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Book online «The Abbottsford Police Chronicles – # 3 by Paul Curtis (good books to read for teens .txt) 📖». Author Paul Curtis

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Police Constable Phillippa Mead sat in the Police canteen drinking a coffee and brushing sugar off her uniform trousers and was blissfully unaware that at that precise moment decisions that would change her life forever were being made.

Chief inspector Bill Overend was a great bear of a man but such was his benign disposition you might be confused into thinking he was more of an overstuffed teddy bear, but you would be mistaken, his wits were as sharp as a knife and as a result he was a good copper and he commanded great respect from colleagues and villains alike.
On this particular morning he was on his way to see the Chief Superintendent to discuss replacements.
His squad was already one man down, Chris Blenkin, who was on long term sick leave and was not going to return and another officer, Jenny Hack, who was about to go on maternity leave, so as he entered George Tiplady’s office he did so with some optimism.

Phillippa, or as she preferred Pippa, was to the untrained eye a rather plain almost emaciated looking girl, stick thin with straight shoulder length blonde hair and as she never wore make up at work she looked five years older than the twenty-six she actually was.
Off duty she was a bit of a tomboy and wore quite masculine looking clothes leading some to suppose her to be a lesbian.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
Even though her features were plain there was something about her that shone through from within, now whether it was her eyes which were the most stunning green or a smile that could melt the hardest heart its difficult to know but, as a result she was never short of a date.
She was a single girl and content to be so for now as she had not yet met the right person but she was in no hurry.
There was no one special in her life at present.
She drained her coffee and made her way to the muster room for the duty briefing.

Overend left the Chief Superintendents office after a less than satisfactory meeting; he did get two out of the three replacements, but not the ones he wanted.
Due to political pressure from above to change the profile of the police he had been lumbered with two officers being fast tracked which meant that the ticked the Home Office boxes but had no experience and were worse than bloody useless.
It had been his wish to promote three PCs up from the ranks from his own station to CID, Pippa Mead among them but it appeared that was not to be, for now at least.

He was not the only one in Abbottsford to have had a disappointing outcome Pippa spend her entire shift being the public face of British policing without actually managing to impact crime in any way shape or form but it wasn’t always like that.

As luck would have it that night the criminal fraternity were very active in the Abbottsford police district and as the new officers were not due for another four weeks Bill Overend got the three officers he wanted if only on a temporary basis but if he could clear these cases before the new appointees arrived he would have a strong case for keeping the officers he wanted and the fast tracks could go and tick boxes on someone else’s relief.

The next morning Pippa, and PCs, Webster and Griffin were instructed they had been seconded to CID for a prolonged period.
This came as a complete surprise to Pippa, who, despite having done several spells in CID in the past, was not aware of having made any significant kind of impact that would merit an extended duty in CID, but all that said she was delighted.

Chief inspector Overend was feeling a little smug at his getting his own way even if it might turn out to be short term.
The first order of the day was to place the temporary DC’s to individual teams and then assign those teams to the growing list of cases, which Overend was anxious to make inroads into.

Pippa's day just kept getting better she was added to Detective Sgt Tilly Donnally’s team, Donnally was someone she admired very much, if a little scary, she was a fiery thirty-two year old red head, who led by example and relied heavily on her instincts, which rarely failed her.
Then she was paired with Detective Constable James Pidd who was a quiet unassuming thirty something man, a very calm and very capable detective not a leader but blessed with a very analytical mind.
But despite his unassuming nature, to everyone’s surprise, including his own, he found himself engaged to Theresa Bennington who was the Granddaughter of the Lord Lieutenant of the county, though such is the nature of the man he was not the sort to use his social position to benefit his career.
“Jimmy and Pippa,” Overend said pausing briefly to consult his notes,
“Clifford’s Biscuits were turned over last night, the owner is on site and is probably not a happy cookie.”
“On our way sir.” Said DC Pidd completely missing the joke, as did Pippa who was already halfway to the door.

