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texting mistakes you need to cut out of your game. These mistakes are what make you look needy, and stop you from getting what you want.

Once you clean up your act, your texting game will look a LOT better.

Because - and this is the truth - women HATE needy guys. They don’t just dislike them - they hate them. For real.

Here are a few needy texting mistakes guys make:



Asking If Things Are Okay


Don't ask her if she's ok over text
Okay, so she hasn’t replied to your text for a few hours. You say to yourself that she’s probably busy.

But then you remind yourself that she was replying to all your previous texts instantly before vanishing. She literally just puffed into thin air.

In such situations, it’s okay to give her a nudge and ask if things are okay, right?

Sure it is. If this is the first time.

If, however, you’ve already trotted out the â€śAre you still there? Are you okay?” line once or twice before, it’s time to lock that one up forever.

She’s okay. She’s fine. She’s still there. She just isn’t texting you.

No one can say why. Maybe she’s busy. Maybe a friend popped by and distracted her. And hey, maybe she is texting another guy.

It doesn’t mean anything. She’ll get back to you when she remembers. In the meantime, you just need to play it cool and keep on with whatever else you’ve got going on in your life. Go out. Pop a video game on. Text someone else.

Just don’t ask if she’s still there.

 Teasing Her About Her Vanishing Acts


Don't be needy in your texts
Let’s imagine that she performed her vanishing act once more mid-conversation. It was annoying because you were having a laugh before she absconded without warning.

But you did good by not asking if she was still there and if she was okay. In fact, you did really good. It makes you look cool.

And hey, look - she’s come back!

“How are you?” she asks.

There is still an easy needy texting mistake guys make at this point, and it’s one you need to be very wary of. It’s the â€śOh look who’s back!” text.

Maybe you play it cool and wait until you need to end the conversation for some reason or other.

So you ask a question and passive-aggressively say something along the lines of“Please answer this quickly now because I know what you’re like for just disappearing!”

Maybe you put a tongue emoji in the text message to ease the tension, soften the blow and show that you’re just joking.

It won’t work, though. She’s got the picture - you’re needy.

If her random vanishing acts are upsetting you, play it cool. Don’t let it get to you. It’s just the way she is.

 Being Too Abrupt and Adopting a “This Is My Only Chance” Mentality


Have an abundance mindset when texting
Seducing a girl via text is all about staying cool and being flirty funny.

It’s not about being abrupt and dramatic.

If you’re the kind of guy who asks a girl out in your first text message, you’re going to look super needy.

You might reason that this is the only chance you’ll get to ask her out while you’ve got her attention, but if this is your reasoning then you seriously have a lot to improve on.

Look at this: â€śWanna go on a date?”

That’s abrupt.

Instead, make her laugh. â€śReady to meet, or are you still Googling me 

Remember: lose the “this is my only chance to ask her out” mentality.

Once you lose that, you begin to grow in confidence. You get her to dance to YOUR tune. You’ll lead and she’ll follow. Because guys, we really do like to follow you…



Note: Okay... but... still I can't blame somebody for what I have done...




5 Proven Teasing Tricks That Work Like Magic



I want to tell you a fact about women that most introverted men will go to their graves without ever knowing.

It’s the idea of teasing women.

Teasing women is one of the most powerful things you can do to stand out from your competition.

Most beautiful women are sick and tired of dating needy and overly nice guys that all do the exact same things… accommodating their every whish and whim, hemming and hawing, kissing up, and following them around like lovesick puppies.

That’s precisely where teasing comes into play.

If you tease women correctly, you’ll stand out from all the other guys like a diamond in a coal mine.

If you tease women correctly, you’ll stand out from all the other guys like a diamond in a coal mine.

But you need to do it right. And in this article, I’ll show you exactly how to do it right. I’ll even give you word-for-word examples that you can start using today – without having to go through years of practice.

But first, let’s talk about the concept of teasing a bit more. The better you understand what teasing is, the better you’ll be able to apply it.



The Purpose of Teasing



Teasing serves multiple purposes in the dating process
Teasing has multiple purposes, and I’m going to lay them out for you right here.

In my opinion, the first reason you want to tease women is because it’s fun for you.

Self-amusement is a quality that women love in men. When you come from a place of self-amusement, you’re not doing it to get a reaction out of her.

Women feel that. The more you do it because it amuses you, the better teasing works.

Second, teasing makes your dates more interesting and less boring for both of you.

In any date, there might be times where the conversation becomes just a little boring. Peppering in some teases during the conversation allows you to keep it fun and interesting.

Teasing builds attraction. It shows her you are not intimidated by her looks, and most importantly it implies that you have choice with women. At the very least, it shows you’re not desperate.

