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Book online «Why Do You Want To Change Me? by Santosh Jha (best english novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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of acceptance of the intelligence of innocence is the primary change in attitude we are talking about in this book.

The question, ‘why do you want to change me’, is the primary energy to break you free of the inertia and move you towards those answers of the crucial questions of humanity, whose answers have now been discovered with great objectivity and singularity, even while they were already there since ages. It seems, we have evolved to redesign the key questions of humanity and accept newer answers, in novel perspectives. This is intended to move you to real questions, which you probably have not yet asked truly and that is why not reached to their very meaningfully useful answers. This is aimed at empowering your consciousness to enhance your life-living wellness and personal excellence. We shall elaborate the idea in course of the book.

As we said, “A man or woman is known by the questions he/she has”. This is one side of the coin though. The choice of questions that a person is endowed with, is truly important but not all. Most people are confronted with same questions of humanity but choose to keep only those with them, which they feel comfortable with. Most people live out their lives with a few questions, not even aware about thousands of them. Instinctively, human choice is invariably the inertia of comfort. This comfort of inertia is often a huge advocacy for status quo and against change. We shall talk about it in details here.

Answers are the other side of the coin and the answer, or the set of answers we accept in totality make us what we are. It is crucial to accept that there are true objective and singular answers of humanity’s questions since ages, as realism was created billions of years before we came. Still, different people have chosen and they keep choosing their own subjective answers, often far away from the true objective and singular answers. One can always ask, “where are the true answers, even if we so happily accept that our questions are right and true?” The trouble is, humans are instinctively arrogant and this intuitively leads most of us to believe that all our questions and their subjective answers are truly right. This arrogance emanates out of humans being on top of the pyramid of creatures and his ability to change nature around him/her. There can be other reasons too, the primary one being our own design, which structures our subjective consciousnesses! We are definitely talking about all these here.

Even when we put up a mental screen to it, the questions never cease to chase us and answers are seldom easy acceptance. This is something, which is part of the human mechanism. Most of us are trigger-happy ignoring and even summarily rebuffing the questions and answers not falling in our comfort zone and wellness boundaries. Here, we are talking about one key question of humanity, which almost everyone asks to self or others in his or her lifetime in modern societal milieu. This question is also one faces from others. The question is:

“Why Do You Want Me To Change?”

As, questions are half the destiny, let us first attempt to understand the dynamics of the mechanism of the question itself. This may put us in good stead while answering it. This is primary wisdom for all. We all must first understand a question in its dualism. We need to see and accept multidimensionality of the question then only we can proceed towards the desirable process of an integrative and assimilative answer.

Let the mechanism be understood first. Let us take one step at a time.

At conception, the sperm and egg meet to form a single cell determining the genetic potential. About 60% of the genes are dedicated to brain development. This is being reiterated here to bring forth the point as to how important brain and mind is for humans as even at a stage where the human form is in single cell, majority of genes are for brain development. There is more.

Three to four weeks after conception, a thin layer of cells forms on the embryo. The cells fold and fuse to form a liquid filled tube. This is the basis of the brain and spinal cord. The mechanism now established beyond doubt by science only broadly hints at the fact that even before embryo stage, the focus of creation is in building the mind which only at much later stage would be faced with all questions and all answers of humanity.

By birth the brain has developed the total 100 billion brain cells, or ‘neurons’, it possesses. However, the brain is a work in progress. Most of the neurons are still immature. The cells need to be activated and the connections between neurons are weak or have not yet been formed. This is just a humble reminder of the fact that consciousness is an evolutionary entity and needs ‘activation’. It does not get ‘on’ by a switch at one moment.

Although genes begin the process of brain development, it is the experiences of the child that now start to take over this process. These experiences trigger the electrical activity necessary to enable the brain to develop connections and grow. The purpose of telling you all this is to juxtapose the facts that brain mechanisms and its functioning in milieus inside and outside us are crucial for life-living wellness and excellence. This mechanism may be said to be leading to the following propositions:

1. Modern science is not still fully in knowledge of all possible aspects of consciousness; still, there seems a lurking possibility that consciousness precedes creation. In other words, it is not necessary that consciousness is created only when the single cell at conception goes on to form a fully developed human child in nine months. It may well start at this single cell level itself! It may just be that as life evolves from a single cell to trillions of cells to build a human child, the consciousness also takes along the same route and evolves not only quantitatively but also qualitatively! Probably, consciousness shifts from objective one at cell level to subjective one after life takes shape. This proposition we shall talk about in detail later, as how it helps us in our question-answer evolution.

