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forcibly try to replace and eliminate other elements, their expressions and utility.

The Reality itself creates such causalities, which innately and automatically finds ‘media’. These seven elements act as causalities and they find ‘media’ in different people with different consciousnesses. By innate design, the ‘media’ keeps varying as per the need of the collective humanity. The trouble begins when unscrupulous group of people disturb the auto-process and innate mechanism of nature to balance all seven elements. The politics and governments essentially do it. They vitiate the natural consciousness mechanism and cognition of average people and this leads to vitiation of societal and cultural milieus.

The simple idea is, nothing is useless. It can never be as never ever one can expect and accept uselessness and purposelessness being created and orchestrated by Reality. Why? Simply because the very notion and idea of ‘Utility and Purpose’ is a human construct. From the perspective of holism of Reality, everything is a ‘Media’ and no media, once created, can be useless and purposeless. Anyways, how can one label the brilliant energy of billions of years of evolution as waste, useless and untrue? Very naturally, all elements of Reality and all its infinite shades are ‘Media’ and it is essentially human construct to accept them as good or bad, right or wrong.

Politics and governance are functional expressions and manifestations of the innate and entrenched elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti and they are expressed through the ‘Media’ of human consciousness. They cannot in itself be good or bad, right and wrong. It is how the collective humanity shapes it and accepts it. Therefore, if politics and governance has had a long and dubious history of brutality and suppression, it is equally true that politics and governments have also brought about considerable good and value to humanity. Within the large domain of politics and governments, there always had been and still have brilliant and very compassionate people, who not only valued human lives and their dignity, but also enhanced them. Why? It is because the element of power-authority is part of the overall causalities of the Reality, which also plays its complementing role in completeness of a society and culture. It therefore has to be a humble acceptance that ills of politics and governance are also very much part of the larger issue of stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity, which is essentially the design of human reality. This, as we have been insisting, is the domain of education-training and knowledge. Politics and governance also have to be part of the overall correction that humanity as a whole needs.

What essentially comes out of this all is, the centrality of the primary requirement of humanity is education-training and knowledge. Everything, which humanity creates or becomes a part of human life-living, be it family, society, culture, politics, economy, religion, commerce or governance, comes later. First and foremost is the primary need of humanity to understand as what Reality is, how it expresses itself, how it plays out using all lives and non-lives as ‘Media’ and lastly, how our own body-mind is designed to perceive and realize this Reality. This shall become the singular basis of the only ‘Identity’, which entire humanity shall have and this alone has the potential to survive humanity in the years to come. This puts us to the singular intelligence for entire humanity that every state, all governments and all shades of politics have only single-point agenda – invest all possible resources for a scientific, objective and common education-training-knowledge system, where every citizen is provided the necessary knowledge to qualify as a person with Compassionate Higher Consciousness. This shall make all other issues and things fall in right place.

In the next chapter, we shall attempt to get into details of an alternative model for humanity, where broad principles of human life-living shall be discussed, which could lead us to a situation, where the Crown position shall be given back to people. When we insist in this eBook that people should be given their crown back, we surely do not mean that all powers, all authority and all functions of their own life-living management should be handed over to them and state, governments and politics should be kicked out. We surely do not mean that. We just insist that people, their dignity and empowerment through knowledge should be the sole criteria of all human systems. We mean to bring the focus back on humanity, human dignity, people’s empowerment as aware and compassionate being, their wellness through singular attention on their evolution to a compassionate higher consciousness. We mean to establish this Reality that stupidity and hypocrisy is in the design of humanity itself and the way Reality is perceived by human consciousness. Therefore, all other things are redundant if first and foremost correction is done on the very human consciousness itself. Nothing is outside human consciousness. Therefore people and their consciousness is the real and true crown, which must get its due focus and attention back. This is what we are calling as Give Me My Crown Back agenda, which must be brought to the singular attention of all humanity in 21st century. In the next chapter, we are now zeroing down to the details of this process.



We are now into the most difficult part of the deliberations. With humanity, especially the contemporary humanity, with its vast magnitude of around 7.5 billion people; spread over 195 countries, with varied socio-cultural, political and religious beliefs, the near impossible task is to put the simplest of ideas into grassroots practical practice. The big and hugely futuristic ideas of the type, which we are intending is surely a certain non-starter. It is even tough to say, from where to start as humanity is so much fragmented, so inaccessible and living in vastly different mental timeline. The biggest challenge is that in such a state of contemporary humanity, any idea or agenda we speak of, shall be susceptible to being labeled as philosophy only and not pragmatically possible. Moreover, the state, governments and politics, against which the agenda of change is proposed, are so powerful and brutally organized that there is a persistent and definitive threat that they shall kill not only the agenda against them, but also those who even present the agenda. They have successfully done it in the past and keep doing so. Still, the agenda to Give People The Crown Back is practically possible. It may however take time and some good luck! Any big change takes huge amount of sacrifice and lives too!

