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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3) by DeYtH Banger (best book club books of all time .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author DeYtH Banger

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happens is that we look like this guy


Image result for Dead person funeral



Note: The whole thing is stiff... last words of this guy will be probably what he wanted to do.. but he never did it... I bet in that... so wake up... and stop being an asshole.

C H A P T E R _ Z E R O - Dash (Part 6.1)

 If are honest... this whole level

C H A P T E R    _    Z E R O - Dash, Read and so on and so on... is the ground floor of what you need to know before you act on it...



So first people always:



1) The first discussion didn't went all... so the next few are going to go the same way

2) We see ourselfs as less value person

3) We set beliefs which are wrong

4) We put it for later (Remember set of "Later" is more likely a set of 'Never"
5) We don't live the life which we want

6) We always... do things which will make others to accept us...



What we need to do... is to be ourselfs... live our lifes and keep improvement...






which fucks with our lifes

C H A P T E R _ Z E R O - Dash (Part 7)

 Note: Just let it go...

That's the whole secret




5 Universal Truths to Tell Yourself After a Horrific Break-up







Break-ups can be rough. In fact, some scientific studies suggest they cause actual pain to the human body.

A 2014 experiment suggested that thinking of our exes triggers activity in the same area of our brain that registers physical pain. Other symptoms reportedly include disturbed sleep and irrational heartbeats.

It may take ages to get over, but a broken heart is still far from a chronic condition. Here are five universal truths to help remind us there’s life after a failed relationship.


1.”This too shall pass.”


When you’re in love, it’s almost as if time stands still. Your head spins in a haze of delirium. It’s impossible to imagine a future without this fantastic feeling.

Yet, in reality, the world keeps spinning. The sun continues to rise and set. Emotions evolve. Relationships change. Each beautiful moment eventually passes.

Now you’re in a state of heartbreak, and it’s easy to forget that these painful moments too shall pass.

All emotions eventually fade. Time really does heal all wounds. Look back at the last lover you lost and how silly that sadness all seems now.

Even during your darkest days, happiness remains on the horizon.


2. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”


Bodybuilding is essentially about putting your muscles through so much strain that they break down. As they regenerate, they grow back strong enough to handle the pain next time. Well, the heart is a muscle too – and it does exactly the same.

To become strong enough for an unbreakable relationship, you need to have been through some emotional trauma. You need to have had your heart broken. Each time it happens, you have the opportunity to dust yourself down, learn where you went wrong and become a better man. Make sure you do so.

This process is essential to becoming the man who can withstand the stresses of raising a family. How else are you meant to be able to maintain a healthy marriage while up all hours changing nappies? How can you become the father that supports his spouse and children in sickness and health?

You might feel weak at the knees now, but this break-up will ultimately make you stronger.


3. “It’s not over til’ the fat lady sings.”


The final whistle might have blown on your relationship, but there’s plenty of time left in your love-life. All the best adventures have an unexpected plot twist before the good guy gets the girl. And those who do take a break-up as an opportunity to become a better man tend to end up with a better girlfriend anyway.

Accept that your ex wasn’t meant to be the girl you get at the end credits.


4. “We don’t value what comes easy.”


Break-ups are the roughest reminder that true love doesn’t come easy.

The dating world can be fun, but it’s full of disappointment. Men are expected to make the first move and this can be difficult to deal with, especially if you’re too shy to even say ‘hi’ to a girl you like. Then you have to navigate the text-message tennis, take them on dates, meet the parents etc.

It’s a treacherous road to true love, but the truth is we should be grateful the path is so tough.

The fact that love is so hard to find is why it gives us the butterflies. We should be thankful that we found something that can make us so upset in the first place. It’s these highs and lows in life that makes feel us alive.

Anything worth doing is a little difficult. Finding love shouldn’t be as easy as finding a snack in the fridge. It’s a thrill ride not a pecan pie
and you’ve just found out the rollercoaster isn’t over.

