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Book online «Creation The Final Destruction by storiesuntold{Patty DeGroff} (good books to read for 12 year olds .txt) 📖». Author storiesuntold{Patty DeGroff}

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Creation The Final Destruction (Story)

Within our quest for new creations in our world ,what dangers will we inflict upon our one and only planet.
Never satisfied and yet haven't learned the most simplest of lessons like learning to live together ,we spend millions to find the way to leave our destruction behind.
A way to depart from this world in search of something new we can destroy in time.

The Beginning
Chapter 1
Scientists in search of the ultimate knowledge of our universe while their people starves below homeless and fighting for rights so ripped from their grasp. New president of the day with promises as always yet for generations none has ever made a difference except for the elite few. Within this year of this change they speak of
there will be famine and a world war in the makings of such a change. People breeding like dogs in heat and their children left on hospital door steps but "oh no" we can't infringe on the rights of those making those children.
Yet the scientists pay this world no mind as they use trillions of dollars to find the ultimate get away. Like the shuttle for all this knowledge and the teachings from it where shall it take us. Satellites floating in space that catch two nat's breeding from trillions of miles away, yet can't find the terrorist that kills for the fun of it. Oh no they send our men in on foot to hunt them down and be killed needlessly for they refuse to use this almighty technology of the day.
Now they are speaking of creating black holes from experiments right here on the planet.Oh they don't know what will come of this as they release these black holes out into space they honestly don't care for they feed on knowledge like piranhas on a feeding frenzy. Now as they bring these black holes and in time they found the atmosphere looking like Swiss cheese and the shuttle no longer ours for one has engulfed their bird like a feather on the wind never to be seen again for they know not what happens to anything caught within its vacuum of space .

Chapter 2
The year 2012 world war has broken out and the ones so filled with hate have found themselves safe havens in their trillion dollar homes so stolen from the workers of this dieing planet. They retreat to far off places giving the earth time to depopulate by self destruction as they watch and listen without care. The skies begin to implode sucking the earth dry of all its properties like a giant vacuum cleaner .Worse than any cyclone or hurricane it becomes the black hell of time . As though the devil literally touches the earth with all his hate and violence and devours every living thing without a destination for within the black void there is no knowledge of its properties .Left upon the earth is only the molten rock which the very core and its workings remains .The smoke from its bowels streaming up and sucked into the hole as the earth begins to over heat and melts like the chocolate coverings over a cherry . Within the dead silence a deafening quiet then it happens. The earth broken as the explosion rips it to bits and it being sucked away leaving the giant black hole in its place .
Little did the super rich know no matter how far they retreated they too were in the line of this death they so created . Silence in the atmosphere no stars no sun no moon and the void imploded all living things.
The pitch black lining within the space riddled with lava and all living things petrified from the very compression of space floating within they now can see where the black hole led to and its purpose in time . As few that survived this holocaust began to get strength within, their eyes adjusting to the blackness the human form and sight adapts to the strangeness of a new world . Air was no longer needed for within the void was in-cased with a black fluid and the humans regained a gill like flap behind the ears for their life to be sustained . The pieces of molten earth were like four planets within this space at times it would release a gassy substance which in turn gave the black depths a phosphorous glow turning this black hole into a golden layered multiplex pf planets each holding the inhabitants which had been sucked inside and deposited upon the pieces floating about.

Chapter 3

There were no races within this new space for each of those who eyes had adapted took only forms no true exact forms but forms like shadows within this golden space .There was no words spoken they only communicated through their minds that had changes leaving their heads into bulb-us oblong forms with dark oval pits for their eyes .There bodies thin and feeble looking of skin stretched over bone no muscle to be seen . It wasn't long before they knew they weren't alone for this universe had fed off the earth many times in order to start new world one had to be taken away.
In the search for the perfect human beings they have destroyed other worlds for centuries for the race would always end up the same uncaring war destruction and leaving their children starving their sick alone to die. Gradually they found they had become the food for this new world they have become the hunted.

Chapter 4

Some from the earth had seen these creatures of time and tried to tell the world without belief .They drew pictures of them and how they had probed them and tortured them in the need to find out why they were so evil and they needed to correct the human race to make a better breeder for their young in protection of their own race in time . They took animal parts to find a way to help the humans induce food in a different way as to not feed on flesh only the greens of the fields about .As the newcomers began to adjust more and more the began to see the millions of the aliens walking about them looking upon their forms as though sniffing for the right feed for the day and often one nearest to us would be swept away . Imagine being in such a void only seeing blurred figures and those next to you stripped away from your side without a sound . We were never hungry we had nothing we could do but stand around and wait our turn.
It was a time where we realized that many who were with us on earth had been changed years ago for they reverted back to the dark people as soon as they entered the vacuum .They had been feeding for years off of our young and the animals we raised . making them stronger and as they found out the scientists were testing a theory and was making black holes they prepared for their return home . For I remember as the black finger of death from the black hole emerged upon the earth there were those who walked toward it with arms high a though worshiping it as the humans ran for their life unknowing of its powers and plan so orchestrated over time.

chapter 5

One child amongst the entire race that had been brought into this strange inhabited black void entered without change and this child
remained curled within a ball watching through thin slits of eyelids for fear of what was to come . Curious of all those about him he could feel them yet he saw then as the figures he had seen in his small life at one of the UFO centers his mom and dad had taken him to .
She had read up on all the finding on earth but never realized it was really a true happening for humans have a way of blowing things out of shape through the excitment of it all . As he looked about he sensed that his parents had to be nearby for they were together when they were pulled in .He began to uncurl himself slowly as though he were a caccoon opening for the first time like a butterfly being birthed from its home for the first time . Suddenly he felt a jerk on his body and he had been lifted and to where he didn't know . He let out a scream that within this cavity had very little sound like screaming under water yet he did't realize he was breathing the fluid there. Suddenly he came to a jolt and against somethng sticky like a web he felt like the fly captured for a later feast but from what he wasn't sure. He squirmed about and tried ripping himself from it and as he worked he began to feel something thrown over his body like he had been vacume wrapped into a form all his own . Being he could see what was there he saw like workers in a den the humans captured were ten deep along the walls and the thin black eyed aliens were packing them each with professional care.

Chapter 6

He was very close to one of the aliens and he spoke who are you and the alien stopped in a jolt and turned to inspect this sound and the little human within. Very close he came with his black onyx eyes within inches and he poked at me which felt like an ice pick piercing my skin . Ouch hey watch what you are doing you hurt me the little boy replied. The alien tore at the sheeting and grabbed the little ones arm and with him dangling beneath him crawled up the side of that long shaft and pulled him up on top where the boy noticed a blinding white light with a blue tenge to it .He tried to protect his eyes and the other aliens grabbed his arms and pulled him to a flat rock like slab . Being so young for I was only four I tried to fight and was asking for my mom and dad. They made these humming noises nothing I could understand and I began to cry for I was so afraid .
Suddenly they stopped abruptly and began to draw near to see what this liquid might be .One came close and touched it with his tenticle comeing from his arm like figure and within the connection began to shrill as though in pain . The others came to his side and was looking at the damage and from that single tear the aliens outer layer had been eaten away . Afraid of the boy they released him for they

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