Teardrops of a Rose by Gurleenjit Kaur Randhawa (best ereader for pc .txt) 📖

- Author: Gurleenjit Kaur Randhawa
Book online «Teardrops of a Rose by Gurleenjit Kaur Randhawa (best ereader for pc .txt) 📖». Author Gurleenjit Kaur Randhawa
Hybrid tea roses are popular for their long stems topped with gorgeous blooms, but they are somewhat fragile plants. Some people may be known to be super tough or very intimidating, but we don’t know how some are, it could be anyone from your bully to your parents, some people are very fragile but just don’t show it.
Hybrid tea roses have upright growth and bear a single flower per stem, there’s only so much a person can take till they break, now just saying ‘talk to someone’ or ‘reach out’ don’t always help, I mean, if all it took was for someone to say three words, I'm pretty sure no one would be suffering, but don’t get me wrong, reaching out does help a lot! But just saying it doesn’t help, but if you're reading this and you do need to reach out but don’t know how to, ill give you an example of how it would help, lets say there's one egg, if you were to walk on one egg, it would crack and break, it would be all over the place, everything would be mixed up, it would be a huge mess and there's no going back once it's cracked, but if you were to step on about a dozen or multiple eggs, they wouldn’t crack under the pressure! It would be hard, but no one would crack! So, right now there's not much I can do through you reading my writing through a screen, but I hope that example was good enough.
For the over 100 species of all roses, they all have 5 petals except with one rare exception the 'Rosa sericea' which has only four. In life, it's quite rare to see completely different people, but the same with the rose, even though it’s the only different one, it's still a rose, even if someone in life has completely different traits and physical abilities, they're still defined as a human.
The word rose comes from French, but the source is from Latin's rosa. When we do certain things, others may get credit for it, others may be known for it, but as long as we know that we did it, it should be enough, if the person you helped is truly grateful for your help, they will give you credit, even if you don’t want it, this happened recently to me, it was with a script, I helped my friend with it, but our teacher didn’t mention my name, because he didn’t know I helped, but my friend ended up telling my teacher that I helped and I got credit, and I was very happy! I definitely did not expect it to happen, but we both were so grateful for it!
So the other day when I was looking at roses online for this book. I saw a Rainbow Rose for the first time in my life. Truly mesmerizing and beautiful and I assumed the petals were painted with different colors. It turns out that there is another way it is made. The stalk is separated at the bottom and put in water with different colors. As the rose sucks up the water the colors are transferred into the leaf. We think that some things are done very easily with no effort, for example, your teachers planning a script, we assume that they just have to get a topic and write, right? No, there is a lot of planning that goes on to be able to even write the first line, but sometimes people don’t showcase how hard they work, I am actually working quite hard to write this, but not that many people realize it, they all think that this is just as a little hobby that I'm doing and it will only last one month or so, but I am working very hard on it, but no one is tearing me down or making me take action or decisions I'm not ready for yet, and I'm so grateful for that, and even though I feel like some people are trying to challenge me, I'm saying no to it, because I'm not writing to prove that I am the best, no, I'm writing so that people can enjoy and so that I can enjoy, if you have the wrong purpose or motive in something and your motive is the reason you want to do it, you should rethink it, is it worth it? So next time please appreciate even the smallest piece of hard work put into anything, and next time you go shopping for roses maybe you will want to try something different than a classic red. Because why shy away from the other 100 species of roses? They’re all still pretty. I would personally stay away from the expensive Juliet Rose and the 18 feet tall one, but other than that I love all of them.
Robert Bendel, a 73-year-old from Morristown bought a rose bush 15 years ago and planted it right next to his house. That’s practically all he did, no fertilizer and no extra attention. Now Bendel believes his giant plant could just be the world’s tallest rose bush, standing at 18 feet and 6 inches. The world’s current record for the tallest rose bush stands at a mere 13 feet 3 inches, so as soon as Guinness makes the official measurements, Robert will be the proud owner of a record-holding plant. ‘Anything is possible, even in the word impossible, it is possible’ you may think that this is just a saying, but it is true, I mean, what is stopping you from taking the first step to your dream right now, lets say, you want to become a singer, what's stopping you from taking two minutes and watching a youtube video to help improve your singing, what's stopping you from having a karaoke live on bigo to gain an audience, or, switch up, let's say you want to become an author, like me, what's stopping you from opening a word document and just writing, sure you are busy, sure you are tired, but instead of watching Netflix, you could just take 2 minutes, you can still watch your Netflix and youtube, just remember, there is no actual valid reason for you to not chase your dreams and take the first step. By writing this I am taking my first step, am I scared, very, am I sure this is gonna work, no, is that stopping me from trying? No.
