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Teardrops of a rose

Teardrops of a rose

A rose is a very delicate flower, it’s very fragile, and it has a very faint scent too, but if you treat it right, and love it and take care of it and have patience, it can blossom into a very beautiful and gorgeous flower, so light, fragile, and beautiful, it’s also not just one color, I know most of us only think of bold red when we hear the word ‘rose’ but they’re so many other colors in real life! Pink, light pink, white, and if you cut the stem and put it in a glass of water with food dye, it will turn the color of the food dye! For example, if you use green food dye, you will get a green rose! Now this is a good comparison to real life, a human has very delicate and fragile feelings, and if someone says something wrong or does something without thinking, they would be hurt, but if you have patience with someone and treat them right, they could become an amazing person! And when we think of a person, for girls we immediately think about a tall girl, with thin legs and thighs, long luscious hair, abs, think arms, long lashes, beautiful eyes, and moist lips, and for men, we immediately think about a tall guy, with abs and muscles everywhere, but do we forget about everything else? Do we forget that there are people who don’t have abs? and that there are short people? And sometimes the people who look ‘perfect’ use plastic surgery, and that’s completely fine if they are doing it for the right purpose. I know sometimes people will say ‘he didn’t mean it’ or ‘it was just out of anger’ but the thing is, we still heard it, and it’s there, and it’s very important to remember, that, ‘sorry’ doesn’t fix everything. And sometimes it doesn’t even help, once it’s done, it’s done, imagine throwing a plate on the ground, if you just say sorry to it, it won’t fix itself, and no matter how hard you try to piece it together, it will never be the same.
Roses are known as the flower that symbolizes love, they’re given to a significant other as a gift and are a very sweet gift, but roses are also the thing that is given as an apology when something bad happens, let’s say you misbehave in a relationship and you’re significant other finds out, you would most likely just say sorry and give them flowers, so a rose is like a coin, it’s two-faced and many people have it, and it has many different uses. Do you ever wonder why we only tend to give roses as a gift when it’s a special occasion, why don’t we give our partner a gift whenever we want too! Why do we have to wait for a valid reason to make them feel special? And why do we have to have something bad happen to realize what we’re doing is wrong? Why can’t we realize and stop doing the wrong thing ‘before something happens? We need to realize that saying ‘sorry’ and giving a rose doesn’t fix everything. So next time you’re about to do something, try to think about it and think of how it will not only affect your image and you but how it will affect others.
Nikita K. Rulhoksoffski from San Onofre California is known as the largest rose ever, but in real life, we never really truly has the biggest heart, if life were to be that easy, it wouldn’t be life. If we knew who had the biggest heart if we could just go on google and search. Life would be easier, but the whole purpose of life is to learn and move on, cause that’s all we can do, what has happened has happened and God has still kept us alive and we are all still here, what’s the whole point of God giving us that chance if we’re just going to look at our past and not move forward? An example of this is soccer, if you miss a goal in a match and still get to play, do you keep on thinking about the goal you missed, or do you keep on playing the match and try to redeem it? I’ll let you answer that.
The world’s oldest living rose is believed to be 1,000 years old. It grows on the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany and its presence is documented since A.D. 815. How do we know who is more loyal and who has loved us for the longest and who hasn’t given up on trying to win our hearts? But sometimes the most loyal ones aren’t meant for us, and sometimes we don’t even realize who has been there for us the longest, sometimes we are the most disloyal to these people, we need to learn that life is not just about us and there are others in our lives, and we can’t expect people to be loyal to us if we are not loyal to them, we need to remember, treat others how you want to be treated.
According to the legend, the rosebush symbolizes the prosperity of the city of Hildesheim, as long as it flourishes, Hildesheim will not decline. In real life we don’t have anyone who represents us, we have to represent ourselves and stand up for ourselves, if you see someone talking and spreading rumors about your friend, remember, it causes $0.00 to defend your friend’s name when they’re not there, and you might genuinely help them, I know it might put you at risk, but why not try to do the right thing when we can? Why do we only realize something once it’s done? Why do we only care about others when we want to? Why do we only care about the people we want too? Why can’t we just do the right thing, and I know It sounds easy but it’s not, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do it.
