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societies and cultures are in perpetual state of mistrust and conflict. The Deep State agents usually themselves do all these tasks or use mercenaries and corrupted links among legitimate structures. They essentially ‘Curate’ the pitch for the politics and governments to play their most flamboyant and classy innings of political games.

This Deep State has operatives in almost all wings of state and governments – be it army, police, judiciary, bureaucracy, industrialists, journalists, intellectuals or you just name it. The political cadre of the party and its constitutionally and democratically elected representatives are also part of the Deep State recruitments. The political cadre and second rung leadership shall always spew venom against opposition leaders, leaving no stone unturned to label them as ‘Enemies’ of people. Essentially, modern day politics is all about creating perceptions about ‘Enemies’ and then proclaiming to be the sole ‘Warrior’ to save the people and nation from these enemies. The perceptional communication is simple and clear – Those with ‘US’ are ‘Warriors’ and those against us are ‘Enemies’ of nation and people and therefore traitors and terrorists.

It has to be understood. We have to relook the history of 19th-20th century, before the two World Wars broke out. We need to look at the history of the European nations. We can clearly see the common thread of how the politics and economics of the day created identity based conflicts and involved people into the war frenzy, even when average citizen had nothing to do with it. They were content with their lives and settled in their small world. However, politics and governments created conditions in which the nations engaged themselves into devastative wars. In all these, even then the Deep State played its role as brutal monster in advancing the illegal and immoral agenda of its political masters. The same situation has successfully been replicated in 21st century. Rather, this time around, the trouble the governments and politics have created is far more dangerous and the Deep State is naturally far more devastating.

Politics and governments have a long dubious and corrupted history and humanity has suffered most at the hands of these true enemies of people. The Reality behind this historicity and perpetuity of political and governmental ills can be understood with the help of the science of human consciousness itself. We all must also understand this Reality behind the brutal, oligarchic, autocratic and savage nature and constitution of politics and governance. This shall help humanity deal with politics and governments well and devise appropriate check and balance in future. Moreover, when we insist on the supremacy and universality of compassionate higher consciousness, we surely cannot keep politics and governments aloof from that. This compassion is extended even to politics and governments, however brutal and calamitous they may be, as we understand and accept the Reality of human consciousness behind this all.

From our knowledge of human consciousness, we accept the macrocosmic perspective that singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of our complex brain states, which unravels them through our mind consciousness. This hypothesis is an initiation into the complexity of this multidimensional universe of mysticism, marvel and magic, which are now ensconced and embedded deep into our mind consciousnesses.

There is a mechanism of human consciousness, much of it is now understood and this facilitates understanding of how all realisms, we see and accept, are within mind consciousness. There is discernible cyclicality among elements in external milieu, elements within self (instinct and culture) and the subjective consciousness. It is such a ubiquitous commonality that all elements of human consciousness, culture and even divinity are the same. This is in sync with ancient wisdom that nothing external to consciousness exists. Science also says the same. We talk in detail about the commonality of these elements below to unravel how essential nature and role of politics and governments are actually expression and manifestation of this very mechanism of consciousness, in response to elemental constitution shaping it.

At the very outset, we recall our earlier discussion about how human body-mind is just a ‘Media’ for expression of Reality. To be specific, there are common elements in external as well as internal milieus of human body-mind, which shape the causality for the ‘Media’ of consciousness. What we all know from our personal experiences that different people react differently to different causalities. Like, we all know how a simple hundred dollar in the hands of different people shall create different shades and quantum of pleasure and happiness. So, what we are aware of is that human body-mind and the consciousness it engenders, present themselves a different ‘Media’ to similar elements of causalities present within body-mind and in external milieus. We know from our knowledge of science of Reality that all ‘Media’ are essentially creation of the Holism of Reality itself and therefore, no ‘Media’ is good or bad, right or wrong. Reality and its expressions are all value-neutral; it is we humans who assign the value of good and bad, right and wrong to them.

From this hypothesis, we arrive at the fact that elements of causalities of politics and governance are also very much part of Reality and therefore, they are also neither good nor bad. It is how they become in human world is important. This is what we are going to go deep into to unravel the nature and roles of politics and governance. There are seven core and predominant elements in nature and all matters of the universe, which stand to be observed by humans. All shades of Reality shall have these seven elements – be it human culture, societal interaction structures, subjective self as well as divinity. These seven elements are essentially intangible imageries of brain and mind mechanisms, but as they stand to be observed by humans in an instinctive causality with ambient physical nature, these seven elements stand to be expressed and communicated socially, culturally and personally in tangible terms of words and physical symbols of life and living.

