement of a terminal leaflet, 372, 373

β€”, movements of young and older leaves, 400

β€” florida, cotyledons sensitive to contact, 126

β€”, sleep of cotyledons, 308

β€” glauca, cotyledons sensitive to contact, 126

β€”, sleep of cotyledons, 308

β€” laevigata, effect of radiation on leaves, 289, n.

β€” mimosoides, movement of cotyledons. 116

β€”, sensitiveness of, 126

β€”, sleep of, 308

β€”, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 372

β€”, effect of bright sunshine on cotyledons, 446

β€” neglecta, movements of, 117

β€”, effect of light, 124

β€”, sensitiveness of cotyledons, 126

β€” nodosa, non-sensitive cotyledons, 126

β€”, do not rise at night, 308

β€” pubescens, non-sensitive cotyledons, 126

[page 577]




Cassia pubescens, uninjured by exposure at night, 293

β€”, sleep of cotyledons, 308

β€”, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 371

β€”, circumnutating movement of leaves, 372

β€”, nyctitropic movement of petioles, 400

β€”, diameter of plant at night, 402

β€” sp. (?) movement of cotyledons, 116

β€” tora, circumnutation of cotyledons and hypocotyls, 34, 35, 109, 308

β€”, effect of light, 124, 125

β€”, sensitiveness to contact, 125

β€”, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of hypocotyl, 431

β€”, hypocotyl of seedling slightly heliotropic, 454

β€”, apogeotropic movement of old hypocotyl, 497

β€”, movement of hypocotyl of young seedling, 510


Caustic (nitrate of silver), effect of, on radicle of bean, 150, 156; on the common pea, 160.


Cells, table of the measurement of, in the pulvini of Oxalis corniculata, 120; changes in, 547


Centrosema, 365


Ceratophyllum demersum, movements of stem, 211


Cereus Landbeckii, its rudimentary cotyledons, 97

β€” speciossimus, circumnutation of stem, 206, 207


Cerinthe major, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 49

β€”, of cotyledons, 49

β€”, ellipses described by hypocotyls when erect, 107

β€” effect of darkness, 124


Chatin, M., on Pinus Nordmanniana, 389


Chenopodium album, sleep of leaves but not of cotyledons, 314, 319


Chenopodium album, movement of leaves, 387


Chlorophyll injured by bright light, 446


Ciesielski, on the sensitiveness of the tip of the radicles, 4, 523


Circumnutation, meaning explained, 1; modified, 263-279; and heliotropism, relation between, 435; of paramount importance to every plant, 547


Cissus discolor, circumnutation of leaf, 233


Citrus aurantium, circumnutation of epicotyl, 28

β€”, unequal cotyledons, 95


Clianthus Dampieri, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297


Coboea scandens, circumnutation of, 270


Cohn, on the water secreted by Lathraea squamaria, 86, n.; on the movement of leaflets of Oxalis, 447


Colutea arborea, nocturnal movement of leaflets, 355


Coniferae, circumnutation of, 211

Coronilla rosea, leaflets asleep, 355


Corylus avellana, circumnutation of young shoot, emitted from the epicotyl, 55, 56

β€”, arched epicotyl, 77


Cotyledon umbilicus, circumnutation of stolons, 219, 220


Cotyledons, rudimentary, 94-98; circumnutation of, 109-112; nocturnal movements, 111, 112; pulvini or joints of, 112-122; disturbed periodic movements by light, 123; sensitiveness of, to contact, 125; nyctitropic movements of, 283, 297; list of cotyledons which rise or sink at night, 300; concluding remarks on their movements, 311


Crambe maritima, circumnutation of leaves, 228, 229


Crinum Capense, shape of leaves, 253

[page 578]




Crinum Capense, circumnutation of, 254


Crotolaria (sp.?), sleep of leaves, 340


Cryptogams, circumnutation of, 257-259


Cucumis dudaim, movement of cotyledons, 43, 44

β€”, sleep of cotyledons, 304


Cucurbita aurantia, movement of hypocotyl, 42

β€”, cotyledons vertical at night, 304

β€”, ovifera, geotropic movement of radicle, 38, 39

β€”, circumnutation of arched hypocotyl, 39

β€”, of straight and vertical hypocotyl, 40

β€”, movements of cotyledons, 41, 42, 115, 124

β€”, position of radicle, 89

β€”, rupture of the seed-coats, 102

β€”, circumnutation of hypocotyl when erect, 107, 108

β€”, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 169-171

β€”, cotyledons vertical at night, 304

β€”, not affected by apogeotropism, 509

β€”, tips cauterised transversely, 537


Curvature of the radicle, 193


Cycas pectinata, circumnutation of young leaf, whilst emerging from the ground, 58

β€”, first leaf arched, 78

β€”, circumnutation of terminal leaflets, 252


Cyclamen Persicum, movement of cotyledon, 46

β€”, undeveloped cotyledons, 78, 96

β€”, circumnutation of peduncle, 225

β€”, β€”, of leaf, 246, 247

β€”, downward apheliotropic movement of a flower-peduncle, 433-435


Cyclamen Persicum, burying of the pods, 433


Cyperus alternifolius, circumnutation of stem, 212

β€”, movement of stem, 509


Cytisus fragrans, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 37

β€”, sleep of leaves, 344, 397

β€”, apogeotropic movement of stem, 494-496




Dahlia, circumnutation of young leaves, 244-246


Dalea alopecuroides, leaflets depressed at night, 354


Darkness, effect of, on the movement of leaves, 407


Darlingtonia Californica, its leaves or pitchers apheliotropic, 450, n.


Darwin, Charles, on Maurandia semperflorens, 225; on the Swedish turnip, 230,

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