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and in what she has to say. It does so many good things at the same time and it’s so
easy to use.
Just make sure not to use it too much. Two or three times in an hour is okay.

5. Use the “vacuum technique”.

This is going to be an easy one for introverted men.
After she finishes talking, just be silent.
She’ll probably start talking again.
It’s almost like the silence vacuums the words out of her mouth. 
6. Imagine she’s already your girlfriend.
Let me ask you a question. Do you run out of things to say with people you are
already comfortable with? Like a friend, or maybe an ex-girlfriend? Of course not.
That’s because you are totally relaxed and comfortable with them.
Imagining that she is already your girlfriend will make you feel much more relaxed.
You’ll never run out of things to say. On top of that, you’ll project that vibe that you
are already a couple. This will dramatically increase the chances of her becoming
your girlfriend.

7. Go for a walk first.

Instead of meeting her at the venue, try meeting her outside the venue.
When she arrives, suggest going for a walk first. This will help both of you get
comfortable together. First, the physical act of walking will relieve possible
nervousness for both of you. Second, it gives you time to get comfortable with each
other without awkward silences. When you are walking together, silences don’t feel
awkward because you’re not staring at each other. Instead, you’re looking around at
the environment. Also, when you’re walking together there are plenty of things in the
environment that you can comment on. After 15 minutes of walking together, you will
both be comfortable and you can then go to the venue. The vibe will be more relaxed,
and you won’t have any awkward silences.
Also, remember this:
You prepared for the date.
You started off on the right foot immediately upon meeting her.
You went for a walk together.
You are comfortable together.
You have a double safety net.
You have the “tell me more” technique.
You have the “vacuum technique”.
And she’s already your girlfriend!
Your date will be great!
But if for some reason you still have a difficult moment in the conversation, here’s a bonus
hack to get you out of it. However, you’ll probably never have to use it.
By the way, we like to always over-deliver. So here you go: an unadvertised BONUS hack,
especially for you!

8. The Conversation Recovery Hack

If for some strange reason the conversation doesn’t go well after you used the seven
conversation hacks, then this hack will save your conversation and your date.
It goes like this: you act like the best version of yourself. You do this by asking
yourself: “How would the best version of me act in this situation?” As strange as it
might sound, this will make you act differently and save the conversation and the
date. Just test it out and see for yourself.
There you go! You now know seven conversation hacks plus one bonus hack, so you can
have naturally attractive conversations without acting like an extrovert or using those silly
PUA techniques that don’t even work.
Now, go out and put these eight conversation hacks into action.
Action-takers get results, not knowledge-gatherers.
And to help you take that action, I have a fun implementation assignment for you.

Chapter 9 - Let's Talk (Part 3)

 Note: Say twice:

- You are fucked up!



8 Ridiculous Things PUA Gurus Say That You Should Never Do




There are many things that pick-up artist (PUA) gurus say that will RUIN your chances with quality women.

One of the reasons that these things ANNOY quality women is because they’re signs of insecurity

Insecurity DISGUISED as confidence. It’s called Polar Opposing Insecurity Compensation (POIC).

POIC occurs when a person focuses on something he doesn’t want to be, because that behavior makes him feel insecure.

He then becomes the exact opposite of the things that make him feel insecure.

For example, if somebody is very shy and quiet, he might become loud and obnoxious to prove to the world and himself that he isn’t shy. Every time he acts loud and obnoxious, he can say to himself, â€œAt least I wasn’t quiet and shy this evening”.

Women can see right through that behavior. Especially quality women.

Women Are Annoyed By Polar Opposite Insecurity Compensation (POIC) Behavior! PUA Is The Hallmark Of POIC.


Women Are Annoyed By Polar Opposite Insecurity Compensation (POIC) Behavior. PUA Is The Hallmark Of POIC!

And as you already know, we attract what we are.

If you do things because of Polar Opposing Insecurity Compensation, you’ll be focusing on (and thus reinforcing) your insecurities instead of healing them.

It’s fake confidence. And you’re FOOLING YOURSELF. Worse, you’ll become more and more insecure without even realizing it.

It will attract women that are on the same level, meaning insecure or low-quality women.

But when a quality woman sees this behavior, she will disqualify you in the blink of an eye.

PUA is the hallmark of Polar Opposite Insecurity Compensation.

In this article, you’ll discover eight POIC things PUA gurus teach that quality women hate.

A beautiful quality woman can like everything about you, but if you do these things (or even one of these things), it will DESTROY your chances of getting her.

As you read these eight POIC behaviors, you’ll notice how they are driven by opposite insecurities.

After you’ve read this, you’ll start to see right through people’s masks and you’ll be able to avoid falling in this trap yourself.




1. DHV Stories (Delivering High Value Stories)


PUAs Will Advise You To Bragg About Yourself Through Telling Stories In The First 15 Minutes Of Meeting A Woman. Don’t Do It. Quality Women Will Make Fun Of You.