At the very outset, it must be taken into account as why we are saying that this contemporary age and time, when humanity has entered the third decade of 21st century, is the beginning of a propitious and catalytic phase for humanity, where there is optimal probability of effecting a major change in entire human affairs, including state, governments and politics. Why do we say this and what is the practical, objective basis of such an assertion?

There are essentially two broad planks of this positivity and optimism about optimality of effectiveness of a big time change in contemporary state, governments and politics. First is the criticality of technology, especially communication and connectivity. This has brought about a hell lot of integration in humanity. Moreover, now, everyone has a media-potential in his or her hands. With smart phones, internet, social media and personal media becoming available to more than half of the population of the world, almost every single individual has become a potentially powerful ‘media’ in itself and in such an age of connect, communication and dissemination of information, it is not easy to wrap up things in muffle of clandestine and beneath surface insinuations. The state, governments and politics thrived in secrecy, clandestine dealings and underground activities. This is becoming tougher by the day as everyone is a ‘media’, which is not easy to be either suppressed or aligned by the governments and politics. Moreover, technology makes it easy for information to spread quick and thick and create a mood or movement in short time. The most powerful catalyst of any change is the collective unconscious of a society and culture. It in turn creates facilitative and galvanized milieus for effective changes. The mass media, which is now growingly branching off to social and personal media, is the best and most effective element in shaping collective unconscious in favor or against some idea or action of change. Technology has facilitated the potential for any idea to gain and attain the required ‘Critical Mass’ to become a popular perception and a public movement of sorts.

Secondly, it may not be very perceptible to average people and even policy makers, yet the reality remains that despite collective human knowledge, especially objective science, not still being integrated, easily accessible and fully understood, a sizeable number of people, especially those in middle and higher echelons of socio-economic ladder, are beginning to lose faith in old world wisdom and contemporary systems of life-living. The well educated, settled and intelligently energetic youth in their late twenties and early thirties add mass and weight to this chunk of population, who are beginning to question the status quo and existing human order. There is a fast evolving discomfort with whatever they have in their lives in external milieus and they are also looking for something new and definitive, which fall in sync and symmetry with their emerging consciousness. This too is somehow a consequential causality of the first plank, which we have discussed above. Many things more have also contributed.

The good thing is that enough people are asking questions and they not being satisfied with traditional and contemporary answers, seek novel and ‘valid’ answers. The not so good thing is that most of these people are not asking the appropriate and valid questions. We probably cannot have novel answers if we continue to ask the old, obsolete and archaic questions. The questions can be valid and appropriate only when we accept Reality of Reality. That is why we are insisting on the creation of a knowledgeable society where valid and right questions could find their deep roots. The true, right and valid answers are also there in the constitution of Reality itself. The answers shall come tumbling down when we change our consciousness and cognition, and realize what valid questions we must ask to ourselves and to the external milieus.

It is difficult to say with any definitive conviction, because of lack of relevant and specific data, still, from a smart calculation of behavioral and psychological facts available, we can say that already, around 10 percent of global human population has understood and shown good interest in the modern and futuristic reality of Consciousness. This is encouraging sign for the emergence of objectivity and assimilation towards evolution of a singular ‘Identity’ of all humanity. Much of it however has come from the ‘rejection’ of archaic faith-system and not the much desired empowerment of consciousness and cognition. Still, it is a good sign. Thankfully, it has been made possible because science itself is focusing persistently on the hugely critical collective knowledge about the Reality of Consciousness.

Also, it may be said that around 20 percent of global human population may very well be looking for answers of life-living problems, outside the contemporary availability as their current evolved and empowered Consciousness find them not in sync and symmetry with ‘Reality’ as they perceive it. No doubt, 10-20 percent is not enough and for any big change to happen and get seeded in the soil of the collective unconscious, it requires a ‘Critical Mass’ of around 30-40 percent. But then, we have to feel encouraged that at least, the mass is building as scientifically objective knowledge is spreading, though not as fast as it should. That is why there is this huge need for collective human wisdom to integrate and assimilate to present a singularly holistic and objectively unified wisdom for all.

It has to be accepted that entire 100% humanity is not expected to change. If the

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