Read books online ยป Self-Help ยป Silly girl, he doesn't care. by Katherine Michelle (read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซSilly girl, he doesn't care. by Katherine Michelle (read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Katherine Michelle

Introduction to insanity.

Hi, I'm Kat. I'm not going to sugar coat any of this, I've been bullied by jack-asses my entire life. One jack-ass in particle took it too far, though. Name calling, internet harassment? Psh, no big deal. That, I could handle. Not when you play with my heart, though. I can't deal with that. Don't even come around me and try to make me like you if your just going to leave.

I can't handle that at all. This one guy, named Ian, I made the awful mistake of letting him get past my shield that I put on to protect me from getting attached to anyone.  He is wonderful, smart, funny, gorgeous, and a liar, cheat, and plays my heart like a grand piano. From the start I knew it would end badly, but the hurt is sort of worth it, I guess.  I still have the memories of the good times, before he assulted me, humiliated me, and embarrassed me infront of God and everyone else. I'll never forgive him, of course. But you never EVER forget your first love. I loved him, until he broke my now very fragile heart.  It all started 3 years ago. I was an 8th grader, so was he. We were both in the same band class, so we got to know each other. A year later, when we were both freshman, we began flirting with each other. 


Publication Date: 05-06-2015

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