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Book online ยซMy Life by Hawa Abdul Rahman (children's books read aloud txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Hawa Abdul Rahman

Hi, my name is Jasmine. I'm 14. I have a sister who's older than me, a mother who is a teacher, and a father who is a firefighter. I'm a very active person and like to do new things. I'm good at art and I like to go on adventures. Today a kid from school dared me to do something bad and I couldn't say no to a dare. So I did it and I'm in detention. It's really not as bad as I thought. After detention, when I got home my mom was really mad at me. At first I didn't know why, but then I remembered I was supposed to go to the store and pick up some spaghetti sauce. Now it was too late and the store was closed. So we just had plain spaghetti noodles with no sauce for dinner. By the time my mom gets off of work the store is closed. So she has me or my sister go to the store for her, but my sister had to rehearsal today for a play shes doing at school. My sisters two years older than me. We go to the same school. Me and my sister don't fight, we get along pretty good. My sisters name is Jennifer. After dinner my sister wasn't so happy with me because I forgot the sauce. But I don't care, my excuse is "nobody is perfect".

I didn't get much sleep last night because I got home late from detention, then I had homework to do, and then I had to get washed up and get my cloths ready for the next day. My mom doesn't like it when we wait for the last minute to get ready, which in this case is the day "of" school.
At school (for some reason) the kids (and teachers) call me by my last name, Which is Anderson.
I personally think that my school is weird. These are the reasons why:
#1 The school is in an apartment building, the principle bought the building and made some changes to it. PS You can still tell it's an apartment building but no one cares.
#2 The cafeteria has real chefs cooking in them. I call this weird in a good way. I bet your wondering how the school can afford chefs. 4 words,the principle is rich. Don't even think about wondering "if the principle is rich, then why is the school in an apartment building", everyone does and they never get an answer.
#3 I personally think public school is weird without being in an apartment building.
Your probably thinking " did she just say public school. The answer is yes. The principle has another job, I don't know what it is but thats where he makes all of his money. And he wanted to open up a public school so he did.
So after school today I went to the origami club to do origami. I'm a member and some people think its weird but its just me. The origami club isn't much its just a room where kids can do origami, and who ever hangs out in there is called a member.
After I left the origami club I remembered I was supposed to go to the store for my mom again. Me and my sister usually take turns but has rehearsal all this week and at the end of the week I'm going to have to go to the play. I don't like plays.

So last night my mom was mad at me again because by time I got to the store it was closed. They close so early. We had to order take out.
Today I don't go to school because it's some holiday. I'm happy but I'm bored. I have friends but their all spending time with their siblings. Th ey all have siblings. Jennifer says wants to spend some time with me, but I know she really wants me to help her rehearsal. It won't hurt. I guess afterward I'll go rollerskating at the park.

I had fun yesterday, but today won't be so fun. Everyone, and I mean everyone )including the teachers) has to listen to this speeech at school. It's about being polite and It's one hour long. After the speech we have to take a quiz to see how much we learned or already knew about being polite. And Then since thats going to take up a lot of time we have a shorter lunch period and recess. I tell you it's ridiculous, thats our parents job. But some of the kids aren't polite and they pick on other kids. But a lot of the kids don't even know how pick on people. They think calling someones name and not having anything to say to them or saying something that doesn't make any sense is "picking on them". Theres only so many times I've had that done to me. So anyway I'm going to try to remember to go to the store after school today.

"Guess what", I forgot to go to the store today. My mom was super duper mad at me. We had to have cereal for dinner. I didn't mind. My moms planning on just buying a weeks worth of groceries tomorrow. She gets off of work on the weekend. I know I'm not talking much about my dad but thats because he works all day.
After school today was Jennifer's play. But I was late. Hear is the reason why. I just finished playing volley ball with some friends and the game lasted longer than I thought it would. Then I was sweating so I went to take a shower and the shower wasn't working, so I had to go home and get washed up. Then I got distracted and I ended up getting there when the play was half way over. I didn't mind but my mom didn't think it was nice.

My mom gave me a punishment since I was late to my sisters play the other day. My punishment was that I couldn't go to this party that my school was having. Guess what the party was for, almost everyone passed the polite test so the school had a party. I was happy I wasn't going and my mom new I was ( I guess she saw me smiling) so she said I had to go. Jennifer went and all of my friends went.
Guess what the theme of the party was "politeness". I went to the, ate, helped clean up when it was over, then went home. That was a waste of a day.

Today is chore day and shopping day. We don't get to do much chores during the week so we do most of them on the weekend. And me, Jennifer, and my mom went to the store. We did big shopping. We had three shopping carts full of groceries. We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of the week. I like going shopping, It's really fun. We did this thing where I picked out all of the breakfast food, Jennifer picked out all of the lunch food, and my mom picked out all of the dinner food for the next week. We spent a long time shopping because Jennifer Likes to think "what will I feel like eating this day" for every day. When we got home I did homework all night because I was out all day yesterday and today. I think I'm going to try to do better this week.


Publication Date: 03-21-2011

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