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Bio-Chemistry Of Physics Of Philosophy Of Peaceful-Coexistence…

At the very outset, it can be said with deep inner conviction that almost everything in life – Good, Bad or Ugly, has loads to offer to all of us. It needs to be accepted with equanimity of consciousness that ‘learning’ as well as ‘unlearning’ opportunities seldom come with suitability to our personal conveniences. They come as randomly as are life’s situations – real or deemed. Still everything has utility...

Secondly, it also needs to be accepted with great humility and over-riding sense of deep satisfaction that every person, young or old, has the right to feel, understand and accept, these randomized life situations, in whatever way, a particular or different shades of consciousness make them possible for the mind.

As the wise have said – Nothing beyond one’s consciousness can be accepted as happening and this consciousness is never constant and stagnant. Therefore, the 3Cs – Confusion, conflict and chaos is embedded in the very mechanism of the 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causality. Therefore, hypocrisy is the primeval and innate realism for humanity. Individuals may overcome the hypocrisies in good measure but humanity in general shall always engage themselves in an unending battle against hypocrisy.

That is why, we all must understand and fully respect and appreciate someone’s judgment of a life-situation at a particular stage of life and as per a particular shade/s of his or her consciousness, he or she is in. In larger transition and ephemerality of life, consciousness and subjective positions accepted by individuals as well as collective are also an integral realism. Acceptance of this realism is empowerment as with this empowerment comes all other virtues – tolerance, non-violence and compassion.

After accepting the above generalization, it needs to be said that even when, we all accept and appreciate that perception and judgment of life situations may be very subjective and very specific to ambient milieus and contemporary set of realities (real or deemed), still, there are always an objective realism and a singularly ‘right’ judgment.

It has a reason. The consciousness, which almost always guides us to take judgment of right and wrong, is essentially very ‘localized’. The subjective consciousness has general inability to look beyond immediate and local factors. For example, when your toe hurts, you cannot remember anything else and focus all your attention to the toe, even when your other organs seek equal attention. This is our mechanism and we are all designed like that.

Our consciousness, which is our judge, usually factors in only the ambient and localized elements of our ambient milieus. Science says – brain mechanism is essentially an inhibitory system. This means – our brain is best at processing one idea at one time. Multi-tasking is something our brain does not like much...!

But then, there always remains an objective and singular truth. The realism is – truths cannot be created, it can only be deciphered as truths have already been created, well before consciousnesses and perceptions came to matter on earth and the universe…

Also, it has to be accepted that subjective consciousnesses of different people can be different and therefore, the perception and judgment about life situations also can be diverse and probably competitively multiple. The objective and singular realism is, as we all are in different shades of consciousnesses and all of us have different sets of localized milieus, our perceptions and judgment cannot be singular.

Therefore, understanding, respecting and appreciating everyone’s subjective consciousnesses and their judgments is the singular objective realism, we all need to accept. Subjective consciousnesses are different and therefore perceptions are different and though we do have rights to express our different perceptions in collective space, the core human innocence of accommodation and peaceful-coexistence must go along…

As it has been said – Nothing external to your inner consciousness has any meaning and impact on you. That is why in our world, we have so many different and often competing isms and principles. However, for the wise, there is only a singular truth and realism. That is – Every person sees and accepts truth and realism as per his or her subjective consciousnesses and that is why, differences are inevitable. That is why there must always be tolerance and compassion in all mind consciousnesses towards all perceptions and perspectives. The expressions of all such competing ideas must have the same tolerance and compassion. This is the core and singular objective truth for we all...


Life Management

Being A Great ‘Life-Manager’ and ‘Life-Engineer’...

There is a clichéd, which is like – ‘If you wish to be successful in life, you have to learn to say NO’. The reverse of this is also equally popular. The fact remains, everyone has to learn to say ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ but the artistry is not only in mouthing them but in applying this energy of ‘Affirmation’ and ‘Negation’ at appropriate Place, Time and Manner.

The very word ‘management’ is all about the ‘judiciousness of delivery’. A brilliant manager has this golden artistry of knowing appropriately, ‘When, Where, Why, Who and How’. Judgment of appropriateness of delivery is some artistry, nobody is born with; it is learnt and is perfected by practice…

Moreover, the parallel reality and truth stands alongside the above realism that there always is a greater artistry of ambivalence, especially in the short-run. That is, being in a situation, neither out-rightly ‘Yes’ nor decisively ‘No’! This somehow is bigger artistry and requires a huge personality trait in us – that is being ‘Receptive’ and not ‘Reactive’. We have to stop, wait, weigh, assess and then deliver. It takes some time for the brain to do that for us. That is why in the meantime, ambivalence holds high utility.

In ancient Oriental spiritualism it is said – ‘There always are two extreme potentials of a situation, which we may call our destiny. Humans always stand on either side of the two. Only God can be present with both probabilities and potentials (destiny) at the same time’. However, with practice, a human with receptive mind consciousness and skill of ambivalence can do the same, which is available to God. How?