I don’t know if you know this, but out of all colors, there are no black roses. Now in real life, no one is completely perfect, some people are genuinely kind and generous! And some people try to do good! But no one is truly perfect on earth, that’s just how it is, and we can’t change that. That’s why nowadays people tend to showcase all their flaws and were all spreading positivity! And if you don’t, its time you start thinking about your actions and reflect. What might sometimes be referred to as a black rose is a dark red rose. A good example is “The Black Rose of Turkey”, which is a breed that appears pitch-black to the eye but has a dark reddish-crimson color. As always the same in real life, we may find people who we think are perfect for us! But they do have flaws that we sometimes cannot see or are blindsided by, no matter how perfect someone is, they will always have some flaws in some way shape, or form. And that’s not bad, it just makes us human, remember, life isn’t just about us.
Roses can grow quite tall. The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet (7 meters) tall, you may be wondering, ‘How could this be related to something in real life?’ well this could be related to our patience, patience can go a very long way, and some people have the best patience in the world and can go for a very long time, and sometimes it’s quite impressive, but do all of us go to our maximum capacity with our patience? Or do we just snap at the first step, well some of us do, we just don’t notice it? I’m going to assume most of you know the saying ‘Actions speak louder than words’ and this is very true! But that doesn’t mean words don’t hurt.
There are over 100 species of the Rose, crazy right? Many of us have many different sides of us, not necessarily like ‘two-faced’ but more to feel more comfortable and to have the person we are with feel better, we usually change depending on how well we know the person, how friendly they are, or just who they are in general. This is not necessarily bad as we might do this out of pure niceness! So if you see your friend or family member completely change their behavior when they’re with someone else, don’t immediately assume they’re two-faced and talk bad about them!
The rose also grows into a fruit. The fruit is called a Rose Hip. It is shaped like a berry and most are red but you can find black and dark purple versions. People can also grow and nurture into great and successful people! Let’s take Eminem for an example, he was hated by his mother, his wife cheated on him, he failed school, he was doing drugs, but today he is one of the most respected rappers in the world! So this is one example that just because someone is bad at the beginning doesn’t mean they’re going to be bad forever! Cause great things do truly take time, another example is harry potter! It took almost 5 years for J.K Rowling to just plan harry potter! And another 1 year to complete it! It got rejected about a dozen times, but in the end, it was a huge success! Just because you fail the first time, doesn’t mean you will always fail, so, never give up, no matter what. The rosehip of some rose species is known to be full of vitamin C. This is why the rosehip is sometimes used to create jam, jelly & marmalade. The hip also has minor medicinal uses, used in food supplements, and can be pressed or filtered to make rose hip syrup. This isn’t going to be like the previous parts. This is going to be different, even though someone may have a lot of benefits to you and can do great things for you doesn’t mean you can use them! There is a very fine line between getting help from someone and using someone, remember, how would you feel if you were working super hard and thought you had true friends but in the end, you find out they were using you?
Ancient Romans used roses as room decorations, sounds romantic right? They sometimes wore the flower as a necklace, in going, to be honest, I didn’t know that it was also believed in Roman circles that anything said "under the rose" was deemed to be top secret. In real life, if anyone trusts you with a deeply personal secret, you should always keep it sealed! Remember, telling someone else is just backstabbing the person, if they trust you with it, you should keep it!
Roses can live for a very long time. There are rose fossils discovered that date back 35 million years. The large rose bush that covers the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany has been there for over a millennium. I never knew that roses could last that long! However, in real life, not all of us are lucky enough to be able to last that long, but despite knowing this, most of us still don’t use our time we have to our maximum capacity! An example is me writing this right now, I honestly never knew that I would enjoy writing books, but I do! I knew since I was a child that I didn’t want to have a regular life, for me life has always felt too scripted for me, we just do some things, have

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