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Book online «How To Make Money In Tough Times by Darrin Cooper (free children's ebooks pdf TXT) 📖». Author Darrin Cooper

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Introduction: Overview
Chapter 1: What are the best businesses out there?
Chapter 2: How to obtain success
Chapter 3: How to Build Your Business
Chapter 4: Obtaining leads and where to find the
best leads
Chapter 5: Setting some goals
Testimonial: Crazy kid sticks it to Wall Street


This book was written by Darrin Cooper who has written a couple of books and wanting to share his money making secrets. When Darrin was right out of high school he started working and he did get a good job which lasted six years that he worked for the government, then he was about ready to loose everything. This is the best time to make money because of the times we live in, when disaster strikes opportunity arises, no matter how hard you fall tomorrow is a new day, and with that day you can overcome any challenges that come at you. A friend of mine once said if you don’t worry about things that you can’t control. If you can change your money problems by getting a good job then do that, if its network marketing or writing a book or whatever it is do that with all of your heart you can do it! What the author wants readers to get from this book is how to create something out of nothing meaning a lot of network marketing is free to try there is no risk 7 day risk free you cant beat that. The author further talks about when he was searching for a job he confused about his future he doubted himself and also, when we find people that care about us and build relationships with people all over world in network marketing is amazing feeling. If you can do what I just did which is talk about great company you can make money you can make just as much money. Stop trading time for money and leverage your time. Time is money, but when you reverse that money is time and time is important if you have a family or just want to relax, I have worked the three to four jobs and working 100 plus hours a week and you can get burnt out very fast. You should be able to enjoy life family friends not work two or three jobs it can cause stress and health problems the old saying goes the more you make the more you take, but also the more you make the more you spend. It is all about getting on a budget if you can’t afford it then don’t buy the thing you are wanting. My parents and grandparents thought me how to save money if you respect money it will respect you. You can have everything you ever wanted, and you just believe in yourself and in what you are doing once you master the task at hand you can succeed in any business no matter what happens in life just know you can do it block everything else out again it’s a mind set. Just know that everything in life happens for a reason if I didn’t loose my job I wouldn’t have gotten into network marketing and became a success and I wouldn’t have written this book that can help millions of people. My goal is to help others and when you help others you can help yourself. If you believe you can succeed, and just know that if I can do it you can do it its all about applying yourself. Can you do what I just did? So weather you get into a good job that pays you well, or you invest in solar energy which if you go to you can invest your money a smart way and watch you money grow. Whatever you do get out there enjoy life the writer wants to see everybody have their dreams come true because he knows where you are coming from and if you just stay positive do your research you will find a way to make money from home no matter what never give up.

Chapter 1
What IS The Best Businesses Out There?

Hello thank you for reading this book my name is Darrin Cooper and I want to show you how to make money and create income in a recession time. Just because the economy is down doesn’t mean you have to struggle you should strive in making money because when disaster strikes opportunity arises. We all can succeed we all put our pants on one leg at a time like everybody else if they can do it we can do it!! I have seen a lot in my life I am only 26 years old, but I listen to people who have been there and who are wise and know what it takes to succeed, I want to be just like them. I want you all to succeed as well as myself I remember those long hours working pay check to pay check you will make good money working for somebody, but you will never become rich. It is always a trickle down from CEO to your boss to his assistants then to you so little by little that money is lowered the payment scale and you are on the bottom.

I have worked since I was 12 years old I have done landscaping, I help my grandfather upkeep his farm, I helped my dad in his shop, I have done roofing I have hauled lumber. I have worked in three different restaurants I have done security for the Government for six years. They were all great jobs and I did make good money at one time when I was twenty years old I made $80,000 a year which was good for me and I was happy but I had no time to spend it. I remember one time I worked 32 hours straight and it was so tired but I just had the drive to work the drive to make as much money as I could, I was so hungry for it. The sad thing about the whole situation was that I was always trading time for money yes I got great paid holidays, and great vacations but that wasn’t always enough I was tried all of the time stressed out and I made a lot of bills as the old saying goes the more you make the more they take, and the more debt you will acquire because you think you can pay it back. What happens is rates goes up gas goes up food goes up on and on then we can barely make our payments.

Do you wonder why people are loosing there house or they can’t pay there bills is yes do to layoffs but before then a few years ago people where maxed out because over the years rates keep going up and up life styles change. Lets go back to 1999 to 2000 gas was 99 cents a gallon some places still 89 cents in the world, in late 2000 I think it was a $1.05 a gallon then just last fall we went as high as $5.00 a gallon in some states and that is 4 times that amount. Of course some people shouldn’t have gotten in debt but life should be free great go do what makes you happy because it is a free country, and lets don’t forget full time people got cut to part time? What about people that after being there so long they we fired or let go because they made too much money down sizing all over. The Economy will come back it will we have went thru 11 recessions over the past 50 years this one is a little bit more on the slide than in years past but people will realize and new businesses will grow in the mean time you say what do I do now? How do I pay my bills how do I eat where I am I going to sleep?

It is stressful times and right now more than ever with the way things are going but just remember it could always get worse. This is where we come together to help one another in every day life they are good people out there and bad people you just need to hang out with the right people and the right way of thinking and you can make a lot of money in any business right now more online home based business on the market today than every before. So many people are unemployed right now more and more each day are loosing there job because of people aren’t spending and banks are leading it is a tough time all over as it has gotten worse over the past six months. After I lost my job I fell pretty hard I lost my Job I didn’t know what I was going to do I had a good Government base job and when I lost that I lost my insurance a good $20.00 paying job and I was stuck with all of the debt I had to pay back with no income. Of course I was stressed out like okay great what’s next I couldn’t go back to a low paying job with how much debt I had not to mention the life style I had obtained and enjoyed the nice things life had to offer.

I enjoyed traveling going to car shows seeing the world as I have family in England friends in Florida I was living the okay, but I wasn’t rich or extremely wealthy either but I did have a lot of fun. I was also invested my money in the stock market in late 2007 I turned $5,000 into $50,000 in five weeks it was awesome. It was being in the right place at the right time, I paid cash for a brand new truck I built the car of my dreams I had a nice house things where going very well for me then I got notice that I was about to loose my job at the base, I knew that things was going to change and what a time to loose my job in a really bad tough economic time where nobody was hiring layoffs cut wages I was like oh great. That was just the start of things to down slide in my life due to money problems a lot of debt I tried to make more money in the stock market I lost a little bit not a lot but it was the money I had left so I ended up taking my money out and I put it into savings.

Well putting your money into savings yes not a bad idea but yet you don’t make a whole lot but yes it is safe. There is a lot of safe stuff out there that I will go more in detail on hot safe stocks that I am trading and where to make money in stocks in a down time and also the best businesses on the planet in Network Marketing or to work for. When rebuilding America takes time I am still proud of the fact we are a free country and we need to create jobs but what do we do in the meantime we can’t just

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