Often, when we say ‘yes’ to one probability or potential, the other possibility or destiny stands closed for us. For example, when I say, ‘I shall never be affected by what others say about me’, I say YES to ‘I’ and NO to ‘they’. This opens the probability of Confidence to ‘I’ but simultaneously closes the probability of Learning possible good things that may come my way from the side of ‘They’.

However, if I say, ‘I shall always listen to all, try to know their side of things and then assess the pros and cons of all aspects; finally, I shall decide what is ideal for me’. This ‘avoidance’ of decisive and presumptuous ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ gives me the golden latitude to get the best of both probabilities – Confidence plus Learning.

Good life-management is all about skills of ‘Judiciousness of Appropriateness of Delivery’ of life choices. This judiciousness is not something we are born with. It is cultivated after persevered practice. This happens when we stop being reactionary and lend enough and appropriate latitude of time-lapse to the receptive mind consciousness.

A very learned man said something very crucial about receptive mind consciousness, which qualifies as core principle about life-engineering. I am reproducing below. It needs to be internalized –

“Modern man discovered intelligent thought, a rigid methodology and a mostly painful process. Totally unsung, it came from the artisans (not the philosophers), while seeking repeatable methods to build dependable products. It required the learning and application of provable knowledge and a rejection of that which could not be proven in an unceremoniously emotion-neutral objectivity. The engineer was born, vilified by the intellectual from the beginning. The intelligent thought process is not entertaining, like art, music, sports, literature and philosophy, and it isn't easy or fun.

It requires: –

A measurable and provable basis, thereby utterly destroying a lot of beautiful and imaginative thought.

A careful single logical step at a time, a seemingly terrible waste of a soaring and creative mind.

Physical verification at every logic step, a terribly boring and rote procedure.

And it takes a terrible amount of knowledge preparation. But it produces real and measurable results.

And if something is really important, such as developing safe air flight, it is always used. Indeed it is demanded. The education of our children, long an intellectual toy, must someday join the list of 'important' things that deserve the same treatment. The uncontrolled application of imagination and conjecture to an intangible basis, such as now exists in our modern social studies, is the direct inverse of intelligence and can only breed mischief.”

The simple idea, which is there to be accepted is – if we wish to be good and right with our lives, we need to use ‘intelligence’ and this intelligence is in being an ‘engineer’ of life. Of course, entertainment has its rightful utility in life and living. However, when it comes to taking ‘crucial decisions’ about life-living wellness and excellence, we have to accept a mind consciousness of an ‘engineer’, which relies primarily on singular logical, objective, verifiable and replicable ‘methodology’.

This surely does not mean imagination is bad. In fact, the very basis of human intelligence is his or her mental capacity to imagine, which no other creature can do. Both science and art has common origin in intelligence of imagination.

However, all imaginations must pass the test of rigid methodology of objectivity and verifiability, if it relates to key life-living decisions. And why not even in entertainment and fun...! This is a healthy and fruitful marriage of science and art.

Let us all be this smart and successful ‘life-engineer’ with a resolve that we shall always use this ‘intelligence’ of humanity. Even while we have fun and entertainment, this ‘intelligence’ would never be allowed to be compromised with....


Deciphering Destiny

Drag Success Out Of ‘Domain Of Destiny’ To Your ‘Shirt-Pocket’

There is a ‘mechanism’ and a ‘process of happening or positioning of any realism, we see, face and work with in our lives. Therefore, if there is a question or enquiry, which emerge out of any realism, the answers can be created in two ways –

Smart answers, which we or others can create or offer us, creating a short-cut or temporary reprieve from the trouble or problem. Often, such answers are smart because they play with our attitude or emotions, making our ‘conflicted ego’ feel good for a while. But such attitudinal/emotional solutions fizzle out soon and we remain where we were...

True answers, which we or others can never create but only decipher as they are already there in the very ‘mechanism and process’, which itself created the realism of a trouble or problem. Such answers last and stay with us life long as they make us accept that problems and solutions are two sides of the same entity and almost all problems inherently have solutions embedded in them...

For example, most questions themselves are answers but they stand as problems for us because we refuse to see them this way. Like, if I say, ‘I cannot focus on my studies, how can I do that?’ The answer is already there in the question. I cannot focus because I am not focusing right or enough. The answer involves knowing the ‘mechanism and process’ of attention-building-process and concentration-building-mechanism. Often, we also know what is making us continue with a trouble but we simply wish a ‘short-cut’, smart or quick-fix solution, so that we could bunk the long road to true answers....

Therefore, the root of all troubles and problems must be addressed. If we are avoiding this process of answers, we cannot be successful.

When we prepare for competitive exams, we all know what thing to do first? We look for all primary books, which could clear the basic concepts of all subjects, we have in the exams. If our basics or ‘root knowledge’ is right and well-prepared, we always have ease in solving all the questions, which the examiner may present

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