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Book online «Puppeteer by Shen Hart (top romance novels TXT) 📖». Author Shen Hart

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He tossed and turned fighting so hard against the darkness enveloping him ever tighter. It slowly gripped him with it's cold, ice like talons, sinking deeper into his very being. Every part of him seemed to be wrapped in this darkness, he was no longer himself. He was caged within his own body, looking out of his eyes trying so desperately to scream. He was trying to force the panic away, to focus and make himself wake from this awful nightmare. He couldn't drag himself back into the real world; it just grew darker.

** ** ** **

The fairy casually brushed some dust off her skirt as she watched her little puppet fighting against her control. He would soon settle and accept his fate. She fluttered over to the bathroom sink looking in the mirror. She carefully combed her fingers through her bright golden hair; smiling as she looked over her curvy feminine figure and beautifully crafted dress. She couldn't help twisting and posing admiring her full pout and large blue eyes that she knew the males couldn't resist. She stood up tall fluttering her wings watching how the first rays of light made them shimmer silver and blue.

** ** ** **

He finally accepted he wouldn't be waking any time soon. He sat down on a small chair which had formed behind him. He found himself looking out through his own eyes as though they were television screens. He couldn't get his head around this twisted nightmare, what on earth was happening!?
His body began standing and started to move. He looked through his own eyes to see the familiar room around him. He frowned leaning back on the hard wooden chair wondering if this really was just a bizarre dream. His body looked around before his gaze settled on a small fairy. She seemed so delicate and beautiful with her golden blonde hair and big blue eyes. A truly wonderous little creature.
Her elegant porcelein face turned into a dark sneer as she said "Ah, my dear puppet, you are ready to be put to work". He couldn't believe how such cold words were spoken in such a light and airy manner. Her voice seemed as though it were spoken from an angel while the words were cold and harsh. What was this work she spoke of as well?

** ** ** ** **

The fairy flitted over to the human male and perched on his shoulder. She thought she may as well take comfort there while he strode over to where it would all be done. These humans were all such simple creatures. They didn't even possess magick of their own! The fairy smiled to herself as she settled down into the motion of the human's movements. He walked with surprising grace for a male of the species.
She lost herself in her thoughts as he left the building and began the brisk paced walk down the empty barren path. The city had once been such a vibrant place, bustling with happy faces eager to continue on with their hectic lives. The fairy hated it. They crushed any trace of magick with their over-sized concrete cages and boxes. All forms of nature were shredded and destroyed without a second thought. It was devoid of anything worthwhile in her mind. How could they possibley find pleasure in such souless, grey blocks?
She thought how it didn't really matter much these days. There weren't many cities left. This human was one of the rare ones left who hadn't already been slaughtered in the war. The fairies and other nature beings had decided to take back what was rightfully theirs. She looked around at the derelict concrete blocks with the smashed windows, doors hanging off their hinges. She was pleased to see nature was quickly taking a good grip though. The vines and grasses were pushing up through the cracked pavements with birds nesting in the abandoned shelter.
The human had almost reached the destination. She smirked to herself this seemed such a fitting way to do things.

** ** ** ** **

He edged forward on the edge of his chair looking out through his own eyes. The landscape seemed familiar as his body walked down the broken tarmac, past the derelict skyscrapers. He thought for a moment before he realised where he was heading. He was going to the haven for the other humans. He'd been hiding out in a cabin in the forest when the nature versus human war had kicked off. He'd only intended on passing through the city, he didn't mean to stay more than a couple of weeks.
The other humans had all been so welcoming and helpful. They had helped him find food and good shelter. There were only 5 of them but they formed a close knit family. All of them had been so careful to show respect to nature and try to work with it rather than against it.
He settled himself down and made himself comfortable; he was sure this was just an odd dream now. He was half expecting everything to change and to find himself on the moon or some other such bizarre dream occurance.

** ** ** ** **

The fairy sat up a little taller as they came to the crumbling building where the humans had set up their living area. She fluttered her wings before slowly rising up and flying behind the human. She was very pleased to feel he offered her no resistance now.
She allowed the human to pause a moment as her eyes adjusted to the change in light. She flew down a little lower behind the human, she didn't wish the others to see her just yet. Using her magicks to manipulate him like a puppet she made him continue walking into the dark room. He almost tripped over some of the dusty old rubble laying on the floor as they moved through the first room.
She put a smile on the male human's face as they came into the second room. The other's turned from their make-shift meal formed from odd scraps of vegetation and berries they'd managed to find. They grinned and greeted him with excited faces "John, you're back!".
The fairy licked her lips, the cold sneer creeping back across her face. She would take great pleasure in this. The first of these humans made it far too easy. She came up to her puppet with a welcoming smile opening her arms to hug him tight to her. She made him reach up and grab her by her throat, gradually wrapping his fingers tighter.
She fought against him, trying hard to scream and hit him. The fairy giggled to herself as the other tried to wrench his fingers from it's tight grip digging ever deeper into her throat. It wasn't too long before she fell limp. He allowed her lifeless body to drop to the ground before turning to the next.

** ** ** **

He jumped up off his chair and began screaming at himself. What the hell was he doing!? He was killing his friends! He stood there within his own mind feeling completely helpless as he saw his own hands carefully breaking the people around him. They were screaming at him, how could he do this to them!? They had been so kind to him!
It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. His body looked around the room at the bodies strewn over the floor. The blood spattered on the walls and pooling around the broken bones. Their expressions still held some of the shock and fear from only moments ago when they had taken their last frightened breaths.
He found his throat was running dry where he had been screaming at himself to stop all this. This was such a twisted nightmare, he had to wake himself.

** ** ** ** **

The fairy grinned to herself giggling with glee as she looked around

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