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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #5) by DeYtH Banger (you can read anyone TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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 Note: Destroy your fucking ego... CONSTANT BOMBARD IT WITH TRUTH AND FEAR...


Note: The ego is your biggest obstacle in your conversation.

- Excuses
- What If (Scenarios)





Note: People... will just not get your point.



P.S.: I am interested in killing my mom...



Note: And fuck him... It's enough to seeing myself "victim"..



Note: Everything starts from victimhood... overprotective parents... and the world is getting worser than before.



P.S. - It's not the problem that we can't solve all this problems.... but each year and each day in life there is a create a whole new life... + a new whole group and millions and billions data have been throw out. How do you imagine swallowing all this shit?






Note: To whole problem with can't talking to others... can't expressing yourself to others and having tons of problems... goes backs to your childhood... constant trauma and getting punished... and once you got that in brain... it's like creating WALL-Blocks... which blocks you from doing any type of action if you go against the rules which have been already written.










Chapter 5.1. - Notes (2)

Note: The whole thing is very fucking damn deep... it's very well explained a part of the argument Jonathan Haidt, but after him we need to go back to Jordan Peterson (Who talks about moral and parents... anxiety and all sorts of fucked up stuff), but once there we shouldn't forget the guy Paul Bloom (Who is against empathy...) and then go up to Sam Harris.


And that's how the whole process is going to go...

Constant behavior of accumulating data!




Note: In the end we ... end up with the conclusion that we are not going around dating world and how to get a girl and how to get social in this world ... we are going into what's going around the world and constant creating problems and problems and trying to solve them...

- Oh god... this is really killing the whole idea of the whole thing


And "Why do we like to do what we do?"



Note: What "You" know about this world is from stories and films and books... and what happens if today I tell you... that everything which you know is wrong?

is fucking damn wrong... the whole idea is based upon 729 (books I have read... for 3 years)...


- So the feeling is something like a ... shaking and asking yourself what to do next?

Here is the thing... you can't get rid of the mistakes and what you know like that... the best way you can do is ... to optimizate... the whole thing!




P.S. - Let this quotes to bother aroudn your mind

“Yet GenX'er teens didn't slow down--they were just as likely to drive, drink alcohol, and date as their Boomer peers and more likely to have sex and get pregnant as teens. But then they waited longer to reach full adulthood with careers and children. So GenX'ers managed to lengthen adolescence beyond all previous limits: they started becoming adults earlier and finished becoming adults later.”
― Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us

“Wanting to feel safe all of the time can also lead to wanting to protect against emotional upset—the concern with “emotional safety” somewhat unique to iGen. That can include preventing bad experiences, sidestepping situations that might be uncomfortable, and avoiding people with ideas different from your own. That’s where things get dicey—both for iGen and for the older generations struggling to understand them.”
― Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us

“iGen is on the verge of the most severe mental health crisis for young people in decades. On the surface, though, everything is fine.”
― Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us

“Kids need to learn that you need to feel bad sometimes. We learn through experience, and we learn especially through bad experiences.”
― Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us

“We protect children from danger, real and imaginary, and are then surprised when they go to college and create safe spaces designed to repel the real world.”
― Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us






Note: I am on this topic more deeper than ever... the porography was just the beginning of my deep look... now going more deeper around other variety of topics.

(Deeper Level is everywhere...)





Chapter 6 - Where?


- My problem is more likely coming from adaptable ENVIROMENT. I adapt stuff... I can't just see them a picture... and act like a copy cat... I want to see them and feel them.

Life is seeing... feeling and words to mouth.






And this here is the silent jerk-off...
Throwing one and another and then fuckin around... Masturbating... I don't do it because of sleep back feeling... but because anxiety and depression... Getting constantly abandoned... It doesn't motivate you to go to somewhere...

Jerk-Off... is a stuck of behavior... YOU JUST NEVER GOING TO GET OUT FROM THIS LOOP HOLE.












 "As a result of much therapy and study, and by admitting my infidelities and apologizing for them, attempting to understand them and forgive myself, I came to realize one important fact: When one spouse cheats on another, it’s rarely because of some deficiency in the one cheated upon. Almost always, infidelity occurs because the cheater has lost integrity in his sense of self and fears either death or abandonment. Due to that person’s inauthenticity in dealing with those fears within the context of the relationship, the person reaches to others for validation of viability and self-worth.

The irony is that the one who cheats still may love the spouse, but, because of years of a fractured integrity due to an inauthentic sense of self, there is no communication within the relationship."

"Unity of the duality in the race problem doesn’t mean that the world must be viewed as colorless or color blind. That would be inauthentic and dishonest. Racial differences exist, and that can’t be denied. The problem, pain, conflicts, and violence result when individuals don’t emotionally accept other races as equal, coexisting, and possessed of the same human motivations, drives, and desires. It’s not that we should celebrate the difference and embrace diversity, as some have expressed. True emotional unity results when people accept fundamentally there are no differences between the races."

"After constantly changing the dynamic of my own family through my addictions and self-destructive behavior, I experience that challenger often when

dealing with family members. It would be easy to recall the pain we once shared and fall back into a position of guilt, shame, and resentment, bringing with them the need to win in whatever discussion is at hand. When that happens, and it does often, I consciously work to get beyond the duality of right/wrong, good/bad, black/white and accept the entire emotional spectrum."

"For many years, I lived with a longing I couldn’t explain and never gave myself permission to express. I soldiered on, heading down a spiral into oblivion. With the help of Wayne Dyer and others, I have learned that the longing I felt was because I was disconnected from intention, or what I have come to realize was my true self. By existing in an inauthentic place, I nearly destroyed myself and those around me. Even though the Titanic of my misdirected life couldn’t avoid the iceberg, it was able to right itself and plug the leaks before it sank. Unlike the actual ship, it continued its journey with an even-stronger hull. The future remains to be seen, but I am fully confident my ship will reach port in a better, more-exotic, and life-affirming destination."

"The main reason my relationships and marriages fell apart was because I lost touch with my sense of self, my purpose, and my connection to the universe. I tried to fill the longing I felt over my lost sense of self with my relationships, which smothered them and ultimately disappointed me. My partners were left used up and rejected, and I was left with an even stronger sense of longing and sadness."

"One particular lady who has become important in my life taught me, “You’re right where you’re meant to be, exactly at the moment you’re supposed to be there.” She repeats that to me often.

She means that all of us are connected to the flow of the energy in the universe when we’re in touch with our truest selves and accept our universal purpose."





How To Increase Your Verbal Fluency






Have you ever wished that you could come up with the right words to say on command, but you rarely can? Don’t you hate it when the right words don’t seem to come to you when you need them most? If so, you will want to learn how to increase your “verbal fluency” so that you can become more eloquent and never face these issues again.

At The Art of Verbal War, we are all about helping people EXCEL in verbal skills. If verbal skills were an automobile, instead of driving the car around (i.e. talking about WHAT to say/HOW to say it) like we usually do on this blog, in this article we are going to look under the hood.

​By â€ślooking under the hood”, what I mean is that we will explore the “engine” behind excellent verbal skills, i.e. the brain, where words are produced and then uttered through your mouth.

And in this article, more specifically, we will discuss the “horsepower” behind the brain, which is the concept of “verbal fluency”.



Knowing what to say or how to say it is useless if our brain fails to rev up the engine when you step on the gas pedal. This is where verbal fluency comes into play.


What Is Verbal Fluency?


​Before we get to how to increase your verbal fluency, let’s first get definitions out of the way.

“Verbal fluency” is a cognitive function that facilitates information retrieval from memory.

In the field of

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