Teasing builds attraction. It shows her you are not intimidated by her looks, and most importantly it implies that you have choice with women. At the very least, it shows you’re not desperate.


Teasing builds attraction. It shows her you are not intimidated by her looks, and most importantly it implies that you have choice with women. At the very least, it shows you’re not desperate.

Think about it. Teasing is in essence a way ofbreaking rapport. Would a man that has no other options with women have the guts to break rapport with the only woman he managed to get a date with?

Probably not. So, by teasing her you imply that you have choice with women. That in and of itself creates attraction because of the pre-selection effect.

Pre-selection is one of the most powerful attraction triggers within women. It states that women become attracted to men if they know other women are attracted to those men.

By teasing women, you let them know you are pre-selected. Teasing also helps you build a connection with women.

When you tease a woman from time to time, it will give more power to those moments when you are being sincere and connecting.

For example, if you teased her a few times during the conversation and then later on you say, with a serious face, â€śHey, I really appreciate XYZ about what you just said/did, etc.”, it comes across as much more sincere.

 The Difference Between Negging, Cocky-Funny, and Teasing.


Teasing is better than negging and cocky-funny
A few years ago, there was a lot of hype around the concept of negging and being cocky-funny.

Luckily, people quickly found out that it doesn’t work well at all, and the hype died.

But if you’re new to this dating stuff, I’d like to talk about this a bit. Chances are at some point you’ll read about this, and I’d like you to avoid this painful experience.



Negging is for pick up artists and losers
Negging was invented by pick up artists, and its purpose is to lower women’s self-esteem. With her self-confidence down, PUAs think it’s easier to seduce her. Some famous examples:

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I love that top/dress. It’s really cool how it matches/complements the rest of your outfit. In fact… I remember I saw the exact same top/dress in that popular secondhand store downtown. It still looks great, though.”

“I like your nails. Are they real?”

“Ew, you spit on me!” (brush off your face).

As you can see, all these examples aim to lower women’s self-esteem. They are not even funny. They are literally insults.

Do they work?

Yes, SOMETIMES they work. But most of the time you’ll get women looking at you with a strange face. Like, â€śOkay, man, thanks, now move on, please”.

And if you use this on quality women, it’s a straight-up recipe for DISASTER…and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME!

That’s because negging only works on psychologically damaged women and women with low self-esteem.

It’s also manipulative, and it implies you have low self-esteem yourself.

Beautiful, high-quality women can see right through this behavior and won’t even give you the time of the day.



Cocky funny balances arrogance with humor
The essence of being cocky-funny is to make women laugh using a combination of arrogance and humor. Cocky-funny is one step up from negging. It’s less insulting, although some examples border on the limit of being a neg.

Does it work?

Yes, it does work, but IT’S EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to do it right.



It requires an almost perfect balance between the arrogant part and the funny part.

If the balance tips too much to the arrogance part, you’ll be seen as a jerk and lose her.

If the balance tips slightly too much to the funny part, you’ll be seen as a clown and lose her too.

Cocky-funny requires an almost perfect balance between the arrogant part and the funny part. It's hard to do it right.

Cocky-funny requires an almost perfect balance between the arrogant part and the funny part. It's hard to do it right.

Here are some famous examples:

“Serious. Oh, so is this the part where you’re gonna give me your little opinion. Oh, that's so cute. Okay, go ahead.”

"Don't just look at me and keep walking! I'm not just a piece of meat you know! I have feelings too! Stop and talk to me…"

"Look at this! When you woke up this morning, did you ever think you'd be walking beside/ talking to such a HANDSOME man, right here on (X) street? Your day just got a lot better!"

As you can see they are quite arrogant, and your delivery needs to be impeccable to make it work.

Most guys completely mess up the cocky-funny stuff because it’s so difficult to do it right.

If you use it, you’ll get a good reaction about 20% of the time and 80% of the time you’ll look plain stupid.

Also, even if you are good at it, the effects are not so great. There are much better ways to build attraction.

And, again, high-quality women don’t react well to this. They see it as a sign of insecurity.



Teasing if fun for both of you
Negging aims to lower women’s self-esteem, and cocky-funny uses arrogant humor to make them laugh.

Teases, on the other hand, are more playful and charming in nature.

They are much easier and ten times more effective without any of the downsides of negs and cocky humor.

They are not arrogant and they are not insulting. They’re just FUN, both for you and her.

In teasing, you are going to imply things instead of flat-out saying it. A good thing to imply is that she’s always chasing men.

For example, you might ask her if she’s still friends with her exes. If she says yes, you say“Seriously? Like ALL of them?” Implying that she has 200 exes or so.

Can you see how this is more subtle and playful than negs or cocky-funny?

The best part of it is, WOMEN LOVE IT!

But it’s important that you do it with

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