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on the street.... on a busy street, at the shop, mall... and even in the bus, in the train...


and list goes on and on and on



2) Start saying shit...


Stop putting girls on pedastal and stop giving so much value on strangers... go there and insult them... go there and say something in other language... be polite in the beginning and then kill it...


1) First you need to get their attention

2) Then to give the impact







3) Start giving compliments 


- Once you have down 2)... go for 3)... this will make some kinda connection ... and you can even introduce yourself... if you feel safe... start being honest with them... tell her or him or them  your real name and start going in the conversation... but... if you don't feel safe... you can say few truth things about yourself... but lie about your name... where you live... and such stuff like this.

Chapter 9.2 - I love Fucking Myself (Part 2)

Note: Let's have a chat



 - People in game... such game like dating always take it so serious



What now? What next? How to say it? Will it sound well? When to say it? and etc.


and sometimes they even come with dumb excuses



It's not my day I can't now I will do it later I will sound like a creep She is talking to a friend She is talking on the phone She looks pretty busy and etc


and along the way... put less value on ourselfs and put more value in other people hands. We ruin our day by overthinking everything... which doesn't make us... really smart... it makes us to feel more uncomfortable.




 How To Compliment Girls Without Commenting On Their Appearance



The things that are told to us as children and adolescents stay with us longer than we realize.





It feels good to give and receive compliments,  but when it comes to complimenting girls and complimenting women, all too often we comment on their appearance. While such a compliment is appreciated once and while, when young girls grow up only validated based on how they look, it sends a dangerous message they are only worth what they present externally.  

On the flip side, boys are often complimented on their skills, interests, and abilities. They are complimented for being strong and brave, while girls are compared to Disney Princess and simply called "beautiful." 

How we compliment girls matters. To ensure girls feel confident from a young age, and through adulthood, about their qualities that have nothing to do with their looks, it's important we let them know what it is about them that is worth being valued.  


Compliment her  intelligence.


Complimenting a girl's intelligence can help affirm her self-esteem. Superficial compliments on things we have no control over, like our natural appearance, don't do as much as a compliment that acknowledges inner-work. 


Praise her accomplishments.


Find out what she has been working on or has accomplished. Imagine how diminishing it must feel to have worked so hard to create something, only to have your looks be the center of praise. Complimenting a girl's accomplishments will empower her to continue pursuing her goals. 



Compliment her creativity.


In whatever way her creativity manifests, be sure to tell her how awesome it is.  Pay attention to her passion and curiosity. Listen to, and compliment, her ideas and her dreams. 


Compliment her personality.


The most important thing you can compliment anyone on is who they are on the inside. Speak about her humor, her values, and all of the things that make her special. You'll be encouraging her to remain true to herself and know that she is enough.


Be sincere.


With any compliment, remember to be sincere. Take the time to think about your compliment before you pay it. Think about how your words will affect the person receiving them.



Note: Discussion should start in a unique and fun way... don't set up the cards of giving too much value to all the players in this game.





People Were Asked What The Best Compliment They Ever Received Was. Their Answers Made Us Happy.






It might be something your best friend said at 2 in the morning over too much wine or just the most random thing a complete stranger blurted without thinking. Perhaps it's your mom pouring her heart out.

No matter who said it or when or why, for some peculiar reason, some compliments become just so much more powerful than the others. And there's always that one you wouldn't trade for a million others.

So we asked a bunch of people to share the one nicest thing anyone has ever told them. 


Here it goes:



"I'm excited about your life."

- A childhood friend on the schoolbus to their performing arts day camp.




"That was a really good taco-flavored kiss."

- Rafael's ex.




"Nice skin."

Gets it all the time.




"Don't freak out, but you give me goosebumps... Or was this too soon?"

- A guy in a queue at 7/11.




"You look like your dog, just a bit taller."

- A stranger at a dog park.




"You're the best version of yourself you could be."

- A high school classmate Cate hadn't seen in 5 years.




"You're my sister."

- A Ghanaian man who ran an orphanage home in Senya Beraku, Ghana.




"You are just so genuine."

- Dan's mom's best friend.




"I wish I knew how to quit you."

 - Unknown.





"You're not fat. You look fine."

- A dude.



"You look hot."

- Marilyn's brother in California after she sent him a couple photos of her. "Since he has 'PD' (Parkinson's Disease), I think it made him feel good to say it," Marilyn told Aplus.




"You're like a pistol shrimp — I never thought anything so small could be so loud."

- Clarissa's boyfriend, a day after they met.





"You would be the first to die in a horror movie."

- A high school friend after watching "I Know What You Did Last Summer."




"You look like Batman."