Before we talk about these seven core elements, it must again be emphasized that these intangible elements are being made to ride on the back of humanly designed words and therefore, the resultant conflict and confusion in their true shade of meanings shall ever remain. That is why a humble request is to accept these seven elements in terms of words in holistic-assimilative-integrative perspective, allowing innocence of compassion to come to the forefront of reception. These seven elements in words are –








It is easy to understand and accept that within an individual, these seven elements are deeply ingrained in subconscious layers of self and are expressed in multidimensional plurality of action and behavior. These elements are core instincts of a subjective consciousness and as these elements are intangibles for success of survival of a person, their expressions in behavior and actions are vocal and ubiquitous.

Modern science admits that there are seven shades of consciousness and all shades are present in a single individual. It is like a singular source of light splits into seven colors of spectrum as it is made to pass through a prism. An individual’s current personality at a time-space situation is primarily decided by those elements of the seven shades, which are predominant in the same time-space bracket. This however may not be permanent, though many people can remain in the same personality element or elements all throughout their lives.

The social scientists have started to design a consciousness mapping of nations and societies on the basis of these seven shades of personality. It is said that in the existing world, people with red shade of consciousness, which marks the predominance of 2nd and 6th elements of indulgence and status. This shade of consciousness always has been the majority personality grouping at any time of the human civilization. All elements are equally important and inevitable for the evolution of life on this planet. We are not judging on the utility and superiority of any element or any shade of human consciousness and personality. Our enterprise is to observe a causality between consciousness, cultures and humanly designed systems.

Modern social sciences maintain there are seven drives or instinctive intangibles within consciousness. They are : 1. Sensation 2. Emotion/Feeling 3. Impulse/Desire 4. Imagination 5. Thought 6. Intuition & 7. Will. The sense of ‘I Am’ presides over all these seven instinctive drives. These elements themselves function within a consciousness as sub-personalities. A consciousness is defined by the elements it allows to dominate itself. The element in turn starts defining the consciousness. The personality of the ‘I’ shall be what a dominant element desires. A woman with predominance of element of imagination may be a good poetess, writer or a painter and naturally, her personality shall evolve in a way it is culturally commensurate for an artist. Suitably, she shall attract all such elements from external milieu, which aids and enhances her dominant choice of the element of imagination. Therefore, the element shall start defining her perspectives and personality. Her personality shall be the sub-conscious decider of her consciousness. Even her inner culture shall draw those elements from societal cultures, which are of the same color that her consciousness is. That is why probably her divinity shall also draw elements from her dominant element of imagination. Her consciousness defines her perspectives and in turn, her perspectives start shaping her consciousness.

In India’s most revered spiritual book, Geeta, the Krishna, who is accepted as the incarnation of Vishnu, the God of nurturance and stabilization, says – “He who seeks me in whichever disposition, I meet him in the same facilitative consciousness”. This is the most impacting and futuristic expression of cosmic causality. The simple idea is, be it an individual, society, culture, religion or political-economic systems, they all essentially are the melting pot of all seven elements of cosmic construct. However, different people, different cultures express themselves differently as per the one or two dominant element, which constitute their core personality. All these different expressions of the seven elements are equally important but the idealism is that they all must be in equitable poise. If there is over-predominance of any element, there shall be greater chances of entropy.

Modern science also tells us about seven broad types of brains. They essentially correspond to seven different elements of causalities of expressions of Reality. It is only natural that different human beings shall have different shades of consciousnesses and one dominant element shall define their consciousness, suitably conditioning their nature, personality, actions and behaviors, including such attitudinal issues like innocence, humility, purpose, dominance, deliberation, self-exploration, judgment, affirmation, planning, implementation, concentration, determination, patience, perseverance, courage, discipline, mastery, artistry, intensity, power, organization, integration, etc. These sub-personality elements determine and shape the ‘Will’ of a person. No doubt, the evolution of the ‘Will’ of a person is primarily about which one of the seven elements we have talked about is dominant in his or her mind consciousness. But, what the ‘Will’ shall finally shape into and evolve to is also conditioned by external milieus, in which a person stays and moves into.

The politics and governance is also the expression and manifestation of one of the seven elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti, which contemporary scientists believe is not supposed to be predominant element of human society but a situational one. These elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti essentially shape the consciousness and personality of a person, who seeks power, authority, domination, etc vis-à-vis others in the society. No doubt, there is nothing good or bad, right or wrong about this personality trait and mind consciousness. Rather, like all other elements, this element and its expression is very much the need of human society. If humanity needs compassion, humility and assimilation, it also equally needs the element of power-authority. The Reality in its holism has everything lined up as they present themselves as ‘Media’ to play up a causality, which complements Reality. What creates trouble is when a single element and its expressions attempt to disproportionately inflate its domain and

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