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Book online «So You Say She's a Rock Star by Robi Crusoe (best fiction books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Robi Crusoe

They never thought that they would come this far. It had been a bygone thought. All they had even wanted was to win the talent show and send Kendra to live her dream of being a famous guitarist. But what they got was so much more.
It was January, 2012, the time for snowboarding, snowman building, and rugged snowball fights. It was also the time of Buchannan High school’s infamous talent show. It was always held on the same date, in the same auditorium in the same town, Taylors Island, Maryland.
This was where the two twins, Kendra and Kaci Jones, grew up. Them, along with there younger sister Roxanne (Roxy) Angelica, and their parents, Catharine and Freddy, all had spent their entire lives on Taylors Island. Catharine and Freddy ran a small guitar and music store down on South Penn, where the kids had to work on the weekends. Freddy could play the bass guitar and lead guitar better than anyone in town, while Catharine played clarinet, bass, violin, and piano.
With all their exposure to music, it was no wonder that the Jones children had some musical talent too. Roxy was beginning piano lessons, while Kaci had been playing cello for two years. But the real musical prodigy was Kendra. She could play “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” on the piano when she was three. At four, Kendra received her first guitar. Ever since then, she seemed to do nothing but play music in her room, where she would also make up her own songs.
This was exactly what she was up to on the morning of January 14th.
“Kendra Mari Jones, get down here right now or else you’ll miss the bus!” shouted her mother.
“Just a minute!” yelled Kendra. With a final chord, she placed the fine instrument into its black leather case and raced down the stairs. As she neared the bottom steps, she saw Kaci glaring at her, tapping a finger against an imaginary watch on her wrist.
“It’s about time.” she said. And then, with a flourish, Kaci tossed Kendra a granola bar and walked swiftly out the door.
The ride to Buchanan High was short, but it was in that small amount of time that Kaci and Kendra were about to make the greatest decision of their lives.
“Well, if it isn’t the Jersey Shore twins,” said a mocking voice boarding the bus. “What are you doing in our seats?”
“Moving, Mallory.” stated Kendra, grimacing. She hated that joke. Ever since that mean bully, Mallory Fitzpatrick, had learned that she and Kaci had moved to Taylors Island from Jersey City, she had gone out of her way to tease them.
“Well, get a move on then.” sneered Mallory. The front row is for talent champs only.”
Kendra stopped in the middle of the isle. Kaci, feeling her twin stop, glanced behind her.
“Kendra, come on, you can’t win this fight!” she whispered. Kendra just ignored her.
“You really think you have the best talent in the school?” she questioned. Mallory just smiled at her.
“Yes, yes I do.” she replied.
“Well, Miss Mallory, I bet you that I can beat you in a talent competition any day!” challenged Kendra.
“I’ll take you up on that.” said Mallory coolly. “Winner has to do the others homework for a year!”
“Deal!” said Kendra, before Kaci could stop her.
“Well, then it’s settled.” replied Mallory smugly. “See you at the talent show, Jersey Shore twins!”
And with that said, Mallory got up and walked cockily off the bus, feeling as if she had won already.
“Kendra, what did you do that for?” said Kaci after she had gotten up. “You know they’ve won the talent show three years in a row, right?”
“Yes, I know Kaci, but I still believe we can beat them.” assured Kendra. “We just have to come up with a plan.” And with that said the young twins set of for their seemingly normal day of school, not knowing that the days following it would be the most challenging ones of their lives.
“You’re entering the talent show!” exclaimed Roxy when Kendra and Kaci walked through the door. “Oh, can I help, please! I’ve always wanted to be a stage manager!”
“When did you here we were entering the talent show?” questioned Kaci. “We haven’t told anyone about that besides- oh, Mallory told you, didn’t she.”
“Yes she did, she’s been spreading the news all over school.” replied Roxy. “So, what do you say, can I be your stage manager?”
“I’ll think about it.” Kaci assured. Then she turned to Kendra.
“What are we going to do, sis, we don’t even have an act ready?” she said.
“Give me the night to think about it, Kaci; I’ll come up with something.” Kendra answered. Then she retired to her room, and didn’t return until dinner.
