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Ultimate Paradigm Of Excellence!

Generalizations are seldom fruitful pragmatism; still, they may have utility in arriving at some hypothesis, which in turn paves journeys towards righteous paradigms.

The generalization is –

If you feel angry and asymmetrical with contemporary realism, ambient milieus and populist perceptions, you have most reasons to accept that you have become Intelligent... However, if you feel compassionate about all these, you need to accept that you are a Good person... Moreover, if you can innocently smile over the conflict and dualism, which your consciousness lands in while swinging between Intelligence and Goodness, you have finally Arrived...!

Beyond this generalization is a fruitful pragmatism. That is –

Having the artistry of riding on shades of consciousness, to blissfully portray the rainbowish probabilities of both Intelligence as well as Goodness, tinged assuredly with the deep-seated assertiveness of the Arrived, is something, which maximizes the potential of life-living wellness and personal excellence...

... somehow, it is tough to accept but the fact remains –

“Being the theatre, the script, the protagonist as well as the audience, all unto oneself is some artistry of consciousness, we all need to have...

The Consciousness, which can change the Cognition, which in turn can change the Causality does this for us... Play with it... This is maaya and leela...!

As is the mystically randomized positioning of the eventualities of life, most good things happen in life, when we expect them the least. ‘Expecting’, does not seem fruitful option, especially in contemporary world of precarious and preposterous possibilities; though, no one can keep away from this instinctive urge.

Instead of landing oneself in the ‘reactive-positioning’ of ‘expecting’, it seems, a better situation is to be ‘receptively’ open to the beautifully metaphoric synchronicities of life, which are often sandwiched between the randomized eventualities of life.

Often, magic begins both ways – one, we plan for things to happen in a certain way and then enjoy its fruition, if it happens this way. Second, things happen, as they may and then we plan enjoyment and fruition into them.

Somehow, the art is in evolving to such a receptive consciousness, which is aligned to enjoyment and fruition in both ways – expecting and planning the randomizations for ‘specific’ joys as well as designing joys in ‘generic’ randomizations…

It seems strange and very paradoxical that we live in very liberal cultures, where openness and acceptance to every eventuality and all transgressions are considered a smart benchmark for all to accept. However, when life and living randomizations throw up things, which often are not to our suitability and utility, we show up the most obstinate rigidity and refuse to be playfully open to them…

Let us be all liberal with life’s randomization and welcome it with open arms and receptive consciousness… and then, enjoy…!

In contemporary socio-cultural milieus, where an individual sees a plexus of confused, chaotic and conflicted life-living-situation, the mantra of survival and excellence for the young generation is – Just Chill…!

And, the competitiveness, which hits its worst owing to mad-race for instant-self-gratification in a world lived by people many many times more than optimum, leaves no space but to accept that there is no better life-survival formula that the advisory to be a cool head and take a ‘chill-pill’ while always on the hot-wheel of ‘Individual-Formula 1’ race of life…

The two simple ingredients of this chill-pill are –

1. Stop being the reactive-genius and understand the stupidities of your aping-gene. Human design was not made for the contemporary physical as well as socio-cultural milieus as they are many times more complex than what we can handle. Brain is designed to be reactive but modern milieus require that we rein in the reactive mind consciousness. Our strength is in receptive and contemplative mind consciousness, which does not take its decisions in an action-reaction snap-choices….Moreover, aping most surely is good for building societies and cultures but when cultures and societies itself become the chief culprits of most ills and troubles of humanity, the aping-act needs to be put away from action-reaction mode. We are humans now, no more the ape-thing. The aping genes must now be made subject to receptive-contemplative consciousness. It helps in unlearning the cultural mind we all inherit. A de-cultured mind consciousness, in the healthy habit of receptive-contemplative decision-making, shall to a good extent be poised and in harmony with itself.

2.   Start accepting that ‘self-worth’ and definition of utility of all enterprises of life – be it career or intimacy, have to be in tune with overall wellness model of your personal life. Wellness is not only about money, comfort, joys, etc. Wellness is a holistic idea and any single attainment of life is worthy and has utility only if it only adds to the holistic wellness in your life. If you strive for big moneys and you get it then it is good only when you have not compromised with your health, relationships and overall with the poise and peace of your mind…

Chill pill is a perspective of mind, which simply has the twin ingredient of – holism and poise. Ideally, these two ingredients should become hallmark of your mind consciousness. Then, you do not have to ‘take’ a chill pill, as chill attitude shall become your way of life… 



Train Brain To Drain Flux & Clutter For Life Excellence

We cannot change things; we primarily cannot even know what needs to be changed.

We cannot because, as science says, we buoy up and down in the vast ocean of sub-consciousness for most of our lives, only occasionally surfacing on the environment of consciousness. This happens to most of us and is surely aggrandized in those who live a life of drift and flux because of deep indulgence in the clutter culture, mad multitasking and instant self-gratification.

We need to stop, keep away from this drift and think about self in a qualitative leisurely state of positive loneliness about what changes we need to bring in our lives for our wellness. We then have to consciously bring in those relevant intangibles in our mind consciousness, which can effect physiological changes in our brains. This shall institutionalize wellness and goodness in our lives.