2. The key question, which emerges from understanding of the above mechanism is ‘what, how and why’ about consciousness. It precedes all other questions of humanity, as it is the consciousness, which understands questions and accepts answers. That is why we have our focus on mechanism to arrive at consciousness. The scientists now say, even at the single cell level, how the early genes go on in their work to create brain and other parts of human body is hugely dependent on the ‘environment’ which may be both external as well as internal. So, a consciousness is affected by very early ‘environment’ even before embryo is formed and later when child is born, rest of the brain and his or her consciousness depends on the environment.

3. Finally, the larger ‘environment’, after birth, which we may sum up as the contemporary and dominant culture at the particular time and space, majorly decides the final shape of his or her mind. The consciousness, which a questioner has and is at the core of the understanding of the question, is only 2 percent his or her gene. This may be good or bad but 98 percent of his or her consciousness depends on the ambient cultural environment.

Therefore, it is interesting to first see and understand the current level of consciousness of the questioner asking, “why do you want to change me” and then look back at the dominant environment which shaped and colored his or her consciousness. The question may well be objective and singular as quantum consciousness admits the wave/particle dualism. But, the moment it lands on the individual mind, the question becomes subjective and takes multiple and plural positioning as subjective consciousness immediately colors and shapes the purview of the question. This is to be understood…

The questions of humanity are the same but a question, which a particular person shall accept or ask, does not hold single and uniform meaning. The ambient milieus, in which a person lives and has grown up, shades his consciousness and this dominant shade of his or her consciousness also extends this dominant shade to the question. The same happens with the answer one accepts. That is why the humanity has such a diverse culture and personal attitudes within single society and even within a family. This diversity is unique in the living world as no other species other than humans have this quantum of diversity. This realism is our strength as well as a huge limitation for personal growth.

We all know about different colors of consciousness and the personality positioning that it shapes up for different humans of the world. The ancient Oriental wisdom reiterated that individual consciousness is not the same for all people, as different people are born with and evolved into different shades of consciousness. Science now says that there are seven shades or memes of consciousness and they can be ascribed different colors like red, blue, green, yellow, etc. Therefore, the above question as “Why Do You Want Me To Change”, or even other questions of life and living takes multiple probabilistic meanings and colors, depending upon the personality positioning as per his or her color of consciousness, which itself is the product of his or her larger ambient and dominating cultural and physical environment.

So, the above question can take following different meanings and tones:

1. Why on earth is there a need for me to change, I am doing perfectly fine!

2. Who the hell are you to ask me to change?

3. Why should I change and even if I have to, why should I listen to you.

4. Oh! do you think you are God! Even God cannot ask me that!

5. Why should I change if I am not convinced there is something wrong about it.

6. Okay, I can change if you first logically tell me where I am wrong.

7. I am open to change but only for someone who first accepts me as I am.

8. I would change only for someone who loves me blindly.

9. I accept changes but it would be tough as I was made this way.

10. Give me time, support me in the meanwhile, I am a slow learner! Etc.

The basic realism is, as we have now the knowledge that the very mechanism of humanity is a life-long evolution. Our brain and mind evolve life-long and so does our consciousness, evolving to newer and varied experiences. This in itself is the core and cardinal answer of the above question. This is what we know as the journey of consciousness. From the single cell level to a mature person, this consciousness is there in different dimensions and domains. Just stay at the idea and let this sink in. Try to sit calm in a peaceful place and let your mind consciousness journey back to your earliest memory of yourself, when you were probably two or three years old. Try to recollect and actually live the consciousness you had as two-year old. Snap back and assess the same with your current consciousness. You shall definitely see, how magnificently amazing this journey of your consciousness has been. You shall see how this sense of one singular you being present throughout the journey looks a false idea. There may look like ‘you’ being there in parts in all different ‘yous’ but not one singular you in fullness. This is evolution and growth for you. Your consciousness, at any particular stage of life is a virtual agency, which is a function of your body state and the knowledge levels you have. As both body and knowledge keep changing and evolving, consciousness also keeps changing. Body is tangible and knowledge is intangible. As consciousness is a bridge between the two, it has intangible character. The body as

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