 - Unknown.




"You're selfless, have made me smile, & I hope I've been as good of a friend to you as you have been to me."

- Claire's roommate after they graduated college and moved out of their apartment to go live in separate cities.


 P.S.: I study people ... and so far this sounds very simple... but there is deep down more shit... to go over... there are secrets and ways to pull things and make them sound powerful!




17 Of The Best Compliments Women Ever Got




Giving compliments isn't just a nice way to get someone's attention, it's also an easy way to make someone feel good and even make yourself feel good.

That being said, a lot of people probably receive compliments that sound the same over and over — especially if they have a particularly endearing quality.

For the women of one Reddit thread, though, weeding out the best compliments they've ever gotten was easy. We picked our favorites and put them together below, along with a few submissions from the A+ staff. They offer some serious insight on how to compliment a girl without relying on cliches.


1. Don't be redundant.


Honest and unique compliments. As a girl, you get a lot of generic ones, such as, "You have really pretty eyes" etc. It's nice to hear, but if you go to enough bars, you hear it a lot.

The first night I met my ex, we were casually talking outside a bar and he interrupted me to say, "You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that? It's rather cute." I blushed right away. It was so unexpected and unique, yet showed he had been discreetly checking me out. I found it incredibly endearing. - PoopsieDoodles




"You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that's the least interesting thing about you." - butnoreallyy




I don't think there is anything nicer than being called "gorgeous." It just warms my heart, and it's so much more kind than "you're hot," or even "pretty" for that matter. - antiquedsketch


4. Strangers CAN get away with being friendly.


I had a random guy in Memphis once stop me in the street to tell me I was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. I blushed and mumbled 'thanks' and stammered like a dipshit, and he just smiled at me and kept on walking.

I was a little dressed up, but nothing spectacular, and sure hadn't been fishing for compliments. But that really made my day, the more so because he didn't follow it up by asking for my number or anything. Just that. Awesome. Thanks, random dude. - drtfred




"Your hair is so free, never change it. Your hair just adds to your gorgeousness"




From a stranger, best compliment was about how she enjoys seeing me when I'm at work: "You are always so happy and kind to people, it's like a big breath of fresh air when I walk into the building and see you here!" - _Ab_Aeterno




Last week I was with my boyfriend, his family and our friends in his living room. I made a comment about how I couldn't wait to get my makeup bag back after leaving it at a friends house for a week. He says, "You haven't worn make up all week? Damn, you are gorgeous!" I turned the brightest of red. I feel like the best compliments are simple but just said at the right times. - sSamoo


8. Maturity is a good thing.


Had a professor yesterday ask me how old I was. I replied 21. He looked surprised and said, "You carry yourself with much more maturity than that."

This was a prof I was uber-intimidated by, who is rumored to be an elitist misogynistic asshole. I was dreading going to his office hours. It didn't exactly make me blush but I felt great for the rest of the day - westerrrr




From my fiance: On our one-year anniversary, he was opening a bottle of wine he'd been saving for over 5 years for a 'special occasion.' He looked at me and said, "I don't know why I've been saving it- I've had a reason to celebrate for 365 days now." - _Ab_Aeterno


10. Communication still wins out.


"I love talking with you" would make me lose my mind. Best thing I can think of. I'd be walking on air for daaays.

If I am dressed formally, 'stunning' would be amazing.

If I am dressed casually, "you look really nice today" would be enough.

People tell me often enough that I'm smart and have pretty hair, but I didn't work for those. To me, those things are everyday. Try to compliment your lady on something that she obviously put effort into. Ex: her outfit, an intricate hairstyle, a piece of artwork.

Also, a wink from someone I'm already interested in puts a violently happy pep in my step. Disclaimer: only do this if you know how to wink. - GizmoMachine




"You look just like your mom."

My mom passed away when I was 9, so it's the biggest compliment someone could give me.




To this day the best compliment I've ever been given was: "Damn, that confidence looks sexy on you." Totally made my day, and I still think about it and it makes me smile - in_all_honesty


13. Look up!


If someone compliments me on my eyes, and they mean it. I have really big boobs, so it's nice that they even bothered to look above my neck. - crash_marie




I had just beat his ass at Mortal Kombat and he turns to me and said, "I adore you."

I definitely blushed. - spaceshipinmypants


15. A traditional compliment.


I've found "I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time" always gets a huge smile from women. . . but I've been married now for 12 years, so that may be quite dated! - Edwardian




My boyfriend and I were in bed one night just talking and laughing. He said something, I forget what, but it was so funny I laughed in that loud, uncontrollable, throw-your-head-back kind of way. I was still laughing, and

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