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Book online ยซMy Summer Heroine by reallynola (korean novels in english TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author reallynola

My Summertime Heroine

The old man sat at the bar thinking about the death of his best friend. He sadly looked at the drink before him and wondered about all the friends that were gone. They had finally passed on and he felt an emptiness that ate at his insides and was feeling sorry for himself. His life was now a routine of boredom. Arising in the morning, going through his usual shower, then breakfast wondering what the new day would bring. Watching the morning news, he realized that it was the same old boring items of the day before. Switching channels he found an old movie and relaxed in his recliner. Not much interested him anymore as his life seemed to drag on day by day. Finally in the afternoon he would go to the bar where he and his old friend would play games to pass the time and discuss the latest sports and events. His death had left a void which was difficult to live with. He wished sometimes that his family were still living in town, but they had all moved away and were raising their own families. Loneliness and depression are tearing away at him and he fully didn't realize it.

As he sat there sipping his drink, he pondered the way his life had just been dragging along. Nothing to look forward to except another drink and occasional conversation with people he would meet in the bar. There was a gray pall about him even though the sun shone brightly outside. He didn't really pay attention to the young woman who entered and sat down a few stools from him. When he did take notice, his first thought was why they didn't card her as she appeared too young to even be in a bar. He went back to pondering his dull life when he suddenly looked up to find the young woman asking if he had a light. Taking his lighter from the bar he lit her cigarette and smiled. She was a small woman, hardly five feet and gave the effect of a young girl playing grown-up. She wore no make-up and wore her hair in a pony-tail covered by a baseball cap. "thank you" she smiled. After lighting up, she sat on the stool next to him. "Aren't you kinda young to be in a bar drinking?" he asked. She smiled again. "I'm 23 three years old, but because of my size, seem much younger". She was a college student working here for the summer before going back for her graduate studies. As they talked, she radiated an aura that seemed to brighten up the bar. He felt more relaxed and at ease with himself than he had been for awhile. He could almost feel her energy as it took over his tired old body as if on loan by her. The time flew by as they talked about all sorts of things and he noticed the time. They had spoken for almost two hours and he hadn't felt this fit for quite some time. They agreed to meet later that night to watch a musical group they both enjoyed.

Being three times older than the younger lady, he almost felt guilty about meeting with her and even considered the fact she wouldn't show. When he walked into the bar, he didn't see her and disappointment hit him. But when he sat at the bar he glanced over to some chairs in the viewing area and there she sat. She saw him, smiled, and walked over to sit next to him at the bar. Her presence seemed to brighten up the room and they chatted away while waiting for the band to set up. The night quickly passed and soon it was time to leave. They exchanged phone numbers and he asked her to call him upon arriving home as she lived in a bad neighborhood and was on a bicycle.

The older man was bouncing with energy as he walked home and felt so much younger he couldn't even believe it himself. Where had all the tiredness gone. She reported in to him and he went to bed feeling like he hadn't in years. After then, they started meeting more often and started doing more things together. They went for seafood dinners and live theater. Sometimes he would fix her dinner at his place and he took joy in his cooking for her. The sun seemed to shine brighter and the nights more colorful since meeting her. One of his favorite things was to tease her about allowing him to borrow her youth, but in reality he was taking it as offered because she had so much to spare. There was a spring to his steps that had been missing for quite some time. Her charm inspired him to start writing and he did so with a passion. Finally the summer ended and because of finances, she wasn't able to return to school for graduate studies, so instead she went back to her hometown in the mid-west and went to work to save up for school

The old man was sad at her departure, but he didn't go back to the funk he was in before meeting her. They are still in touch and he still is writing today. For her friendship and goodness, he will always be grateful .
And to him, she will always be his SUMMER NIGHTS HEROINE. I know, because I am that old man.........


Publication Date: 06-10-2010

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