Jimmy Pidd and Pip Mead had worked together on many occasions in the past and they got on well.
Also they complimented each other he with his analytical mind and she with her razor sharp instinct and hard graft.
The only bone of contention between them was the driving.
They both hated to drive, this was very unusual, as normally partners fight over who gets the keys.
They had tried a number of ways in the past to determine who got lumbered with the driving such as, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Arm wrestling or tossing a coin but they never worked as they both had a propensity to cheat.
So they decided the fairest way was one of them would drive there and the other would drive on the return journey.
Today Jimmy Pidd was driving and there was only one thing he hated more than driving and that was driving in the rain.
At least Clifford’s was in Abbottsford’s only about three miles from the station.
Clifford’s biscuits, was an old family business established in 1879 by Robert Sebastian Clifford and was currently run by his Great-Great Grandson Donald.
They had moved to there present location in Abbottsford’s in 1928.
The two DC’s presented their warrant cards to the Olympic security guard and were waved through the main gate and directed to the reception.
The broad white building was a great example of the art deco style with its angles, curves and symmetry.
DC Pidd got out of the car and paused for a moment, despite the rain, in appreciation of the stylish building.
“What a great building.” Said Jimmy.
“Yes it’s very…. white.” Said DC Mead running towards the building.
“Is that all you can find to say about this magnificent structure?”
Said a stunned
“This wonderful example of Art Deco architecture?”
She stopped running, then took a moment to study the façade then said.
“Yes, I stand by my original statement, it’s definitely white”
“You’re a philistine Pip.” Pidd said running after her.

Pidd and Mead walked into reception and were greeted by a middle aged balding man in a smart suit.
“Good morning.” He said offering his hand. “Peter Frecknell assistant manager”
“Good morning sir, I’m DC Pidd.” Jimmy said shaking the offered hand.
“And this is DC Mead.” He said gesturing toward Phillippa.
“Sir.” She said also shaking hands.
“Would you like to see the scene of the crime now?” He said relishing the change of routine.
“Afterwards I will take you through to the conference room Mr. Clifford would like meet you before you leave.” And he turned and led them up the stairs.
After Pidd and Mead had been shown the suspected point of entry and Mr. Frecknell had given them a tour of the offices, which were in good order save for the power leads and data cables trailing to and from non-existent PC’s, Printers, and Scanners etc.
The factory operated Twenty-four hours a day seven days a week but the main offices were seldom used after six PM.
They were then covered by CCTV and monitored from the security building located by the main gate.
The offices were patrolled on foot every two hours through the night from eight PM to Eight AM.
The burglary occurred between six and eight. The intruders managed to bypass the alarm system and they were somehow able to override the CCTV feeding back the recorded images to security while they stripped the place bare.
They interviewed staff but no one remembered seeing anything out of the ordinary.
Then they were shown into the conference room to meet Donald Clifford.
Walking into the long grandly decorated room with a huge twenty-four foot long mahogany topped conference table they saw an immaculately dressed man of sixty standing at the far end.
“Good morning, officers.” He said walking towards them.
He was wearing a high quality hand made suit and expensive Italian shoes. His hand made silk tie probably cost more than Mead’s entire ensemble.
“Mr. Clifford?” Jimmy asked.
“Goodness me no.” He said with a hint of a smile. “My name is Tyler-Moore, Marcus Tyler-Moore.”
“He’s our financial Director.” Mr. Frecknell elaborated.
“I’m DC Pidd and this is DC Mead.”
He shook hands with them both.
The door opened behind them and a tall, lean shabbily dressed man in his early thirties entered.
He had what looked like a necktie hanging from his trouser pocket and his shirt was un-tucked.
What must once have been a clean white shirt was now smeared with grease and dirt.
His sleeves were rolled up exposing his skinny white arms also smeared with dirt and his trousers were dirty and torn.
He was wiping dirt off his hands with a monogrammed handkerchief.
“I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting.” He said politely. “A problem with one of the machines.”
“Don! We have maintenance people to do that.” Marcus said in a fatherly way.
“He can’t help interfering.” Marcus said addressing the two officers. “He forgets it’s his company sometimes.”
“I know Marcus but I like to help.”
He inspected his right hand briefly and offered it to Jimmy Pidd to shake.
“Don Clifford.” He said.
“DC Pidd.” Jimmy said. “And this is DC Me…”
“Phillippa.” She interrupted. “Mead.”
“What a lovely name.” Don said taking her hand and gazing at her.
“The lover of horses and a sweet honey brew”
Phillippa held his gaze and his hand for longer than necessary.
“Coffee?” Marcus broke the spell.
Don and Phillippa broke away with a little embarrassment and they both blushed.
“Yes a good idea.” Don Clifford answered.
“Or tea if you would prefer?” Looking at Pip again.
“Please sit down,” He offered with a sweeping Gesture.
“Tea would be very nice thank you Mr. Clifford.” Phillippa said almost coyly.
“Please call me Don.”
“Ok Don.” She said and giggled.
Jimmy was amazed he had never seen this side of Pippa before she was being feminine and he’d never heard her giggle before. Either.
He looked at Marcus who shrugged this was obviously new behaviour for Mr Clifford as well.
“Coffee for me please.” Jimmy said as he sat in the closest chair.
Marcus nodded in Peter Frecknell’s direction and he slipped out through the door almost unnoticed.
After a few minutes he returned, holding

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