PUAs Will Advise You To Bragg About Yourself Through Storytelling In The First 15 Minutes Of Meeting A Woman. Don’t Do It. Quality Women Will Make Fun Of You.

DHV Stories are stories you tell about yourself in which you embed cool things about yourself. Mostly, these are lies.

For example: â€œLast summer I was picking up my model girlfriend and she arrived in a Ferrari. Normally she has an Audi. She finished a photoshoot and she could keep the Ferrari for one day, blah blah blah

PUAs will advise you to tell stories like that in the first 15 minutes of meeting a woman so you can make her attracted to you.

Here’s the problem with that. First off, you’re lying. And if you’re a good-hearted introverted man, that’s not you. You’ll be incongruent. You probably wouldn’t even try it, ‘cause it’s not you.

Quality women will see right through it. They will know you are doing POIC. Here’s their perception of guys who do that:

“What a loser. If he feels the need to tell these kinds of stories to people he just met, he’s probably an insecure guy that never had any luck with women”.

She’ll think of you as the polar opposite of how you present yourself.

And even if the story was true, it would still have that effect on her.

She’ll think of you as an insecure bragger.

If you brag about yourself the PUA way, women will think of you as a loser.


If you brag about yourself the PUA way, women will think of you as a loser.

Also, this is not aligned with who you are. Smart, introverted men don’t volunteer personal stories to everyone they meet. Especially not so fast, and not in that bragging way.

They prefer to reveal themselves later on, when there is more of a connection.

So, if you are an introverted man, here’s what to do instead.

Let her find out over time about your accomplishments in life. It’s better in the beginning to be the quietly confident guy that keeps the conversation focused on her.

After 45 minutes or so, she’ll realize that you know so much about her and she knows nothing about you – but she feels attracted to you. That’s when she will start to ask you questions.

When she does, you can slowly reveal things about yourself, including some real stories that show her you are an attractive man. 

But don’t reveal everything at once. It’s better to let her find out piece by piece over the course of multiple dates.

And when she finds out on her own that you are the CEO of a successful company or that you are talented in some sport, she’ll be even more attracted to you.

That’s because you didn’t brag about it.

If you want, you can even steer the conversation toward these topics by asking her questions, and she’ll naturally ask those questions back to you.

That’s okay.

As long as you do it in a slow way over time, and not in the first 15 minutes of meeting her.

 2. Peacocking


Here’s What Quality Women Think Of Peacocking: “What an insecure guy. He has no idea how much he’s making a fool of himself. What a loser.”


Here’s what quality women think of peacocking: “What an insecure guy. He has no idea how much he’s making a fool of himself. What a loser.”

PUAs will tell you to wear strange things to stand out and attract attention to yourself, like strange hats, feather boas, or wearing sunglasses during a night out.

Who the heck wears sunglasses at night? Hmm, they must be really cool guys
 sorry for my sarcasm, but it makes laugh.

But honestly, above all: YES, it will get you more attention, but it doesn’t build attraction.

Have you ever seen a strangely dressed guy entering a venue and you thought, â€œWhat an idiot”, but you couldn’t help but look at him?

Well, that’s exactly what PUA peacocking does. People will start looking at you.

You’ll think you’re getting more attention, but they are making fun of you. You’re the fool of the venue.

Here’s what quality women will think of you:“What an insecure guy. He has no idea how much he’s making a fool of himself. What a loser.”

Why? ‘Cause she’ll see the POIC behavior. She’ll see you as the polar opposite of how you want to present yourself.

Here’s what do instead. Stand out by understanding fashion and correctly accessorizing yourself.

If you do that the right way, you’ll stand out because a really great sense of fashion is not so common. Go find a stylist and let him teach you how to dress.

You’ll stand out in a positive way and get the right kind of attention. Plus, women will be attracted to you instead of making fun of you.

 3. Negging


The purpose of negging is to make women insecure about themselves. Don’t do it! It’s weak, and plain stupid!


The purpose of negging is to make women insecure about themselves. Don’t do it! It’s weak, and plain stupid!

The purpose of negging is to make women insecure about themselves. It’s about lowering their perception of self-value, making you more attractive by comparison.

For example: â€œYou know, I like that outfit you’ve got on
 but I don’t know, your shoes don’t really match. You should have gone with tan boots.”

Or, â€œYour nose is a little red. Are you a bit sick?”

Don’t do it! It’s weak, and plain stupid! Yes, on some girls it might work. But all you’ll attract using this method are psychologically damaged women.

A beautiful, smart, quality woman will see right through the POIC behavior.

Here’s how a quality woman will think: â€œThis guy must have really low self-esteem if he tries to bring women down like this.”

Here’s what to do instead.

Learn naturally attractive behaviors.

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