You might have to get hurt ten times before you find the one perfect partner that transforms your life forever, but once you find them, it won’t be the one person that makes it feel so special. That person is just the final piece of the puzzle. Without those previous pieces, you wouldn’t know the puzzle was complete, so enjoy the challenge.


5. “All good things come to an end.”


Even the most eye-catching flowers eventually wilt and die, but that doesn’t make them any less beautiful in the time they were alive.

Sadly, most relationships end on a sour note too, but again this doesn’t make the happy times any less special.

Every Oscar-winning film has an ending. So does every Shakespeare play, 80s power ballad and best-selling book. Celebrate what you created, then accept that it came to an end as well.

Now, you can look forward to the next chapter of your romance tale.




5 Ways To Keep a Conversation From Coming To a Dead-end Standstill




You’re nodding along as the other person talks to you about something. She might be an acquaintance you bumped into, or someone you’ve met for the first time. And as the other person finishes talking, she waits for you to say something. Then, it happens.

The deadly, awkward silence.


It reminds us that we’re not very comfortable with the other person we’re chatting to (at least not yet), and can sometimes leave us with a dreadful feeling that we’re not as socially smooth as we ought to be.

All is not lost, though.


There’s this woman I know. Whenever she laughs, it seems to light up the room. Everyone flocks around and listens to her whenever she has something to say.


With such superpowers, it seems someone like that would be intimidating to speak with one-on-one. It’s actually the opposite: she makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world, and the two of you are best friends.

Now, it might seem like this is something that someone is just naturally good at. But I believe that with some practice, we can all get better at conversations.


Why It’s Important To Keep Conversations Going


If you sometimes feel uncomfortable speaking with strangers or
acquaintances, it can feel easier to just say, “Gotta go!” and scurry off. But there are a number of reasons why keeping a conversation going can benefit you.

‱ Learn something new. Speaking with someone we’re unfamiliar with can bring fresh insights. When people share their stories and experiences, it can make us think about our own lives and actions. By keeping the conversation going, you can dig deeper and create a more insightful discussion.

‱ You might make a friend. Every friendship needs to start off somewhere. Think about your closest friends. They probably didn’t start off being close friends with you, but over time, you both made an effort to get to know each other better and create a sense of comfort around one another.

‱ Bring new opportunities into your life. It’s true: the more we put ourselves out there, the more the universe throws back at us. In order to get more experiences and opportunities though, this means taking ourselves out of our comfort zone. You never know what someone can bring into your life: advice, opportunities or new connections. At the very least, keeping the conversation going makes for good practice.


Here are 5 ways you can keep a conversation going the next time you feel like running away:1. Pluck up details and expand on them

One of the best ways you can make a conversation transition seamlessly from one topic to another is to subtly shift the conversation so that the topic is still relevant, but fresh.


For example, if the two of you are talking about your living arrangements and the other person complains about their cat leaving fur on the carpet, you can then move towards talking about cats and pets in general. This can include talking about your own pets, or asking the other person on what it’s like for them to have a pet at home.

Even if the other individual speaks endlessly on one topic but just briefly mentions something else, you can use this to shift to a different topic. Doing so brings about more conversation in an unsurprising manner because the other person mentioned it first.


2. Ask about them


To each person, they are the center of their own universe. Every day, they focus on their hopes, dreams and fears. If you can tap into these and get the other person expressing how they feel towards you, it’ll not only keep the conversation going, but allow them to feel a deep sense of connection with you.

Shortly after graduating from university, someone I met asked me asked me what my plans were for the future. When I replied where I was working, he didn’t just stop there. He proceeded to ask about what I hoped to do someday and empathized by sharing his own experiences. It felt like he was genuinely interested in knowing more, yet understanding at the same time.

Asking something personal doesn’t have to invade on someone’s privacy. Leave the question open-ended so the person can respond with as much information as they like. For example, “What are you hoping to do after you finish your degree?” is better than, “Are you going to work in a law firm afterwards?” The first question leaves it up to the other person to decide how to respond,

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