I want to take a moment to appreciate the ‘Sweet Juliet’ Im going to start of by laying down some general facts about the ‘Sweet Juliet’ , it has a color that is called ‘Glowing apricot’ I personally feel that its like a mix of white, pastel orange, and baby pink, so that’s the best way I can explain the color, it has a strong scent, it smells like tea, it has a medium blooming size, it is known as a ‘repeat flower, which is a flower that can keep producing itself again and again, it is a large shrub, it is 140cm tall and 125cm wide, these are some of the basic facts and details of the ‘Sweet Juliet’ rose, it has a perfect name, nd it sounds perfect, so ofcourse we think its just naturally perfect, same with humans, If we see someone or hear good about someone from oe of our friends or family members, we automatically assume that they are good, im going to assume that everyone reading is familiar with the phrase ‘never judge a book by its cover’ I hope you didn’t judge this book by its cover, but we don’t really tend to assume how people are by their looks, we tend to assume what theyre like by hearing what others have to say about them and hear from others about who they truly are, and theres actually something worse than this, judging someone by their past actions, we should have the regular logic to realize that the past is the past, and theres nothing we can do except try and prevent it and learn from it and move on, I know its tempting to get revenge and sometimes we just want them to ‘learn their lesson’ but, that’s for god to handle.
The world's oldest rose is so tough it survived being bombed in World War II. Well, that’s a fact that no one expected, imagine that, one single rose surviving an entire world war, now I didn’t research about what I'm about to say next, and I don’t have any evidence or proof to support my statement, but I can still say it for a hundred percent valid fact, I can tell that there is no way that a soldier or person would go out of their way to save a single rose, they would be protecting each other, and some are selfish to protect only themselves, if I heard about a rose in world war II, I would just assume that it's gone and that its gonna die, but even though no one even thought of protecting it, it still survived, in real life, we often search for others approval, and we sometimes don’t feel confident unless someone has double-checked it, but why do we need to wait for someone else? I'm not gonna lie, I've had a lifelong dream of being able to have an interview or getting an award, but then I decided, you know what, I'm gonna reward myself, whether it’s a trophy or a badge or a new shampoo, I'm gonna reward myself, I don’t need to wait for someone else to reward me, I'm not going to lie, I started from absolute scratches, like from laying down in bed writing on my tablet on a google document, to getting an interview, having a book with 260+ reads, and lots more, I'm going to quickly quote something from Dhar Mann, ‘if they aren’t a part of your struggle, they don’t deserve to be a part of your success’ so just remember that.
Now I'm going to take a small break, I know writing this it seems easy, but I'm going to be real, actually applying some of these lessons in real life can be a tough thing to do, when I started writing, I genuinely felt shy and I knew that other people always started from the absolute bottom, but I didn’t want to have to get through the bottom, I just thought that this would all be useless, but the saying that kept me going is ‘what do I have to lose’ remember, the only thing between you and the stars is air.
Now starting something new, can be like starting in a field of roses, even though you are being taken care of, it's very hard to stand out, but we should win in silence, sometimes we gotta play the fool, to fool the fool, I'm feeling very anxious to publish this, because, I don’t know whether people are going to like this or not, will people understand? But as long as I know that I tried my best, I'm fine, now I don’t know whether this is going to be good, but I know that I will be sleeping better tonight as long as I know that I published this and gave it a try if I expect my entire family to be there for me and believe in me through this insane journey, why would I not believe in my work? Even if this fails, I have my entire life to try and make it better and to try and write better stuff, I mean, whats an actual valid reason that’s there that stops me? I've been through a lot of things this week, a lot of bad things, and a lot of good things, but if there's one thing I have learned through this journey is
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