Millions of people all over the world have been into this meditation. Meditation is nothing but a conscious choice of our minds, to physically keep away from those tangible elements in our external milieus, which are causing drift and flux in our lives. And then, with practice, meditative loneliness consciously brings about the intangibles into our mind consciousness. Gradually, as our brains build up new and facilitative neural pathways and synapses, we begin to feel the joys and satisfaction of the true wellness and happiness. The brain changes physiologically and gets aligned to the actual wellness and happiness.

The human mind, the functional mechanism of brain structures, has instinctive mechanism to universalize goodness as well as evil. What we feed in it is not its concern. This is the role of intellect. The intellect is the intangible faculty to be in control of the instinctive as well as the culturally learnt behaviours, to objectively assess all life-living choices with holistic logic.

The universe has not put us where we are today with any specific purpose of designed goodness. We have to design our purpose. As we repeat this objective mind training to our brain, the objective goodness would spread all throughout its neural circuitry.

The notion of neuroplasticity says that brain can actually create new pathways to institutionalize this objective goodness. And then, we won’t have to think twice to perform goodness, as it would then become an instinct, and thus an involuntary mechanism, like a hand moving away involuntarily as it touches fire.

It has to be understood and accepted with all humility and compassion that a real good human is not one who needs to think and then behave and act good. Rather, it is one who does not have to think, as all his behaviours and actions are instinctively bound to be good. We don’t consciously remember when we drive a car or cook a meal as it is instinctive, even when they were once learned behaviours.

Objective goodness is also learned behaviour. But when we repeatedly practice it, it becomes instinctive. Meditative state of mind consciousness is first step to check our instinctive body-mind mechanism. We meditate to train our brain to gradually accept the utility of non-action – a state of conscious inaction.

In our daily routine lives, we seldom rely on the faculties of our discretionary mind. Things are on the fast lane and keep driving is the survival instinct. However, this adds loads of clutter and drift in our subconscious self. When we meditate, we train our brains to do away with its instinctive choice of action-reaction utility. We consciously tell our brains that we are not into action-reaction business but in a self-retrospection mode. We are into a choice and option-building mode. We are into unlearning mode to settle on some new learning, which have deeper and larger utilities in our lives.

As we attain this, we enter the domain of new cognitive feelings and realizations. Meditative brilliance is all about empowerment of self towards attainment of meta-cognitive revelations. Life-living wellness and excellence is all about expanding your consciousness and cognitions to higher plane of existence. From there, roads to bliss starts...



Realism Is ‘Totality Of Multiplicity’ Of Subjectivism And Pluralism…!

We can say, there is nothing called ‘ignorance’! The word looks like, at best, an accusation by one for another. Somehow, tragically enough, people often use the word for one-upmanship against competing persons.

Nothingness is never a reality as it seems, there is always a ‘somethingness’ called ‘knowledge’, tiny bit or colossal but always relative and subjective. In this subjectivity and relativity is the genesis of the accusation, called ‘ignorance’.

Often, ‘ignorance’ at one time presents itself as the ultimate ‘wisdom’ in a particular linearity of time and space for the same person. In addition, one’s wisdom invariably seems ‘ignorance’ for other. The objectivity of the realism apart, the subjectivity and relativity of situation and position makes it happen.

Consciousness is very localized and almost always subjective. Truths and goodness for each individual has to be in line with this pluralistic subjectivism.

This subjectivism ensures relativist words and terms like ‘ignorance’, ‘false’ and ‘bad’ etc. As truth and false, good and bad are in essential nature of conflict and competition, there shall always be strife and battle for one-upmanship and supremacy of subjective truths and goodness.

The world we live in has therefore truly turned into a theatre of insurmountable conflicts and chaos. Be sure, there is no looking back for humanity… it shall always continue its journey ahead.

The simple and understandable to all realism for humanity is – we all live in a world that is a ‘totality of multiplicity’ of ‘subjectivism’ and ‘pluralism’. This presents to all, one singular, objective wisdom, that is – “Subjectivism is the core creed, therefore, every individual must be very respectful, compassionate and affectionate towards other’s subjectivism and never allow narcissism about one’s subjective truths to label other’s truths as ‘false’ and ‘bad’.”

Is it this simple! No. If it were, there would have been no ignorant on earth. We all can always know only a part of the truth or wisdom. So is every entity and individual’s position and situation in the cosmos.

Real intelligence is in accepting this relativity and subjectivity allowing the part truth to evolve through holism, integration and assimilation. Narcissism is definitive ignorance. The world has loads of it and this energy ensures, we have many losers, few winners.

The higher consciousness within us is one who understands and accepts this life positioning. This super consciousness has the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of realisms. He is bereft of the narcissism of subjective consciousness. His real intelligence is his innocence and objectivity; a sincere acceptance of the utility and fruition of every little idea and part truth, which subjective consciousnesses of seven billion people on earth engenders.

We all need to change our generic consciousness and evolve it to the stage of specific consciousness, where this innocence stands tall.


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