The next day, as the two girls boarded the bus and began the long journey to their school; Kendra sat down and began telling Kaci her plan.
“Okay, I get it.” Kaci finally said after Kendra had finished. “But which song should we do? There are hundreds of possibilities!”
“I think we should do “It Started With a Whisper,” for our song.” replied Kendra.
“I think we should just forget about it, Kendra. You know we can’t beat them!” said Kaci.
“If you don’t have faith in us, Kaci, then maybe I should just perform by myself!” snapped Kendra
“Maybe you should!” yelled Kaci. Then, she stormed of the bus, and the two formerly close twins went their separate ways.
That night, as Kaci set the dinner table with her mother, she noticed a look of worry on her face.
“Mother, what’s wrong?” she asked. Her mother looked over at her, and then spoke.
“Kaci, you can’t let Kendra go up on that stage alone.”
“Why shouldn’t I,” Kaci replied. “She deserves it.”
“Because, Kaci, if your sister goes up there alone, she might succumb to the terrible stage fright she had when she was small. You need to help her.”
Kaci then realized how much trouble her sister was in. She hurriedly glanced at the clock. 5:30, just enough time. Then she looked at her mom and smiled.
“Mom, I’ve got a show to catch.” she said. Then Kaci ran out the door, only then realizing that it was her mother who would have to drive her there. She turned around, but then stopped.
“Don’t worry, just get in.” laughed Kaci’s mother. Then, as quick as they could, the duo set off to save Kendra from her demise.
When she got around to the backstage, Mallory and her clique had just finished their act, a performance of the song, “Spy on the Wall.” As they walked by, Mallory leaned in close to Kendra.
“Good luck, Kendra.” she hissed. Kendra glared at Mallory, and then as her name was called, Kendra walked out onto the stage, just before Kaci could stop her. The lights hit Kendra first. They were bright and blinding, making her have to shield her eyes. Then she saw the people. There seemed to be millions of them, all watching her intently, waiting for her to make a fool of herself.
Kaci watched her sister stop in the middle of the stage, not moving at all.
“Oh no, it’s happened!” she thought. What should she do? Suddenly, a daring but intelligent plan popped into Kaci’s head. Now all she needed was Roxy. Quickly, Kaci scanned the crowd, looking for her younger sister. Finally, she found her, sitting in the sixth row from the back by her dad. As silently as she could, Kaci motioned her over. Roxy reluctantly obliged.
“What is it, Kaci?” she sighed. The next thing Kaci said made a bright smile appear on Roxy’s face.
“I’ll do it!” she said. Kaci smiled, than rushed back up to the stage, where her sister waited.
“It’s now or never.” Kaci told herself. Then she rushed out onto the stage, and grabbed her sister’s arm.
“Kaci, what are you doing?” exclaimed Kendra.
“You looked like you needed some help out here.” replied Kaci. “Now listen, I’m sorry for what I said. I think we can beat Mallory, but you need to trust me.”
“Ok, I forgive you,” said Kendra. “Now, what do you need me to do?”
“Kendra, do you still remember the chords to that song I made in third grade?” Kaci asked.
“Sure, I do.” answered Kendra. “Let’s do this!”
“Hit it, Roxy!” yelled Kaci to the rafters above. The little girl smiled, and then pulled the lever beside her. Music started playing, its soft tones rolling over the crowd. Kendra then confidently stepped up to the mike.
“Hello, people of Taylor’s Island, Maryland!” she called. “My name is Kaci Jones. This amazing girl beside me is Kendra. And we’re here to sing a song!” Then Kendra began playing and everything fell into place from there. In the end, the entire audience was up on their feet, clapping to the beat of Kaci and Kendra’s singing. Later on, they found that they had won the contest, and would be going on tour in a month.
That was how they ended up playing in New York on Valentines Day.
“Good morning people of New York City!” Kaci yelled. “My name is Kaci, and this is Kendra, and we’re here to sing a song for you!”
After the concert, the twins, along with their sister Roxy, and their mom and dad, set off again in the large tour bus. As Kaci and Kendra sat down in the back, their mother turned up the radio. The Jones family laughed when they heard what was playing, and began to sing along to the song that started it all.

So you say she’s a rock star. She’ll show you who you are. All around, she’s the greatest one in town. So you say she’s a rock star. She’ll show you who you are. All around, she’s the greatest one in town…


Text: Copyright 2012 by RCProductions (aka me!)
Publication Date: 11-17-2012

All Rights Reserved

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