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Read books online Β» Short Story Β» 24 Hours by Mitchell H. Allen (phonics story books .txt) πŸ“–

Book online Β«24 Hours by Mitchell H. Allen (phonics story books .txt) πŸ“–Β». Author Mitchell H. Allen

10pm – 6am

Two squares of dark chocolate, a quarter cup of cola. How late is too late? How much sugar is too much? My notebook is nearly full and I have yet to find a way to keep the Mt. Vernon Street Bullies from ruining my sleep.

Almost every night, I have some variation of the stupid dream. Idly, I flip back to March 3rd – my birthday. I had eaten two pieces of frosting-loaded cake. That night, Mookie, Lockjaw and Birdman chased me through the back alleyways of South Philadelphia. One of them chucked a brick at my head. I barely escaped.

6am – 2pm

Wordlessly, my wife places the pill beside my tea. She has left the curtains drawn, for which the angels have reserved her spot in heaven. By the time I get to work, the migraine will have dulled to a mild roar.

My boss is being a real tool. He is blaming me for the misfiled records. His gravelly voice is oddly soothing. I nod dumbly and agree to search for the files.

I missed lunch, but I found the files. My boss' secretary had them all along. Now, I'm steamed. Against my better judgment, I throw them on his desk.

2pm – 10pm

South Philly is beautiful in the spring. People complain about the crime but, really, it's everywhere. The best we can do is contain it. I take a moment to savor the aromas coming from Luigi's. I've got to treat my wife, soon.

Only five more house to go. Lockjaw owns them all. I skip the first house – squatters have taken over. Same with the next. I'll come back for those, next time. The third is vacant.

His insurance company probably doesn't believe him, anymore. I certainly don't go out of my way to conceal the accelerants. The alleyway is clear.


Text: Mitchell H. Allen
Images: ..stiina.. (Flickr Creative Commons)
Publication Date: 06-05-2012

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